Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

September 7, 2021 @ 4:00 p.m.



Selectman William I. Curless, Chair, opened the meeting at 4:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present at the meeting were William Curless, Chair and Dane Headley, Selectman; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Yvonne Howard, Town Clerk/Tax Collector; Adam Hurst, Road Agent, John Jones and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.




Selectman Curless administered the Oath of Office for Yvonne Howard as Town Clerk/Tax Collector for a term until March 2022.   The Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s office will be open:  Mondays:  9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Tuesdays and Wednesdays 8 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and the last Saturday of the month from 9 a.m. – Noon.

The Board met with Adam Hurst, Road Agent.  Mr. Hurst advised that paving activities were ongoing on Roby Road.  At 4:15 p.m. Selectman Baker made a motion to enter into non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3,II(a) dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee.  Selectman Headley seconded the motion.  The Board was polled with Selectmen Curless, Headley and Baker voting in the affirmative.  Public Session resumed at 4:37 p.m.  Selectman Headley made a motion to seal the minutes as they pertained to personnel.  Selectman Baker seconded the motion.  The Board was polled with Selectman Curless, Selectman Headley and Selectman Baker voting in the affirmative.

The Board asked for feedback from Mr. Hurst regarding John Jones’ request to install Children at Play signs on Corporation Hill.  Selectman Curless read Mr. Jones request for a meeting into the record.  “Four families at top  of Corporation Hill Road would like to see two ‘Go Slow Children at Play’ signs installed.  One going one way, one going the other. . .”  Mr. Hurst provided reasoning as to why these signs are not used anymore:  The Children at play sign has little effect on driver behavior.  Signs give parents and children a false sense of security.  The “Children at Play” signs are not recognized in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.  Sutton removed all Children at Play signs in2006 or 2007 for these reasons and have not installed them since that time.  Mr. Hurst said it would be okay for the citizens to install signs on their property, but they should review the location with him and get approval to ensure that they were not placed in the right-of-way.


At 4:55 p.m. Selectman Curless made a motion to enter into nonpublic session under RSA 91-A:3,II(c) matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this board.  Selectman Headley seconded the motion.  The Board was polled with Selectmen Curless, Selectman Headley and Selectman Baker voting in the affirmative.  Public session resumed at 5:14 p.m.  Selectman Curless made a motion to seal the minutes as matters discussed might adversely affect the reputation of any person not a member of this Board.   Selectman Baker seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.




At 5:15 p.m. John Jones met with the Board to request the installation of Children at Play signs in two locations on Corporation Road.   Mr. Jones provided the Board with a map and letters from Ben Prime and Evan and Jill Rosenthal in support of this request.  Mr. Jones advised that he and his wife, Alison, as well As  Mr. Jack Dyer were also in support of installation of the Children At Play signs.


Mr. Jones stated that traffic has increased 12-fold on Corporation Hill.   Mr. Jones informed the Board that the children liked to bicycle or tricycle on the road.  Mr. Jones said that the 25-mph signs worked pretty well, but there are still speeders.  Selectman Baker asked if there were specific times of concern, adding that the Police Department could do some directed patrols.  Mr. Jones indicated that people often sped during commuter hours but that there really isn’t a good place for the police to park on the hill for directed patrols.  On weekends and in the summertime, traffic is heavy with people traveling to Kezar Lake.


Selectman Curless advised that these signs are not a standard traffic control sign, and that the signs tended to be ineffective and give parents and children a false sense of security.  Selectman Curless said that the Board had discussed the matter with the Road Agent who has no problem with private signage provided citizens discussed the location  of the signs prior to installing them (not in the right-of-way) and adhering to sign size regulations.


Mr. Jones expressed strong disagreement regarding the assertion that the signs didn’t work.  Mr. Jones said that this should be a slam duck decision because it makes perfect sense.  Mr. Jones cited an incident whereby one of his neighbors had to yank a child out of the road due to oncoming traffic.    Mr. Jones felt that the Board should be interested in pedestrian safety.  Phillips suggested that the matter should be discussed with the Police Chief and that generally the Town conducts public hearing in conjunction with the installation of signs.


Selectman Curless raised parental responsibility for keeping children out of the road.   Mr. Jones felt that it was the town’s responsibility to cover the costs for signs.


Selectman Baker suggested reviewing the matter with the Police Chief and Road Agent.  Mr. Jones expressed his disappointment in the Board’s response, adding that this is just common sense and the obligation of the Town to install these signs.  Mr. Jones was provided with materials pertaining to Children at Play signs.   The Board thanked Mr. Jones for sharing his concerns.


The minutes from August 30, 2021, were approved as written.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

                Vendor Manifest:  $ 129,750.37

Payroll Manifest:   $     9,721.34



The Board reviewed and approved the following Building Permits:

Matt Lagos, 08-899-557, Baker Hill Road, for a hot tub on existing slab.

Andrew & Heather Sideman, Map 08-155-160, Penacook Road for an addition, variance for wetlands setback attached.



The Board discussed the Mask Policy at the town office.  The staff was unanimous in requesting that masks be required.  Selectman Curless summarized what the Town has done to date in response to the pandemic such as installing a filtration system  that eliminates air borne viruses; installing plastic barriers in public facing offices; and that personnel and Select Board members have been vaccinated.  Selectman Curless felt that it was premature to have mask mandates at this time.   Selectman Curless said that this decision should be made by the Governor and his office.    Selectman Curless emphasized that we work for the townspeople adding that he felt uncomfortable telling someone what to do and mandating something that take people’s rights away.


Selectman Headley felt that wearing a mask was not burdensome and expressed a desire to support the staff’s request to require masks.  Phillips observed that many towns are requiring masks and that statistics indicate that Sutton has a high rate of unvaccinated citizens.   Selectman Headley made a motion to mandate masks in the Town Hall until further notice.


Selectman Baker said it didn’t bother him either way.  Selectman Baker seconded the motion.  The motion passed 2-1.


The Board reviewed the Parking Design and Cost Estimate for the Grist Mill parking area, which was provided by Mike Vignale, P.E.   The Board will need to obtain estimates for lighting and the granite/chain fencing.   Selectman Curless discussed the process for obtaining estimates for a 2022 Warrant Article.  Selectman Curless will follow up on electrical estimates.  Photocell lighting was discussed.  Lighting will be required at the entrance and the exit.  Selectman Baker felt that there should be three lights on each side.  The Grist Mill telephone pole might be utilized with for an additional streetlight from Affinity Lighting.


The Board discussed Tax Deeded Properties.  Town Counsel is preparing eviction notices.  Repurchase options were discussed.



Selectman Curless expressed concern regarding scheduling conflicts with the Budget Committee on Monday nights and noted correspondence from Bob Wright regarding this matter and employee salaries.


The Board discussed staffing in the Town Clerk’s office.  The Board considered appointing Phillips as a Municipal Agent to support the Clerk’s Office as needed during regular business hours.  Certification is required due to privacy laws.  The DMV has been consulted and this would not be a conflict of office.    The Board executed a request for appointment as a motor vehicle clerk for Ms. Phillips


The Board received August Budget Reports for review at next meeting



Selectman Baker reported on the Budget Meeting that was conducted on August 30, 2021.  The Budget Committee expressed their concerns regarding salary line items.  The Budget Committee and the Select Board have differences of opinions on giving COLA increases.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator