Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

April 4, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m.



Dane Headley, Selectman, opened the meeting at 5:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present at the meeting were:  Dane Headley, Chair; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Michael McManus, Selectman; Tom Schamberg, State Representative; and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.



Representative Thomas Schamberg met with the Board to discuss House Bill HB 1235-FN relative to payment by the state of a portion of retirement system contributions of political subdivision employers. The majority voted inexpedient to legislate.  The minority voted ought to pass.  The Bill proposes to return 7.5% on NH Retirement System contributions.  Mr. Schamberg reported that thirty members of the majority party voted with the minority party in a bi-partisan effort to pass the bill.  The bill will go to the Senate next for consideration.  If approved by the senate, it will go back to the House.  Mr. Schamberg felt the likelihood of passage in the senate was good if there is enough support from local government and the public.  The Select Board thanked Representative Schamberg for his support of this important bill.


The Board approved the public minutes of March 28, 2022, as corrected and the non-public minutes as written.   The non-public minutes pertaining to highway department wages were not sealed.


The Board approved the following manifests:

Vendor Manifest:             $12,350.33

Payroll Manifest:              $12,152.81

Payroll Manifest:              $  1,336.39



The Board approved a Veteran’s Tax Credit for Marcy McNamara, 04-917-584, Newbury Road.



Mike Vignale, KV Partners Civil and Environmental Engineering is forwarding a proposal to prepare an RFP/RFQ for the Grist Mill Parking Area.


The Board discussed the Rowe Taxpayer Agreement and reviewed the agreement.  Town Counsel will follow up with the Rowe’s regarding the terms of their agreement.


The Board reviewed the status of the clean-up of the Stotler property which has been tax deeded to the town.  The Town is awaiting paperwork on the Stotler Property.  After completion of the service/eviction process, the Town will proceed with the cleanup.


The Board agreed to schedule a meeting with Walter Goddard to inspect the School House on a Monday prior to a Select Board meeting.   Mr. Goddard is interested in donating the property to the Town in memory of his late wife, Ellie Goddard.  The donation of this property would need approval through a majority vote at Annual Meeting.



The Board issued a Notice of Local Violation to Laylo Enterprises, Brian Crossan, Map 04-072-018, 199 Roby Road.


The Board issued correspondence to the Trustees of the Trust Funds regarding establishing the Russell expendable trust in the amount of $14,082.49 to benefit the Millswood Cemetery.



The Board noted the following items of correspondence:

From Robert Wright, Jr., as a follow up to  his meeting with Select Board on 3/28/2022.

From Linda Park regarding the East Sutton subdivision – The Select Board will draft a response to the citizen concerns expressed.

From Nancy Whatley regarding 128 Baker Hill Road.  The Board will review the matter raised with Town Counsel.

The Board received Notice of a Public Informational Meeting scheduled regarding Library Message Board 4/18/2022 at 6:00 p.m. and will meet with the Library immediately prior to the informational meeting to begin a discussion regarding amendments to the Library/Select Board Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).



Selectman McManus asked if there had been any progress with the road posting signage/regulations.

Selectman Headley discussed the Deputy Town Clerk position and recommended that compensation should be re-examined.


Selectman McManus discussed storage of materials at the former ash landfill site and wondered why monitoring at that site is still necessary.  Phillips will follow up with the DES regarding storage of materials and monitoring wells.  Selectman McManus discussed the septage lagoons and the pros and cons with maintaining them.   The Board discussed the potential for post closure costs.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:36 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator