Town of Sutton

Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221

Select Board Meeting Minutes

August 12,  2019 @ 4:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Dane Headley, Chair.  Present at the meeting were:   Dane Headley, Chair; Robert Wright, Jr., Selectman; William I. Curless, Selectman; Diego Solimine, Solid Waste Supervisor; Walter Baker, Jr., Conservation Commission Co-Chair; Barbara Hoffman, Conservation Commission Member; and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.


At 4:15 p.m. Diego Solimine, Solid Waste Supervisor, met with the Board for a quarterly update.  The Board discussed the possibility of terminating the contract for MSW with Lebanon.  One year notice is required to terminate the contract.  Mr. Solimine indicated that there would be a savings in transportation costs by switching to Naughton and recommended giving notice to Lebanon.  Mr. Solimine advised that Naughton would accept the same materials that are currently going to Lebanon.  Cardboard recycling was also discussed.  Selectman Wright made a motion to provide notice to terminate MSW contract with Lebanon.  Selectman Curless seconded the motion.   The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.   Mr. Solimine is going to reach out to Lebanon to discuss termination of the MSW contract as well as required termination noticing.

The Board discussed hazardous waste collection.  Last year the town shared a hazardous waste day in Warner.  Warner holds this function every two years.  Mr. Solimine will follow up with Warner on when the next collection will be scheduled.  Mr. Solimine discussed water testing at the solid waste facility.  The town was not receiving notification of the testing requirement due to an addressing snafu. The Town did meet the testing deadline.  Some of the results were high.  Mr. Solimine will follow up with the DES.  Selectman Wright made a motion to accept the report of the Solid Waste Supervisor.  Selectman Curless seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 


At 5:00 p.m. Walter Baker Jr., Conservation Commission Co-Chair and Barbara Hoffman, Conservation Commission Chair met with the Board to discuss the 2019 Update of the Sutton Conservation Commission Strategic Conservation Plan.    Barbara Hoffman provided background information on the plan and its objectives.  The Conservation Commission developed a plan that has not gotten updated since 2008.  Recent data from USGS updated flood modeling, Fish Game Action Plan (showing habitat) and Nature Conservancy regarding climate changes was used for the update.  Dan Sundquist developed GIS mapping incorporating this data.  The purpose of the plan is to define high priority conservation focus areas.   The various natural resource maps were presented to the Board.   Through a group effort, the Conservation Commission  identified conservation focus areas and mapped the areas that offer of highest conservation priority.  The defined areas identify the shared vision of conservation areas within the community that provide for the highest level of limited funding available from local, state and federal sources.   The plan includes an implementation section.  The Conservation Commission is seeking input from the Select Board and Planning Board prior to conducting a public information session along with the Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust to explain conservation easements. 

Mr. Baker emphasized the need for protecting natural water resources, particularly on private lands.  Protecting natural aquafirs  is a priority.  Identfying the location of these resources, discussing easements and educating the public on the importance of protecting the resources is a main goal of the Commission.    The implementation plan also calls for supporting agricultural lands which provide habitat as well as allowing the use of town-owned land for agricultural purposes.  Ms. Hoffman advised that the plan would facilitate inclusion in the state’s water mitigation program.  If the areas fit in with the program, mitigation efforts might be funded through grants.  High priority mitigation will be identified as a component of the plan.  It would also be useful for Planning Board review of site plans and subdivisions.  Responsible long range stewardship was also discussed.  The Select Board will review the plan and provide feedback at their next regularly scheduled meeting.

Mr. Baker also asked whether the Town was assisting with the grading of the North Sutton Improvement Society parking lot (near Horse Beach).  Mr. Baker was informed that the town needed to enter into a maintenance agreement with the North Sutton Improvement Society which will need to go to town meeting for approval because the parking lot is private property, although it does serve a public purpose.  Phillips will follow up with Town Counsel to verify that understanding. 

The minutes from August 5, 2019 were approved as written.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

PAYROLL MANIFEST:      $  9,953.77

VENDOR MANIFEST:       $39,104.22


The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

James and Kathryn Mathias, 10-406-263, Summit Road, Porch and Kitchen Addition.

Douglas and Sarah Hamilton, 10-003-396, Meadowbrook Road, Wood Shed.

Gary & Margaret Dellert, 02-422-108, Blasdell Hill Road, House

The Board approved an intent to cut for Edwin and Elizabeth Fowler, 04-683-028 and 02-745-482, 50 acres out of 70.


The Board reviewed an inquiry regarding the 2019 tax deeding date which also requested an extension of the date.  The Board did not have the authority to extend the deeding date based on RSA 80:76.  Selectman Wright made a motion that there was no cause to extend the tax deeding date.  Selectman Curless seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.

The Board reviewed and noted the July 2019 Expenditure Report.

The matter of encroachment of materials on Dodge Hill Road has been resolved. 


The Board authorized Phillips to participate in a fuel lock in rate for #2 heating oil and on road diesel with the towns of Bradford and Warner.  The Town will continue to work with their current vendor for propane.

The Board approved a purchasing threshold for at $500.00.  Orders will be reviewed by finance prior to payment. 

The Board issued a request for disbursement from the 2019 Revaluation, Tax Mapping and Overlay Mapping Non-Capital Reserve Fund in the amount of $23,650 for parcel recompilation by CAI Technologies.

The Board received notification regarding records preservation from Jack Noon, Historian.  The Board reviewed the balance in the capital reserve fund and the Board agreed to Mr. Noon’s request.

The Board issued a nomination form for Peter Savickas to the Warner River Management Advisory Committee.


The Board noted the following items of correspondence:

DES regarding Solid Waste Training Workshops

DOT notification regarding Highway Block Grant


Selectman Wright advised that he will be in attendance at the hearing scheduled for 8/13/2019 at 9:00 a.m. regarding the Stotler property.

Selectman Curless discussed the need for ongoing maintenance for town buildings.  He noted that the Pillsbury Memorial Hall was in dire need of painting, brickwork, and roofing and a priority list and schedule should be developed and sufficient funds should be included for capital planning.  Mr. Curless added that the amount being set aside for blacktop upgrade is insufficient.  Long term planning for facility needs was also discussed.  Selectman Curless assist with the development of a maintenance and repair schedule. 

Selectman Wright disseminated materials regarding Sutton Old Home Day which is begin at 10:00 on August 18, 2019. 

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elly Phillips

Town Administrator