Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

October 4, 2021 @ 4:30 p.m.



Selectman William I. Curless, Chair, opened the meeting at 4:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present at the meeting were William Curless, Chair; Dane Headley, Selectman and Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Adam Hurst, Road Agent; and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.



At 5:00 p.m.  Adam Hurst, Road Agent, met with the Board to review the Highway Department’s proposed 2022 Budget.  Mr. Hurst reported on the budget on a line item basis.


An 8.5% wage adjustment  was proposed for full-time wages based on salary study of neighboring towns.  Mr. Hurst based his recommendation by determining an average from the bordering towns.  Mr. Hurst advised that recruiting has been difficult due to the fact that Sutton’s starting wages are lower than other towns.


Overtime wages were based on an average over the previous 4 years.  Mr. Hurst advised that cleaning services have been outsourced to a company due to the difficulty in recruiting for a janitorial staff person.  This has been working well.


Telephone was based on actual.


Uniform expense was reduced by $1,000 and based on actual cost.  There may be a price change at the beginning of the year and the amount may need to be revised accordingly.


Mr. Hurst explained that the professional services line item was for subcontractors.   The radio line item was increased by $200.00 to reflect the cost to replace one radio.


Electricity was kept the same.  Heating oil was reduced by $1,000.  The line item for building repairs and maintenance remained level.  Mr. Hurst advised that the facility had septic problems this year that were funded through the Buildings Capital Reserve.


The Board discussed the fuel line item noting that an increase might be required for fuel based on current costs.


The remainder of the line items were level funded; with the exception of Sand and Salt which was reduced by $5,000 based on projected costs and the mixing of products.  Mr. Hurst advised that the price of salt has gone up by $22.50/ton but based on the material’s mixing process, Mr. Hurst felt comfortable reducing that line item.   Calcium Chloride was reduced by $5,000.  Mr. Hurst has inventory available because of the amount of rain this year, calcium applications were limited.


Overall Mr. Hurst’s proposed 2022 budget reflected a 3% increase.


Bridge expenses remained level.  Mr. Hurst reviewed his capital recommendations which were based on the CIP.  The Blacktop was increased $50,000 based on the schedule.  Mr. Baker advised that the Budget Committee was looking at pushing out the expenditures by one year in order to offset other expenses.  Mr. Hurst is reviewing capital expenses and depreciation schedules for equipment.


Mr. Hurst discussed the Grist Mill Pedestrian Bridge relocation.  Site preparation, logistics and storage of the bridge were discussed.  Selectman Curless will follow up with Hansen Construction.  Mr. Hurst will install weight blocks or barriers once the bridge is removed.


The minutes from September 27, 2021, were approved as written.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Vendor Manifest:  $8,492.67

Payroll Manifest:   $9,570.11


The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

Doug and Linda Haskell, 03-998-093, Roby Road, for a garage and addition.

Roger and Joan Rodewald, Map 04-271-338, Rte 114 for demolition.


The Board issued an intent to cut for Woodlot and Grange, LLC, 01-338-510 and 03-406-095 for 60 acres out of 238.1



At 4:42 p.m. Selectman Curless made a motion to enter into Non Public under RSA 91-A:3, lI(e) Consideration or negotiation of pending claims or litigation which has been threatened in writing or filed by or against this board or any subdivision thereof, or by or against any member thereof because of his or her membership therein, until the claim or litigation has been fully adjudicated or otherwise settled.  Selectman Headley seconded the motion.  The Board was polled with Selectman Curless, Headley and Baker voting in the affirmative.   Public session reconvened at 4:49 p.m.

Selectman Baker made a motion to seal the minutes pending full adjudication or settlement of the legal matter.  Selectman Headley seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.


The Board approved an Appointment Letter for  Yvonne Howard as Municipal Agent for the Town of Sutton.


The Board was advised that the Town Clerk’s office will be closed on October 20, 2021, for training.


The Board received September Expenditure Reports for review at a future meeting.



The Board noted the following items of correspondence:

Notification of 2021 County Tax:  $768,912

NH Community Rights Network



Selectman Curless recommended that the Board determine an amount for raises and provided the example of using a 1% increase of the gross salary and to fund the salary contingency line item with that amount and to fund the entitlements based on that amount.   Selectman Curless felt that it would be a motivating factor for employees to know that funds were available for merit increases based on successful performance evaluations.   The Board agreed to revisit the matter in mid-November.  The Board discussed projected COLAs for 2022 noting that a 6% increase is projected at this time.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator