Town of Sutton

Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221

Select Board Minutes

July 1st, 2024, 5:00pm

Pledge of Allegiance:

Select Board Chair Michael McManus opened the meeting at 5:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Michael McManus, Select Board Chair; Glenn Pogust, Selectman; and Julia Jones, Town Administrator. Also present at the meeting were: Adam Hurst, Road Agent, Judith Parkinson, Lee Booker, Budget Chair Bob DeFelice, Budget Committee Member Bob Wright, Library Chair Nancy Glynn, and Jane Williamson.


At 5:00pm the Board met with Adam Hurst to consider his request to establish a 25mph speed limit on all unposted gravel roads. The Board discussed the procedure for assigning speed limits to unposted roads and possible public hearing requirements. The Board directed the Town Administrator to contact legal advisors at the New Hampshire Municipal Association on the proper procedure for assigning speed limits to unposted roads. In the meantime, the Board directed the Road Agent to prepare a prioritized list of unposted gravel roads in need of new speed limits.

The Road Agent inquired about any changes to the Town’s Sick Leave Policy or Vacation Policy. Selectman Pogust and the Town Administrator discussed the need to adopt the latest draft of the personnel manual and specific provisions related to sick leave and vacation time. At 5:16pm Pogust made a motion to amend section XXIV. A. of the Personnel Policies Manual adopted March 25th, 2019, to read:

Each full-time employee and each salaried employee will be credited with seven (7) days sick leave beginning January first of each year. Sick leave days credited for part-time employees will be pro-rated according to the number of hours in their regular working week. Any unused sick leave remaining as of December 31 of any year shall roll over to the following year, except that accumulated sick leave in excess of 14 days will be cancelled without reimbursement.

Chair McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

The Road Agent asked if seven days sick leave would be based on eight- or ten-hour workdays.

Selectman Pogust clarified that employees would be credited with the equivalent of seven eight-hour days of sick leave. Pogust made a motion to further amend section XXIV. A. of the Personnel Policies Manual adopted March 25th, 2019 to read:

Each full-time employee and each salaried employee will be credited with the equivalent of seven (7) days sick leave beginning January first of each year.

The Town Administrator, Road Agent, and Selectman Pogust discussed how sick leave would be debited for Highway Department employees working four ten-hour workdays. Pogust clarified that sick leave would be debited on an hourly basis, further clarifying that employees would be credited with forty hours of sick leave beginning January first of each year. Pogust made a motion to further amend section XXIV. A. of the Personnel Policies Manual adopted March 25th, 2019, to read:

Each full-time employee and each salaried employee will be credited with 35 hours sick leave beginning January first of each year.

The Town Administrator asked how sick leave would be prorated. She offered her own position as an example. The Town Administrator is a salaried, full-time position, with standard hours set at 36 hours per week, though she often works 55. The Executive Assistant and Bookkeeper is an hourly, full-time position, with standard hours set at 32 hours per week, though more hours are often required. Selectman Pogust acknowledged that proration may result in less sick leave for such employees. He expressed his hope that employees would not exhaust their sick leave. He acknowledged that amending section XXIV. A. of the Personnel Policies Manual is complicated and requires more consideration. Pogust made a motion to revoke the motion so the Board could give it further consideration. Chair McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

The Town Administrator asked if the Town should continue to follow the Personnel Policies Manual as Adopted March 25th, 2019. The Board confirmed. The Road Agent requested a copy of the latest draft of the Personnel Policies Manual with the amendments proposed by the Board for employees to review.

At the request of the Road Agent, Selectman Pogust made a motion to enter a nonpublic session pursuant to NH RSA 91-A:3 (a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a meeting and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted. The motion was made at 5:27pm. Chair McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

At 5:40pm Selectman Pogust made a motion to exit the nonpublic session. Chair McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Once back in public session, Pogust made a motion to seal the nonpublic minutes. Chair McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

The Board and the Road Agent discussed repairs to the front-end loader. The Road Agent shared his opinion that the recently repaired axle is not  fit for use because it overheated after a minimum amount of travel, and he has contested the repair bill. Chair McManus and the Road Agent discussed tree removal in one of the Town’s cemeteries.

At 5:44pm the Board met with Library Chair Nancy Glynn regarding a vacancy on the Select Board. Glynn expressed her interest in filling the vacancy. Glynn shared her background and experience, and reasons for wanting to serve on the Board. The Board and Glynn discussed her reasons for wanting to serve on the Board. Chair McManus thanked Glynn for her interest and shared the Board’s intention to fill the vacancy over the next two weeks.

At 5:52pm the Board met with Jane Williamson, who presented an updated proposal for the location, size, and design for the replacement bulletin board proposed for Pillsbury Memorial Hall. The updated proposal incorporated changes recommended by the Board on May 28th. The Board discussed possible sources of funding for the project. The Board, Budget Chair DeFelice, and the Town Administrator discussed whether capital reserve expenditures should be postponed until after the Procedural Defect Meeting. Selectman Pogust made a motion to appropriate up to $2,000 for the purchase and installation of a new notice kiosk at Pillsbury Memorial Hall as presented by the Kiosk Subcommittee. Chair McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. At the request of Budget Chair DeFelice, Pogust clarified that funds would come from the Municipal Building Expendable Non-Capital Reserve Fund, and he accepted for the purposes of the discussion that such expenditure may need  to await approval of the Town’s budget following the Procedural Defect Meeting.

At 6:21pm the Board met with Jack Noon regarding the town’s summer and winter hearses. Noon expressed opposition to relocating the summer hearse to any location that is not climate controlled, is not sealed against pests, or that would render the hearse less accessible to the public. Based on these criteria, Noon found no suitable location to relocate the town’s hearses at this time. Noon expressed specific opposition to relocating the summer hearse to Muster Field Farm, where pests have caused severe damage in the past. He also expressed opposition to the Old Store Museum, which would require alteration to accommodate the hearses. Noon shared his opinion that Pillsbury Memorial Hall is the best place to preserve and protect the summer hearse at this time. The only remaining option he identified is to construct a new building to house the hearses. Such a building, in his opinion, would be cost prohibitive for the Town. Noon recommended that those who are concerned about relocating the summer hearse should begin fundraising. Noon questioned how the stage would be used if the hearse were gone.

Budget Chair DeFelice shared that the hearse was originally stored at the old fire station in North Sutton, property still owned by the town. DeFelice recommended a five-year plan to construct a building for the hearses and other town artifacts, possibly to include antique fire equipment. He recommended the old fire station property as a possible location.

Selectman Pogust expressed agreement with Noon, acknowledged public interest in holding more community events in Pillsbury Memorial Hall, and recalled that this project came up during the  26 Grist Mill Street Committee meetings. Pogust suggested that the storage of town artifacts could be considered as part of a larger municipal project such as a new safety services building that could also include more efficient municipal offices.

Chair McManus recommended that a committee be formed to address this matter.

Julia Jones made a request to speak as an individual, which was granted by the Board. Jones recalled multiple theater productions performed by Sutton Central students. She emphasized the lasting positive impact these productions had on her and her fellow students. Jones expressed hope that the stage be used for student and community events in the future. Library Chair Glynn remarked that Sutton Central does not have a stage and must use the Kearsarge Regional Middle School stage subject to availability. Jack Noon expressed his opinion  that historical programing with Sutton Central students could continue without access to the stage.

Selectman Pogust shared that the Board recognizes the value of making Pillsbury Memorial Hall a more useful space, but that finding a safe place for the hearse is the first step.

Judith Parkinson asked if the Board had considered loaning the hearse to the New Hampshire Historical Society for safekeeping.

Selectman Pogust explained that there have been discussions about loaning the hearse to the New London Historical Society. He shared that several members of the community  have expressed the view that the hearse needs to stay in Sutton, so the Board needs to find a solution that keeps it in Sutton.


At 6:07 pm the Board accepted the public minutes from June 24th.


At 6:08pm the Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Payroll: $ 19,544.86  
Vendor: $ 15,282.03  

The Board directed the Town Administrator to verify multiple invoices issued by Naughton & Sons Recycling before mailing payment.

New Business:

The Board discussed plans for an upcoming Procedural Defect Meeting.

The Town Administrator provided an update on the Ad Hoc Website Committee, which met for the first time Wednesday, July 26th.

The Board recertified the MS-232 at the request of the NH Department of Revenue Administration.

The Board discussed plans for the Saturday, July 13th Employee and Volunteer Appreciation Cookout.

The Board reviewed and approved a $3,600 estimate prepared by Lance Carter for repairs to the plaster in and leading to the Town Administrator’s office on the second floor, to install new overhead lighting, and to prime and paint the room. The Board agreed not to replace the plaster ceiling with a drywall dropped ceiling. The Board directed the Town Administrator to request additional estimates for carpet and hardwood flooring options.

Old Business:

The Board reviewed and approved a $1,600 building permit for a metal storage container submitted by Kimberley Holt for parcel 06-427-211 located at 99 Main St.

Review of correspondence:

The Board reviewed correspondence from Eversource notifying municipal customers of their recent rate case filing.

The Board reviewed correspondence from Ira Thomas notifying the Town that the NH Department of Environmental Services did not approve the after the fact alteration of terrain application submitted by Peacock Hill, LLC for the East Sutton subdivision and has requested revisions and answers to its questions. Selectman Pogust expressed appreciation for the notification and confirmed that the Board was aware of this decision a couple of weeks ago. Pogust emphasized that the after-the-fact alteration of terrain permit must be approved by NHDES, and Peacock Hill, LLC must comply with several additional requirements before any certificates of occupancy are issued.

The Board reviewed a letter of interest from Robert Wright, Jr. in filling the Select Board vacancy. The Board directed the Town Administrator to schedule a meeting with Wright and any other interested parties on Monday, June 8th. Chair McManus shared the Board’s intention to fill the vacancy the week beginning Monday, July 15th.

Public Input:

Judith Parkinson asked if and where photos would be posted from the Employee and Volunteer Appreciation Cookout scheduled for July 13th from 11am – 3pm at the Boathouse at Wadleigh State Park. The Board directed the Town Administrator to post photos on the Town Website.

Select Board Comments:

Selectman Pogust made a motion to authorize the Town Administrator to enroll the Town of Sutton in Merrimack County Community Power, applicable only to Town buildings. Chair McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Chair McManus emphasized that all volunteers, board and committee members, employees, and family are encouraged to attend the Employee and Volunteer Appreciation Cookout to be held rain or shine July 13th from 11am – 3pm at the Boathouse at Wadleigh State Park.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:47pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Julia Jones

Town Administrator