Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

April 20, 2020 @ 4:00 p.m.


The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Robert Wright, Jr., Chair. Present at the meeting were:  Robert Wright, Jr., Chair; William I. Curless, Selectman; Dane Headley, Selectman; Robert DeFelice, Budget Committee Chair; and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.


The minutes from April 13, 2020 were approved as written.



At 4:00 p.m., The Board met with Diego Solimine, Solid Waste Supervisor, to discuss staffing at the Solid Waste Facility and other matters. Selectman Wright emphasized the need for social distancing.  Selectman Headley discussed staffing guidelines and expressed concern for the health of solid waste attendants as well as citizens. Mr. Solimine advised that it was necessary to have two men on during operations for safety reasons. He advised that processing recyclables was done on Thursday which is why it is being staffed with three men. Selectman Wright recommended rotating staff in the office so that there are only two men in at all times. Mr. Solimine said that the citizens have been great. If anyone needs assistance with their trash just alert the attendants but do not get out of your vehicle. The transfer station is accepting small amounts of construction debris at no charge, but larger loads are being directed to take their loads to Naughtons. It is best to call ahead to check on the process for disposal of construction debris. Mr. Solimine observed that there was an uptick in disposal as a result of people being home and doing cleaning projects.



The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

PAYROLL MANIFEST:      $  11,360.63

VENDOR MANIFEST:       $377,735.0



                The Board approved a building permit for Joseph and Kecia Burns, Taylors Path, Map 07-825-379, for a garage.



                The Board approved the following intent to cuts:

                Albert Hansen, Map 09-277-017 for 2 acres out of 4

Peter Teloian, Map 08-874-095 and 882-178 for 19.5 acres out of 19.5

Leonard Caron, Map 09-040-226 for 35 acres out of 150

Theodore Gallup and Joseph Torro, Map 01-136-386 for 8 acres out of 14.2




The Board issued an abatement for the Conservation Commission for 2019 property taxes on Tax Map/Lot:   04-087-102 in the amount of  $146.00 plus interest accrued.  The Cause for the abatement is:  property is tax exempt.


                CURRENT USE:

The Board approved an application for current use for the Telonian Family Realty Trust, 08-882-17 and 08-874-095 for 23.7  acres.  The properties are contiguous with current use land in Newbury.



Phillips advised that the Stotler property cleanup will need to be postponed due to the pandemic and staffing constraints for a civil standby.  The Stotler’s will be notified and advised that they should take this opportunity to further their cleaning efforts.


The Board reviewed and approved an advertisement and agreement for relocating the structures at 26 Grist Mill Street.  The Board agreed that the final completion deadline would be September 15, 2020.


The Board reviewed recommendations from Jennifer Call, Treasurer regarding the use of a town credit card vs. debit card. Mr. DeFelice recommended the use of a debit card with a maximum per day of $500.00.  It was noted that there was not a lot of need for this type of transaction as it would be used for online subscriptions such as adobe and possibly Staples orders.   The card will only be used through the Select Board office.  The Board will advise Ms. Call that their preference was for a debit card with a $500.00 cap.


The Board discussed the maintenance easement agreement for the Smiley Grove parking area with the North Sutton Improvement Society.  Adam Hurst, Road Agent, and Peter Stanley, Planning and Zoning Administrator and Robert DeFelice, North Sutton Improvement Society Representative will meet to finalize the area and benchmarks for the agreement.



The Board reviewed a Current Use inquiry requesting that the Current Use Deadline be extended for Lindsay Stickney, 07-634-556.  Ms. Stickney is exploring purchasing abutting property which she would like to put in current use.  However, the negotiating process has been delayed due to the pandemic.  The Board had no objections to the request provided the sale is completed prior to the first issue tax bill in a reasonable timeframe for assessing update.


The Board issued Yield Taxes for the following properties:

Leonard Caron, Map 09-040-226, $1,134.55

Theodore Gallup, 01-136-386, $224.22



The Board noted the following items of correspondence:

NHES re Unemployment Compensation

Knollwood Environmental regarding Septage Lagoon Monitoring Results 3/2020

DES Notice of Violation:  PFOA  Kearsarge Regional Middle School

KRSD School Board Agenda

Legislative Bulletin #17 – Selectman Wright to report on this document.



Phillips requested and received approval to use some vacation time on May 22, 2020.



Selectman Wright stated that he has concerns regarding town expenditures in view of the current economic climate and will continue to voice those concerns on a regular basis.  He also stated that he was against enforcing social distancing among the Kezar Lake walkers citing freedom of assembly and individual rights.  Selectman Wright added that he thought social distancing was a good idea.



Mr. DeFelice advised that a new line item has been added to the library budget to account for appropriations that were allocated but not allotted for in the Library Trustees recommendations. Mr. DeFelice discussed reporting requirements for the library’s private funding.  It was noted that the library project has been completed.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:52 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator