August 22, 2022 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board August 22, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m. Dane Headley, Selectman, opened the meeting at 5:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Dane Headley, Chair; Michael McManus, Selectman; Wally Baker, Jr., Selectman; Jonathan Korbet, Police Chief; Adam Hurst, Road Agent; Elizabeth Geraghty, Library Director; Nancy Glynn, Chair Library Trustees; Tracy Mingarelli, Library Trustee Recording Secretary; Catherine Paden, Library Trustee, Treasurer; Emily Cooper, Library Trustee, Nancy Heckel, Alternate Library Trustee; Tom Schamberg, State Representative; Wade Peters, Bruce Androphy, and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator. At 5:00 p.m. Jonathan Korbet, Police Chief, met with the Board to provide a departmental update and discuss the sale of town property. Chief Korbet advised the Board that the Police Department applied for the Local Equipment Matching Program (LEMP). Through that grant, the Department has acquired three AEDs to equip each cruiser. Prior to acquiring these units, the Department only had one AED that was shared among the three cruisers. The Department also purchased a speed sign. The Department was required to pay 10% of the costs which were funded through the Police Department’s operating budget. On July 12, Chief Korbet, Sergeant Crone, and Corporal Faria performed a walk through of the High School and Middle School and identified safety concerns that the department felt should be addressed by the District. Each principal and the District were advised of the department’s recommendations. The recommendations were well received. The District is applying for a school safety grant and will use the recommendations to support their application. The elementary school was also visited and reviewed. On July 22, 2022, the Special Operation Unit (SOU) conducted an area-wide training at the Middle School. Sergeant Crone is a SOU Negotiator and Chief Korbet and Corporal Faria are SOU Operators. The Department is preparing for school to start in the coming weeks. Chief Korbet advised that the Department’s firearms are 10-12 years old, and it is time to replace them. The Department would like to replace them with Sigsauers (Sigs) which they are familiar with. The Department visited the White Birch Armory to test and evaluate the equipment. They have chosen the Sig 320 for duty and the Sig 365 for off duty. The new weapons will have red dots and will require training and certification in their use. Chief Korbet recommended trading in 22 of the weapons in inventory to offset the cost of the new weapons and proposed that three rifles be sold. The total cost for the new weapons is $2,987. The Town would receive $1,800 in general fund revenue through the sale of the three rifles. Chief Korbet provided a breakdown of the trade-in values for the weapons. The total costs for the weapons with the trade-in and sale of town property would be $902. The complexities of a private sale of the firearms was discussed. Selectman McManus recommended trading in all of the weapons if possible. Chief Korbet agreed to explore that possibility. Selectman McManus moved to approve the acquisition and trade-in of the firearms. Selectman Baker seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. Selectman Headley asked about acquiring new cameras. Chief Korbet advised that the 2022 operating budget included funding for the cameras and that he was currently evaluating equipment. There was a discussion regarding acquisition of field cameras as well. Selectman Headley sought Chief Korbet’s opinion on the request for low salt application on a portion of Route 114. Chief Korbet said that he had no objection to the request and was willing to sign the letter of support. The letter of support will be circulated amongst the required signatories as follows: Select Board Chair; Police, Fire and Rescue Chiefs and the KRSD Superintendent. Selectman Headley and Selectman Baker inquired regarding the status of a School Resource Officer (SRO). Selectman Headley asked if the school was still interested in the position noting that Newport was interested in an SRO. Selectman Baker asked whether a citizen’s petition requesting funding for the position would be helpful, or alternatively funding for the Town for fulfilling those responsibilities. Chief Korbet responded that the District was not legally required to fund such a position. Selectman Korbet stressed the strong rapport the Department had established with the District. Chief Korbet felt that if a suitable candidate were recruited, the District would be willing to support the funding of the position. Selectman Headley acknowledged the difficulties associated with finding a qualified candidate. At 5:15 p.m. Selectman Headley opened the continued Public Hearing on No Through Trucking and Prohibited Trucking on Gile Pond Road pursuant to RSA 41:11 and RSA 47:17, VII and VII. Selectman Headley advised that the Board continued the meeting in order to obtain the Chief’s recommendations, as the chief was unable to attend the Public Hearing due to a conflict. Selectman Headley noted that it was recommended that signage be posted prior to entering Gile Pond Road and have signs on both ends. Selectman Headley asked whether or not enforcement of the ordinance would pose a challenge. Chief Korbet advised that the officers were familiar with size/weight of heavy trucks. Chief Korbet noted that the current ordinance has statutory deficiencies which is why Selectman Korbet provided the draft ordinance that is being proposed. Responsibility for issuing special permits was discussed. Selectman Headley asked if any members of the public wished to speak to the ordinance. Mr. Androphy reiterated some of the concerns that he had expressed at the public hearing. Chief Korbet recommended language for the enforcement clause to address repercussions for non-payment of the fines assessed and will provide language for the Board. Selectman McManus made a motion to adopt the ordinance with the amendment proposed by Chief Korbet. Selectman Baker seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. Selectman Headley asked Chief Korbet what the process was for obtaining a speed limit sign. Chief Korbet advised that a local ordinance and public hearing would be required to post the road lower than 35 mph. At 5:30 p.m. Selectman Headley opened the Joint Meeting of the Library Trustees and Select Board. Library Chair, Nancy Glynn, stated that the reason for the meeting was to start a conversation around the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding). Ms. Glynn said that the Trustees wanted to do everything that they can to ensure that communication between the Boards is open and transparent. Ms. Glynn said that a mutual understanding of the MOU is necessary. There is a lack of specifics in the language that makes sense to an extent; however, the boards need to ensure that there is a similar understanding of the agreement. Ms. Glynn felt that the existing MOU was good to build off of noting that as a working document, it will evolve over time. The Trustees were also seeking the Select Board’s thoughts and concerns regarding the MOU. Selectman Headley asked that the Trustees provide their suggestions to the Select Board so that they could evaluate them and discuss the agreement at a future meeting. Ms. Glynn advised that the trustees had concerns about the maintenance piece of the MOU noting that there has been a bit of disconnect between the Board as to what that piece would look like. Ms. Glynn discussed some confusion as to who was responsible for replacement of fixtures and plumbing issues. She noted that some issues take time and some issues need to be dealt with immediately. Selectman Headley requested that the TA provide a synopsis of recommendations from Town Counsel. Phillips recollected that the Attorneys indicated that there could be problems with differing priorities and that was the biggest hurdle with these types of agreements. Phillips noted that as the MOU was in the final stages, the parties were in a bit of a rush to adopt the agreement. As a result, the payment portion of the document was not well thought out and should be revisited. Rather than funding the library with a twenty five percent payment at the beginning of the year and a final payment soon after town meeting, funds should probably be transmitted three times a year. Phillips also said that there were some problems with transmittal of financial reporting and that the reporting could be structured so that the financials are submitted on a quarterly basis. Phillips suggested that the treasurer work with the finance office to review the type of information sought by the Select Board and Budget Committee. Ms. Heckel asked if the Town had completed the building audit. It was noted that the Board had not received a complete report regarding the library. However, the Board was planning to use ARPA funds to repair the slate roofs on both the library and the Pillsbury Memorial Hall. Ms. Geraghty recollected that during the inspection, concerns were raised regarding the furnace and oil tank as well as electrical and plumbing issues. In addition, a dehumidifier for the library was desirable. Selectman Headley said he thought that gray areas pertaining to the maintenance items could be worked out between the Boards. Ms. Geraghty emphasized that the goal was to work things out so that when there are transitions on the Boards responsibilities are clear. There was some discussion regarding a plumbing issue with the exterior spigot. For budgetary purposes, Selectman Headley suggested that the library obtain estimates for items that need addressing. It was recommended that the Trustees review MOUs from other towns and if they find one that addresses their needs, it could be used as a template and provided to Counsel for comment. Ms. Glynn emphasized that a identifying a process for accomplishing objectives was also important. It was noted that this is a good time to identify important repairs/infrastructure issues for budgetary purposes. In addition, it would be a good idea to include the Budget Chair/Committee in the open communication channels. Selectman Headley felt that agreement was similar to a commercial lease contract. Selectman Headley added that in those cases anything that you want to do for improvement that is not necessary, then it is on you. However, if you have a broken pipe or a broken water heater you would call the landlord. Ms. Geraghty brought up the matter of ADA compliance and how that affected the planning process. A discussion regarding ADA compliance ensued. Selectman Headley reviewed the challenges of budgeting for an old building. Ms. Glynn reiterated the Trustees interest in the building assessment report. Ms. Glynn discussed issues regarding disbursement of funding. Phillips provided the reasoning behind the proposed delay in disbursement which was so that the appropriation could be approved by the Select Board. The Board was interested in obtaining the financial reports specified in the MOU. Ms. Geraghty explained that the Library was not alerted to the fact that the Board wanted this information. Ms. Geraghty said that the format for submitting the financials needs to be clear. Selectman Headley agreed that it has to be spelled out and that it would be extremely helpful to have the Budget Chair or Vice Chair get together for clarification. Ms. Glynn said that she had met with the Budget Chair and that he had attended a Trustee meeting. Ms. Glynn expounded upon the communication problem and encouraged working together to resolve it for the future. Ms. Glynn reported that the way the library was currently reporting their financials was much more transparent and Mr. DeFelice, Budget Chair approved of the format. Selectman Headley said that the Select Board would review the MOU and the library should submit their proposed revisions. Selectman Baker asked about the library’s plan to paint the Storywalk posts black. Ms. Geraghty responded that the posts are pressure treated and need to be weathered for a year, and it has not yet been a year. Adam Hurst, Road Agent met with Board to discuss compensation of a public employee and other departmental matters. At 6:08 p.m. Selectman McManus made a motion to enter into non-public session under RSA-91-A:3,II(a) compensation of a public employee. Selectman Baker seconded the motion. The Board was polled with Selectmen Headley, Baker and McManus voting in the affirmative. Public session reconvened at 6:18 p.m. The minutes were not sealed. Mr. Hurst discussed the Shaker Road project. The Highway Department is adding materials to the road and anticipates that will be completed this week. Mr. Hurst advised that ground glass is being mixed with the reclaimed material. The donation of this glass by the Town of New London and the use of reclaimed material purchased from the State has helped to reduce the cost of the project. Travelers down Shaker Road may notice a shimmer to the road. The glass is very finally ground and is not sharp. The road will receive additional grading and compaction. The final step will be paving. Shaker Road will be one lane during the paving. The Board discussed a one-time payment in the amount of $95,562.42 which can be used to supplement municipal budgeted funds to repair and maintain Class IV and V roads or acquire the equipment necessary to maintain these road. In addition, there will be a one-time appropriation in the amount of $64,812 for providing services that repair, maintain, and construct municipal bridges. Selectman McManus advised that the grant is in addition to the annual highway block grant appropriation. The Board asked Mr. Hurst to make recommendations for the use of these funds. Mr. Hurst discussed beaver problems near Kezar Lake. Mr. Hurst obtained a list of trappers from Fish and Game. Mr. Hurst will abide by the notification and permission process for trapping beavers. Mr. Hurst said that there is also a beaver problem on North Road. The Board reviewed the minutes from August 15, 2022. Selectman Headley suggested that for clarification, the word federal be added prior to the word funds in the second to the last line of the second to the last paragraph on page 3. Selectman Baker moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Selectman McManus seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests: Vendor Manifest: $28,179.68 Payroll Manifest: $15,014.94 BUILDING PERMITS: The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits: Richard & Susan Webb, 09-840-109, Route 114, for an in-ground swimming pool. Jacob & Lindsey Boisvert, 04-862-599, Sap House Road, for a dwelling. Jason Flack, 10-224-044, Hominy Pot Road, for a pole barn. OLD BUSINESS: The Board confirmed availability on Wednesday 8/31/2022 at 5:00 p.m. for an appointment with Karen & Stefan Timbrell, Map 10-480-287, and John Hatfield, Assessor regarding their 2021 Tax Appeal Phillips was asked to follow up on engineering estimates/project costs for the Horse Beach Parking Area. Selectman Baker discussed historical documentation regarding maintenance of Horse Beach. The Board discussed easements that the Town holds to access the King Hill Reservation. Selectman Baker is researching the matter and will follow up with the Conservation Commission. NEW BUSINESS: The Board issued the following Land Use Change Taxes: Mark and Ellen Gaddis, 07-030-542, in the amount of $7,100. Chilin, 07-030-525 in the amount of $6,750. The Board received a proposal for roof repairs and maintenance for the Pillsbury Memorial Hall and Sutton Free Library from GDC Slate and Copper. The proposal is under review by Town Counsel and Primex (liability insurance). REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: The Board received correspondence from Judith Houston, Permitting & Enforcement Engineer for the NHDES Residuals Management Section regarding the septage lagoons. The Board will consider options for the lagoons. Respectfully submitted, Elly Phillips Town Administrator