November 9, 2020 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board November 9, 2020 @ 4:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Robert Wright Jr., Chair. Selectman Wright read the follow announcement into the record: Due to the COVID 19/Coronavirus Pandemic and in accordance with Governor Sununu’s Emergency Order #12, pursuant to Executive Order 2020-04, this Board is authorized to meet electronically. The public has access to contemporaneously listen and participate in this meeting by telephone by calling 978-990-5000 and entering access code 112820. Present at the meeting were Robert Wright, Jr., Chair; William I. Curless, Selectman; Dane Headley, Selectman; Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair; Henry Howell, Conservation Commission, Co-Chair; and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator. Attending through teleconference were: Yvonne Howard, Library Trustee; and Deborah Lang, Conservation Commission Member. The minutes from November 4, 2020 were approved as corrected. APPOINTMENTS: At 4:15 p.m. Henry Howell, Co-Chair of the Conservation Commission met with the Board to review the Conservation Commission’s proposed 2021 Budget. Mr. Howell expressed well wishes for Don Davis, Conservation Commission Member. Mr. Howell commented on the large amount of work that was done by the Commission this year and expressed kudos to all the volunteers who assisted in these efforts. Mr. Howell observed that the activity on the trails has doubled as a result of COVID and advised that people are making good use of the trails which provide a vital outlet in this time of crisis. The Commission is focusing on promotion of trails and making them user friendly and enjoyable. The Commission’s trail mission is to provide recreational and educational opportunities and promote preservation of the natural environment. Special projects this year included improvements of the Hominy Pot parking area. In the coming year, plans for special projects are for signage for trail education and kiosk map printing. Chuck Bolduc, Commission Member, is working with high school students to develop contour/detailed trail maps. The maps will be of the Webb/Crowell, Enroth/Lefferts, King Hill Reservation, Bean Quarry. There was a lengthy discussion regarding no hunting signage. It was noted that hunting was permitted on the King Ridge Reservation as part of the easement. The Commission is working with abutters on marking the boundaries and will be meeting with the Association later this month at which time he will discuss signage. A future goal of the Commission is to construct a parking area on the Enroth/Lefferts property. A high priority for the Commission is to demolish the King Ridge old pump house. Funding may be available from the Town Building Capital Reserve for this purpose. Selectman Wright expressed concerns regarding the 2021 tax year due to the pandemic. Phillips emphasized the need not to defer maintenance especially on items that pose a potential liability. Mr. Howell stated that the priority items for 2021 were signage, map printing, upgrade of Maple Leaf parking area, and demolition of the old pump house on King Ridge. There was a lengthy discussion regarding material costs. Mr. Howell is interested in writing a grant to fund some items on the wish list. Mr. DeFelice encouraged quarterly meetings between the Select Board and the Conservation Commission. It was noted that Walter Baker, Conservation Commission Co-Chair has been meeting with the Board on a regular basis but that more detailed meetings regarding funding might be beneficial. The Commission is seeking level funding for the 2021 tax year. Mr. Howell will attend the Budget Meeting via teleconference. Mr. DeFelice will assist with the Commission with the Budget Committee’s presentation. Elly Phillips presented the Planning/Zoning 2021 Budget request of $34,634. Planning/Zoning is proposing a reduction of $4,800 from the approved for 2020 Planning/Zoning Budget. Reductions were proposed for the following line items: 4191-101 Planning and Zoning Administrator ($2,200) increases in subdivisions are anticipated for 2021 4191-102 Professional Services ($1,000) there is a revenue offset for this expenditure 4191-464 Computer ($500) for printer replacement if necessary 4191-560 Dues/Conf/Publications ($250) Not as many conferences due to COVID 4191-555 Notices ($500) Based on projected hearings 4191-620 Office Supplies ($200) Using up inventory 4191-631 Mileage ($150) Reduced due to COVID-19 The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests: PAYROLL MANIFEST: $ 15,757.19 VENDOR MANIFEST: $69,291.72 The Board approved the following building permit for Erica Walker, 07-905-385, Route 114, for a shed. OLD BUSINESS: The Board deferred action on the Solid Waste Facility Septage Lagoons pending further information. Action was deferred on Personnel Administration/Benefits matters pending further information. Town Hall Roof Repairs are scheduled within the next couple of weeks. If the repairs are not completed the Town will request a refund of their deposit. Funding is available from the Building Capital Reserve Fund. Mr. Stotler has advised that he is making progress on his clean up efforts. A follow up inspection will be scheduled for the coming weeks. The Warrant Article for cleanup will likely need to be encumbered to 2021. NEW BUSINESS: The Board received the October 2020 Expenditure Reports for review at their next meeting. The Board discussed cost saving measures for 2021. Selectman Curless recommended a percentage reduction for 2021. Phillips noted that in many instances it is impossible to make percentage reductions when fixed costs have increased. In addition, departments put off some needed expenditures in order to meet the Select Board’s cost savings measures. Mr. DeFelice observed that the Town could look at potential budget freezes in June at which point the Board will have a better picture of the economic climate. Selectman Curless expressed concerns for the economy in 2021, noting that materials prices were going up, and he suspected construction activities will be going down. Selectman Headley noted that this trending would be in keeping with historic trends. Selectman Curless made a motion to approve the tax rate of $24.87. Selectman Headley seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. The Board will sign the Warrant on Tuesday, November 10, 2020. The 2020 tax rate of $24.87 breakdown follows: Municipal $ 7.21 County $ 2.52 Local Education $13.28 State Education $ 1.86 The Board used $419,914 in fund balance to offset the tax rate which resulted in a 7.72% retainage. The Board executed a Civil Forfeiture Warrant for unlicensed dogs. PUBLIC INPUT: Mr. DeFelice advised that the School Board reviewed plans for a proposed STEAM/STEM addition for the high school. The addition has been discussed a number of times by the Board. KRSD is looking at the project for 2022. The Mr. DeFelice informed the Select Board that the Deliberative Session for the KRSD Budget will be conducted on 12/9 in the gymnasium which will facilitate social distancing. The Board noted that the District has approved use of the auditorium for the Sutton Annual Meeting. Mr. DeFelice informed the Board that the District will not be pursuing a pump station for the propane buses. Irving will be providing the Station. Selectman Wright discussed the process for overview of this project. Selectman Curless expressed concerns regarding the safety of propane buses, noting that this was not presented to the voters. Selectman Wright stated that this goes back to the SB-2 method of meeting. NON PUBLIC SESSION At 5:52 p.m. Selectman Headley requested that the Board enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, II (d) Consideration of the acquisition, sale or lease of real or personal property which, if discussed in public, would likely benefit a party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community. Without objection, Selectman Wright granted that request. The Board was polled with Selectman Wright, Selectman Curless and Selectman Headley voting in the affirmative. Public session resumed at 5:35 p.m. Selectman Headley made a motion to seal the minutes as it was determined the divulgence of this information would likely render an action ineffective, Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous affirmative vote. There being no further business. The meeting was adjourned at 5:36 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elly Phillips Town Administrator