Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

May 3, 2021 @ 4:30 p.m.




Selectman William I. Curless, Chair, opened the meeting at 4:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present at the meeting were William Curless, Chair; Dane Headley, Selectman; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.


The minutes from April 26, 2021 were approved as written.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Vendor Manifest:  $18,019.20

Payroll Manifest:   $11,213.70



The Board approved a building permit for Joshua Grover, 06-308-154, Village Road, for a chicken coop.



The Board issued a yield tax for NH Public Golf courses, 07-198-408, in the amount of $2,360.57.



Selectman Curless opened deliberations on the proposed Parking Ordinance.  Selectman Baker supported adopting the ordinance.    Selectman Baker pointed out that there was an old driveway across from the ballfield.  Selectman Baker suggested contacting the State to see if they would let the town section off a portion to create a walkers’ parking area.  Selectman Baker suggested donations for parking or an arrangement for the Town to enter into a monthly lease agreement.  Selectman Curless felt that it was worth pursuing that as part of an ongoing effort to identify suitable parking areas.  Selectman Baker said that at the next Conservation Commission meeting he would discuss creating a little parking area on the Stevens property which would be for Sutton residents.  Selectman Headley observed that there were no significant changes to the ordinance and that typographical errors were corrected.


Selectman Headley made a motion to adopt the ordinance as presented.  Selectman Baker seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.


Selectman Baker asked for an estimate of signage costs for the Budget Committee meeting scheduled for May 10, 2021.


The Board reviewed a draft RFP for the Grist Mill Bridge re-location.  A submission schedule for the RFP was discussed.  The Board agreed on May 31, 2021.  The bid will be advertised and disseminated to local contractors.


The Board received materials to review regarding the Septage Lagoon in preparation for their meeting with Peter Blakeman scheduled for May 10, 2021.  Selectman Baker agreed to perform a site visit to the lagoons prior to the meeting and will review operating procedures with staff.


The Board discussed various polices.  The town’s personnel policy has been sent to Town Counsel for review.  The Board will also review and update the town’s purchasing policy.



Selectman Curless observed that many business were no longer mandating masking and felt the Town should revisit their policy.   Selectman Curless identified several businesses that have opened up.  The Board agreed to poll town hall employees.


On behalf of the Board, Selectman Curless signed the 2021 Management Representation Letter for the audit.


The Board reviewed a request for abatement in the amount of $98.92 from Michael and Kathie Sweeny, Map 07-023-243.  The Board noted that the taxpayers have been in good standing.  However, that is not just cause for an abatement.  The request for an abatement was denied.


The Board issued a notice of zoning violation under RSA 236:111 and Article III, E of the Sutton Zoning Ordinance for Map 04-352-428.


The Board approved a request for annual leave for Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.


Selectman Headley reported on Planning Board activities.  The Planning Board was interested in the disposition of the hearse.  Selectman Baker suggested researching the specifications for a Hearse House so that the hearse is maintained in an environmentally managed manner.   This will likely require a warrant article for funding.  Selectman Baker was charged with performing the research about hearse houses.


Selectman Headley asked about fiber coverage for the Town.  Fiber coverage was extended for the pandemic and the Town is fully covered.


The Planning Board asked about the Land Use Change Tax (LUCT).  The Conservation Commission currently receives 100% of the LUCT.  Interest was expressed at the Planning Board meeting to reconsider  a percentage allocation.  This could be changed through a petitioned warrant article.  It was noted that there was an extensive administrative effort to assess the tax as well as an assessor’s fee associated with assessment.  The Board requested a breakdown of the administrative effort.  Selectman Baker will follow up with the Conservation Commission at their next regularly scheduled meeting.


The Planning Board asked whether there was a capital plan for scheduled  facility maintenance.  The Select Board is in the process of developing a facility maintenance plan.


The Planning Board has requested a copy of the Conservation Strategic Plan.  Phillips will follow up on this along with an open space plan.

The Board acknowledged Municipal Clerks Week from May 2-8, 2021 which was proclaimed by Governor Sununu.




Selectman Baker requested a list of towns within a 30-mile radius of Sutton for budgetary consideration as well as a wage analysis for the Highway Department based on current staffing.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:42 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator