Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

June 28, 2021 @ 4:30 p.m.


William I. Curless, Chair, opened the meeting at 4:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were William Curless, Chair; Dane Headley, Selectman; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Diego Solimine, Solid Waste Supervisor, Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair, and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.


At 5:00 p.m. Diego Solimine, Solid Waste Supervisor, met with the Board for a departmental update and to discuss issuing dump stickers.  Mr. Solimine noted that there are many new residents in town.  Mr. Solimine recommended issuing new dump stickers and sought feedback from the Board.  Mr. Solimine has discussed the matter with the Carol Merullo, Town Clerk, who has software that can track the stickers correlated to property addresses.  Mr. Solimine was proposing a slight charge to offset the cost of producing the stickers.

Selectman Curless suggested issuing the stickers yearly and felt that this could be combined with annual vehicle registrations.  Mr. Solimine recommended to keep the process as simple as possible.   Mr. Solimine emphasized the efficiency of linking the sticker to the address.

There was a discussion regarding whether a public hearing was necessary to implement a new fee.  It was noted that Chief Korbet has indicated that he was interested in revising special detail fees and that perhaps the two hearings could be combined.  The Board felt that valuable input could be gleaned from citizens during a public hearing.  Issuing resident and non-resident stickers and limitations for the number of stickers issued per household was also discussed.

Mr. Solimine discussed the impact of Covid on transfer station operations and procedures.  Mr. Solimine reviewed the costs and complications of recycling plastic and the importance of proper recycling of metal and glass.


Mr. Solimine discussed the cost for the stickers and encouraged the Board to implement a policy as soon as possible.  Selectman Curless reiterated that the Board will schedule a public hearing regarding the matter.


The minutes from June 21, 2021, were approved as written.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Vendor Manifest:   $18,278.30

Payroll Manifest:    $11,704.14



The Board approved the following building permits:

Chilin Associates, Map 07-030-513, Kearsarge Valley Road for a house.

Mo’s Revocable Trust, 08-884-433, Baker Hill Road for a garden outbuilding/shed.



The Board deferred action on the Municipal Solid Waste Agreement pending further information regarding the potential closure costs and to verify that the landfill is currently at the Phase II level.


The Board reviewed the NRRA Processed Glass Aggregate Member Agreement.  Diego Solimine, Solid Waste Supervisor, will follow up.


Selectman Headley reported on the property inspection that was conducted on the Perkins Property, Map 04-352-428.  Code Enforcement Officer Matthew Grimes, and Town Administrator Elly Phillips were present for the inspection on Wednesday, June 23, 2021.  Selectman Headley advised that the property owners were cooperating with the cleanup effort.  The owners have requested an extension to complete their clean up efforts.  The Board supported granting an extension provided that monthly inspections are conducted to monitor progress.   Selectman Headley made a motion to grant a two-month extension with monthly progress inspections.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.  Counsel will assist with drafting a letter to the owners outlining the conditions for the extension.  A Level 1Site Assessment will be required if deemed necessary upon completion of the cleanup.


Phillips reported on the Zoning Complaint on Map/Lot 05-420-452, Mastin Road. The property owner and tenant have responded to the complaint regarding 13 unregistered boats on the property.  The tenant has responded that his hobby is repairing boats and that he is restoring them for himself and family members.  Several of the boats have already been removed.  The Board will write to the owner and tenant explaining the zoning violation and potential consequences for violation.

The Board noted that the Horse Beach Boat Ramp has been repaired by the NH DOT.  The Select Board will issue a thank you letter to the State.

Selectman Baker is going to follow up with Jack Noon regarding necessary repairs to the Old Store Museum.

The Board discussed ARPA Funding and potential avenues for the town to qualify for funding.  The Town has not shown the required revenue loss required for broader infrastructure projects such as roadways.  Areas that were discussed were the septage lagoons, testing, and updating.  Currently, the lagoons are dormant until annual maintenance can be completed.


The Board discussed the Grist Mill Bridge Relocation which is scheduled for the end of August/September.  Phillips will coordinate with the consulting engineer.


The Board will schedule a meeting with Counsel to discuss ongoing legal matters.



The Board issued Form DRA PA 28 Inventory of Taxable Property Form for 2022.



The Board noted the following item of correspondence:

DTC regarding TDS cable agreement



The Board discussed the status of roof repairs.  The library has been completed.  Repairs to the Pillsbury Hall are ongoing.


The Board discussed the removal of the Meetinghouse Steeple.  Selectman Curless visited the site and reported on the condition of the steeple and joinery repairs.  Selectman Wright provided a report on the steeple removal which was a lovely event and well attended.


Selectman Baker discussed the low level of Kezar Lake.  There is sediment near the dam that needs to be removed.  Phillips will discuss the matter with the DES.


Selectman Curless provided a summary of highway department wages which was compiled by Adam Hurst at his request.  Selectman Curless advised that Jon Korbet was also providing such a list.  Selectman Curless felt that it was beneficial to see how Sutton compared to other towns.  Selectman Curless emphasized the importance of retaining the outstanding Sutton staff members and recruiting new employees.  The summaries will be provided to the Budget Committee for their salary review.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator