Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

November 4, 2019 @ 4:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Dane Headley, Chair.  Present at the meeting were:  Dane Headley, Chair; Robert Wright, Jr., Selectman; William I. Curless, Selectman; Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair; Elizabeth Geraghty, Librarian; Betsy Anderson, Library Trustee; also in attendance were Jennifer Call, Nancy Brook-Heckel, Diane Lander, Diane O’Neil, Yvonne Howard, Library Trustees;  Alison Jones, Overseer of Welfare; Gail Guertin, Budget Committee Member and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.


The minutes from October 28, 2019 were approved as written.



At 4:30 p.m. the Board met with Elizabeth Geraghty, Librarian, and Betsy Anderson, Library Trustee, to review the library’s 2020 proposed budget.   The Board expressed appreciation for the handouts provided by the library.  Ms. Anderson thanked the Select Board for their support.   Ms. Anderson stated that the 2020 library appropriation request was arrived at through an extensive amount of research and thoughtful discussion.  The proposed budget was based on the needs of the library going forward.  The library anticipates continued growth and acknowledges the need to improve and expand the libraries offerings.   Ms. Anderson stated that Sutton patrons make use of the library through its circulation materials, programming, meeting space and as a community meeting space.  The Board noted the increase in patron’s visits and circulation of materials.  Ms. Geraghty discussed the revitalization of the library over the years acknowledging Ms. Thoma’s programming and marketing efforts. 

Selectman Wright cited statistics provided by the library showing that there were 189 visits in 1989, whereas, there were 3,776 visits documented in 2018.  Circulation growth climbed from 2,273 in 2013 to 7,384 in 2018.  Ms. Geraghty explained that circulation materials were comprised of books, periodicals, e-books, audio-books, DVD’s etc.  The proposed operating budget for 2020 $61,011.  The 2019 library operating budget was $45,446.  The biggest line item increase is for salaries and books and media.  There will not be an increase in open hours or staff.  The increase is primarily for administrative efforts which have grown exponentially with the increase in library usage.  The additional time is for administrative tasks that cannot be accomplished during open hours. 

Selectman Curless asked whether there was a dramatic increase in the use of e-books.  Ms. Geraghty responded in the affirmative noting that was one of the reasons NH Library consortium fees have increased.  Ms. Geraghty offered to provide the board with specific statistics on e-book usage.  Ms. Geraghty explained inter-library loan services in response to questions from Selectman Wright.  Selectman Wright emphasized the 2020 budget committee’s focus on needs vs. wants and asked whether the 2020 request was predominantly for needs or wants.  Ms. Geraghty advised that these were baseline needs of the library.  Ms. Anderson provided statistics based on CPI from the labor bureau noting that the line item for books was the same in 1985 as it was in 2019.  However, you would have to spend almost $8,000 for books and media in 2019 that you would have purchased for $3,350 for in 1985.

The custodial line item was discussed.  It was noted that the custodial line item previously was used for interior and exterior use.  The library was separating that into two line items for better transparency.   Information on Warrant Articles will be provided after the November Trustees meeting.   It was noted that the Library RFP has been prepared for distribution.  Selectman Curless will be attending the site meeting on 11/19 on behalf of the Board.  The RFP’s will be opened on 12/16.  The project was advertised in the Intertown Record and Concord Monitor. 

Alison Jones, Welfare Overseer met with the Board to review the 2020 Welfare Budget.  There are no proposed changes to the budget this year.  Ms. Jones supported the request from CAP of $2,900 noting that they work very hard for the town providing services such as  the food pantry, wood, electric and fuel assistance, and ‘Meals On Wheels’.  Ms. Jones discussed other agencies that the town utilizes to offset potential expenses such as: KREM, the  Wood Ministries, Trinity Baptist Church the First Baptist Church and Loaves and Fishes.  Ms. Jones stated that her job is to connect people to resources including the State.  Ms. Jones underscored the fact that the Town is a port of last resort.  If an individual is not eligible for other resources, the Town will step in.  Ms. Jones advised that were it not for outside agency assistance this year, the Town would have used up its entire 2019 budget and then some.  Ms. Jones recommended keeping the operating budget for Welfare level funded for 2020. 

The capital reserve fund was discussed.  Mr. DeFelice explained the function of the capital reserve which will be increased by $5,000 annually until it reaches $30,000.  When the Capital Reserve reaches a suitable level, consideration will be given to reducing the operating budget.  No cuts are anticipated until there are sufficient capital reserves.  Welfare assistance is mandatory, and the capital reserve was established to ensure that the town can meet unanticipated major claims. 

Selectman Wright commended the effectiveness of the Welfare Department and attributed the Department’s success to  Ms. Jones’ efforts at finding resources and participating in training.  Mr. Jones mentioned that burials were a challenging problem for communities.  Sutton has an established allotment and has plans should the need for burial assistance arise.  Ms. Jones emphasized that the Town cannot provide aid to a client, unless an application is completed.  The Town can assist with the filing of applications should the need arise or coordinate with mentors through other agencies such as KREM. 



The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

PAYROLL MANIFEST:      $ 10,440.96

VENDOR MANIFEST:       $26,967.28


The Board reviewed and approved a building permit for Nancy Evans, 04-252-259, Roby Road, for a home.


The Board approved an intent to cut for Leonard Caron, Baker Road, 09-040-226 for 25 acres out of 150.


The Board received the court’s decision on the Stotler property.   The erection of the non-permitted stockade-type fence on the Stotler property was briefly discussed. 

Follow up on 2020 Budgetary Items:

Mr. DeFelice has research on the Conservation Commission Fund and permitted uses for the fund.   It appears it can be used for projects as well as land acquisition.   His research will  be reviewed with Counsel and revisited at a future meeting.  In response to a question regarding whether 2019 Planning and Zoning surplus funding could be encumbered to cover the cost for the  Master Plan, counsel has responded in the Funding in the affirmative as the professional line item included anticipated costs for this project.  Mr. DeFelice’s concerns regarding transparency were discussed.  The need for master planning was discussed but it would alleviate the need for an additional appropriation in 2020 through the use of surplus that was created through staffing deficiencies in 2019.   Use of 2019 funds to acquire a  Ballot Counting Machine.  The Board and Budget Committee Chair verified that this would be a Warrant Article for 2020 especially in view of reoccurring costs such as programming.  It was also the sense that a ballot counting machine was something that should be decided by the voters.

Phillips reported that she and Adam Hurst, Road Agent, met with Sharon Kenrick and Edwin Fowler to view conditions on Andrews Avenue.  Mr. Hurst is going to adjust the crown a bit but won’t be removing materials from the road base. Hurst and Phillips also visited Rowell Hill.   The Hebert’s have placed some delineator posts  in the right-of-way that will interfere with winter maintenance.  Phillips will follow up.

The Board reviewed the October Budget Reports.

Selectman Headley reported the 26 Grist Mill Street was getting estimates on potential costs for the parking area prior to the scheduled public meeting on 11/21/2019 at 7:00 p.m.


At 4:02 p.m. Selectman Wright made a motion to enter into Non Public Session RSA 91-A:3, ll(b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.  Selectman Curless seconded the motion.  The Board was polled with Selectman Headley, Selectman Wright and Selectman Curless voting in the affirmative.  Public Session resumed at 4:16.  The minutes were not sealed.  In non-public session, Yvonne Howard was selected for the Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector at a pay rate of $15.00/hr. with a six month review. 


The Board issued correspondence to Gardner Warr, DES, to forward a citizen complaint.

The Board agreed to schedule a meeting to adopt the hazard mitigation plan on November 18, 2019 at 4:00 p.m.

The Board scheduled a six- month review for Adam Hurst, Road Agent November 18, 2019 at 4:30.


The Board discussed an Email they had received regarding  the lettering on the new cruiser from Melissa Laverack.   The Board noted that the type of lettering was approved and used on State Police Vehicles and the type of lettering on the cruisers was under the purview of the Police Department.  Ms. Laverick will be invited to attend a future meeting of the Board if she wants further explanation.


Selectman Headley discussed general matters under RSA 91-A regarding Attorney Client privileges.



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elly Phillips

Town Administrator