April 11, 2022 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board April 11, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m. Dane Headley, Selectman, opened the meeting at 5:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Dane Headley, Chair; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Michael McManus, Selectman; Jonathan Korbet, Police Chief; Valerie Crone, Police Sergeant, Kevin Faria, Police Corporal; Jennifer Rowe, Administrative Assistant, Police Department; Adam Hurst, Road Agent; Henry Howell, Conservation Commission Chair; Deborah Lang, Conservation Commission Member; Bruce Ellsworth, Blaisdell Lake Protective Association (BLPA); William Curless and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator. APPOINTMENTS: At 5:15 p.m. Selectman Headley administered the Oath of Office, to Kevin Faria, as Police Corporal. Police Chief Jonathan Korbet, Sergeant Valerie Crone, Jennifer Rowe, Administrative Assistant, and William Curless were present for the occasion. Selectman Headley congratulated Corporal Faria for the appointment and welcomed him to the staff. At 5:45 p.m., Henry Howell, Conservation Commission Chair, Deb Lang, Conservation Commission Member and Bruce Ellsworth, BLPA met with the Board to discuss DOT Salt Application in the vicinity of Blaisdell Lake. Mr. Howell advised that the Commission has concerns about the salting of the roads especially within the vicinity of a wetlands or waterbody. In particular Blaisdell Lake and Russell Pond are an area of concern. Mr. Howell explained that in order to do something about it, the various town entities have to approve it for a low salt designation. It the recommendation get submitted to the State. The State will make the final determination as to whether or not the area will get approved for low salt application. The Board was provided with detailed handouts explaining the concerns and the process for designating a section of Route 114 from Watkins Avenue north to Jolly Farm Road as a Low Salt area. The section of roadway is designated as a Class 4 roadway with less than 2500 average daily trips (ADP). In order to begin the designation as a “low salt roadway,” municipal officials including the Selectmen, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Rescue Chief and Superintendent of the Schools, must send a written request to establish low salt section. In low salt sections, snow will be plowed during the storm to attempt to keep the roads open to traffic. Salt will, in most cases, be used only at the beginning and/or end of the storm. During the course of the storm the typical plowing frequency will be approximately 2 ½ hours with an average accumulation of 2 ½” resulting. Based on a typical 1” per hour storm event, the maximum accumulation goal will be approximately 5 inches. The suggested maximum travel speed during the storm for Type 4 roads is 30 mph. Deb Lang, credited Steve Domber, BLPA Vice President with the informative handout provided to the Board. Ms. Lang advised that the salt situation at Blaisdell Lake is not critical but has been worsening. The BLTA would like to address the problem before it gets worse. The BLPA is pairing up with the Sutton Conservation Commission to propose designation of a low salt area. Ms. Lang gave examples of roads that have received this designation as follows: 103A in NL (exit 12 to Columbus Ave.) Little Lake Sunapee Road 114 from Lake Sunapee to center of New London 114 Springfield Bowmen Rd North to Four Corners Rd This information regarding these roadways was provided by BLPA member, Jennifer McCourt. Selectman Baker asked for a report of the salt levels of Blaisdell Lake. Ms. Lang referred to the data provided and reiterated that the levels are not critical, but they are worsening. Chief Korbet expressed concern regarding that stretch of road noting that there is a risk of accidents. Selectman McManus discussed the salting protocols for the State, noting that the drivers have to use their judgement regarding the application of salt. Selectman Headley asked whether the designation of low salt means that the area gets less salt. Selectman McManus advised that it depends on the storm. If it is an ice storm, they will get the same amount. Selectman McManus discussed the topography of the stretch in question beginning at the corner by Russell Pond. The Road goes downhill and across straight, and then you go uphill and across a rise and then you drop down around a corner into Blaisdell and then you go up the hill. Chief Korbet said that he was involved in an accident in that area where the motorist just couldn’t stop. Chief Korbet said that he was not against it, but he does have concerns about that section of road with all its turns and hills. Selectman McManus also said he was not against it but noted that the results are entirely dependent on the type of storm. He said that the key factor for consideration by the state is the safety of the motorists in the area. Road Agent Hurst added that the trend seems to be more and more ice and less and less snow. Selectman Baker said that he thought it was a good idea to go forward with it. Selectman Baker asked if there were any effective barriers to mitigate the affect of salt. Ms. Lang asked Mr. Hurst if he knew whether there were effective salt barriers. Mr. Hurst said that he was aware of barriers to collect oil such as oil socks/blankets but was not aware of barriers to collect salt. Selectman Headley said that it appears that everyone is amiable to the low salt designation, provided safety concerns are addressed. Mr. Ellsworth said that it was encouraging that the Select Board showed interest based on the fact that the data does not show a crisis, it just shows a concern. Mr. Ellsworth emphasized the goal which was to avoid reaching a crisis. With the support of the Select Board, they would go forward with the process. The BLPA and Conservation Commission will continue consideration of this matter and get back to the Select Board if further action is required. Glenn Pogust, Planning Board Vice Chair, met with the Board to discuss citizen concerns expressed regarding the Peacock Hill cluster subdivision. Mr. Pogust voiced his staunch support for the staff and Boards. Mr. Pogust attended all of the Zoning Board meetings and noted that Town Counsel was present for those hearings. Mr. Pogust said that both the Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Planning Board have to follow certain rules and do not have the discretion to say that we just don’t like the plan. Mr. Pogust said that the Planning Board had the developer come back five times before even accepting the application as complete. A second public hearing will be held on 4/12. Selectman McManus and Baker expressed interest in attending the public hearing on the 12th. Among the concerns expressed by citizens were that the Planning Board cut off public comment and continued their discussion. The Board asked the public if there was any further comment and then closed the public comment portion of the meeting. Mr. Pogust advised that the public comment portion of the meeting was concluded and everyone left. However, the meeting was still in session. The public was welcome to stay to observe the remainder of the meeting. Mr. Pogust said that it has been a complicated process, and he wanted the Select Board to know that the Planning Board is a dedicated group, and the Land Use Coordinator is a great asset to the town. Mr. Pogust acknowledged that the Planning Board was interested in proposing amendments to the cluster subdivision language and expressed the hope that citizens will support the proposed zoning. Mr. Pogust assured the Board that the Planning Board is requiring strict adherence to the ordinance, because that is our job, and we will also ensure compliance. Selectman Headley, ex-officio to the Planning Board, said that this was one of the best Boards he has witnessed in his over 20 year participation in local government. The members are committed, express their thoughts, work well together, and Mr. Stanley, Land Use Coordinator, is a godsend. Mr. Pogust said that every member is always well prepared and engaged. The Board reviewed and approved the minutes from April 4, 2022, as written. The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests: Vendor Manifest: $26,017.44 Payroll Manifest: $11,298.06 BUILDING PERMIT: The Board approved a building permit for Kathy Sweet, Map 06-395-261, Corporation Hill for wrap around entryway and slider. VETERANS EXEMPTION: The Board approved a Veterans Tax Credit for a Service Connected Disability for Jeffrey Evans, 04-033-482. ELDERLY EXEMPTION: The Board approved an elderly exemption for Nancy Whatley, Map 08-660-019, Poor Farm Road/ INTENT TO EXCAVATE: The Board approved an intent to excavate for Christopher and Rebecca Rowe, Map 08-270-222, for 850cy. OLD BUSINESS: The Board discussed the Old School House. The Goddard’s were considering donating the School House to the Town in memory of Ellie Goddard. The Goddard Family has decided to retain ownership of the schoolhouse but would like to make the school house available to the local government for meetings. At Selectman McManus’ request, Phillips will follow up on insurance requirements. The Board issued a response to Linda Park advising her of the appeal process for a Planning Board Decision. The Board will adopt the Code of Conduct Policy at their next regularly scheduled meeting on April 18, 2022. The Board tentatively scheduled a review of the code of conduct with Board/Commission Chairs at their meeting that will be conducted on April 25, 2022. NEW BUSINESS: The Board approved an appointment for Jason Teaster, as an Alternate Planning Board Member, for a term of three years. SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS: Selectman Baker advised that the ramp at Horse Beach was in a state of disrepair. The Board will follow up with the DOT. Selectman Baker advised that the Highway Department needs to perform annual maintenance at the North Sutton Improvement Society parking area. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elly Phillips Town Administrator