Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

August 26, 2019 @ 4:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Dane Headley, Chair.  Present at the meeting were:  Dane Headley, Chair; Robert Wright, Jr., Selectman; William I. Curless, Selectman; Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair; Glen Pogust, Larry Harper, Carl Olson and Elly Phillips Town, Administrator.


The minutes from August 19, 2019 Public and Non Public sealed were approved as written.   The Non Public sealed Minutes of  August 21, 2019 were approved as written.



An appointment to execute an Agreement to Forestall Tax Deeding was cancelled by the property owner.  The Town will follow up with the property owner to provide further explanation of the process.

At 4:15 p.m. Larry Harper met with the board to discuss a disturbing problem that his family has been experiencing with a visiting drone that arrives at bedtime and flies within 40 feet from the house, below tree level and has been filming his house.  This has been occurring over the past 5-6 weeks.  The drone has visited several times.  The drone has also begun filming at the Harper’s tenants residence.

Mr. Harper has spoken to the police department and Attorney General’s office. There is no regulation covering this type of drone activity at the local, state or federal level.  Mr. Harper has contacted the State Representative and has been advised that the legislature did take it up, but the legislation didn’t pass.  There does not appear to be an enforcement avenue.  Mr. Harper supported an ordinance or regulation to do something about this type of invasion of privacy.   Mr. Harper speculated that others are experiencing this problem but may not recognize drone activity.  Mr. Harper emphasized that a long term solution is necessary and that this type of drone activity is going to increase.   The Board will explore municipal options such as an ordinance with Town Counsel.

Carl Olson met with the Board to request that the Board consider installing crosswalks on Kearsarge Valley Road at the Country Club of NH.  Mr. Olson conveyed the golf courses concerns regarding pedestrian traffic.  He noted that there were crosswalk signs, but the Country Club would like a striped crosswalk.  The Board advised that the Town does not have striping equipment and that the striping near the middle school was done by the school district.  Mr. Olson acknowledged that it was late in the year and that the golf course was interested in developing a plan for next year.  The Board agreed to discuss the matter with the road agent and explore pedestrian safety options.  Different options and their costs  to be explored as well as whether there were other areas in town that might benefit for striping.  Options such as mobile warning signs were considered.  The Board agreed to get back to Mr. Olson regarding the matter. 


The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

PAYROLL MANIFEST:      $    9,730.54

VENDOR MANIFEST:       $470,684.07


The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits.

Trinity Bible Church, Map 04-306-120, for office, classroom, lobby.  Variance for wetlands setback approved, 8-21-2019

Richard Zahn, 04-065-340, Eaton Grange Road, for a shed.

Diego Solimine, 02-726-444, Route 114, for repair and replacement

Glenn and Susan Pogust, 10-457-439, Summit Road, ground mounted solar


The Board issued an abatement for Scott Heminger, 03-960-378, upon Taxpayer Appeal, in the amount of $14.52


Selectman Wright suggested that the Town perform some environmental testing on the Stotler property prior to their next court date.  The Board reviewed the most recent court decision.  The Board will check with Counsel and, if recommended,  contact the DES for advice regarding testing.  The Town can also assess potential costs for testing should a 2020 Warrant Article be required.    Mr. DeFelice also recommended doing a water test on the property.

The Board adopted the Bookkeeper Executive Assistant job description as presented.

The Board will have Diego Solimine, Solid Waste Supervisor, review the Solid Waste Facility Operating Plan, Septage Lagoon Procedures, Closure Plan for update.

The Town has entered into a fixed price agreement for #2 Heating Oil for 2019-2020 at $2.159 per gallon.  The fixed price for 2018 was $2.538. 

The Board acknowledged that a great deal of work went into developing the long range Strategic Conservation Plan.  The general consensus was the Select Board was behind the plan subject to the review and approval of the Planning Board.


At 5:16 p.m. the Selectman Wright made a motion to enter into non-public session under RSA-91 A:3, II(a) to continue work on Department Head performance evaluations.   Selectman Curless seconded the motion.  The Board was polled with Selectman Headley, Selectman Wright and Selectman Curless voting in the affirmative.  Public Session resumed at 5:27 p.m.


The Board received copies of the MBC Budget Committee Schedule.  It was noted that the September 5 and September 12 sessions were joint sessions with the School Board.  The September 12 plan will cover the facilities budget.  Selectman Wright will attend on 9/12.  Selectman Headley will check his schedule to see if he can attend on 9/5.

The highway department will make an effort  to accommodate concerns raised regarding mowing milkweed and  the monarch caterpillars.

The Board approved vacation schedules for the Town Administrator and the Road Agent.


Legislative Bulletin noted – Selectman Wright will review and report back to the Board.

The Board noted correspondence from Jack Noon regarding Records Preservation.


Selectman Headley clarified the process for questions to legal.  For Committees or Boards, questions from a committee should come directly from the Chair and go through the Town Administrator.  Written responses should go through the chair. 


Selectman Curless is continuing to look at ongoing maintenance for Town Facilities and appropriate capital planning.   Selectman Curless will report to the Board of Selectmen.  

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:43 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Elly Phillips

Town Administrator