Town of Sutton

Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221

Select Board Minutes

July 29th, 2024, 6:00pm

Pledge of Allegiance:

Select Board Chair Glenn Pogust opened the meeting at 6:02pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Glenn Pogust, Select Board Chair; Michael McManus, Select Board Member; Nancy Glynn, Select Board Member; and Julia Jones, Town Administrator.

Also present at the meeting were: Judy Parkinson, Kim Ortakales, Budget Committee Member Robert Wright, Ric Werme, and Lee Booker.


At 7:00pm the Board opened a public hearing to explain the reasons for an upcoming Special Town Meeting, which will be held in accordance with RSA 31:5-b at 7:00pm on Monday, August 12th, 2024, at Pillsbury Memorial Hall at 93 Main St. Sutton Mills, NH 03221 to act upon the following subject:

  1. To see if the Town will vote to ratify the result of the March 13, Town Meeting even though the posting requirements were not met.

Pogust read the warrant and identified the posting requirements which were not met in advance of the Town Meeting in March, and shared that no changes to the budget could be proposed or made during the meeting. If the warrant is voted down, Pogust shared the Board’s intention to go to court to ratify the result of the March 13, Town Meeting even though the posting requirements were not met. Pogust invited public comment.

Kim Ortakales asked if the warrant required a simple majority to pass. Pogust confirmed that a simple majority of voters present for the Special Town Meeting would have to vote in favor of the warrant for it to pass.

Robert Wright asked how the Board would respond if attendance was greater than Pillsbury Memorial Hall’s maximum occupancy (ninety people, excluding employees). Pogust assured Wright that the Board would refer to the Moderator in such a scenario.

Ric Werme asked how the Board planned to prevent a procedural defect in the future. Pogust shared that this defect occurred during the Town Administrator’s first few months. Pogust shared that the Board did not anticipate a repeat of the same error. The Town Administrator shared that she and her staff are developing contingency plans to prevent such an error in the future.

There being no further public comment, the hearing was adjourned at 7:10pm.


At 6:03pm McManus made a motion to accept the public minutes from June 27th. Glynn seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

At 6:03pm Glynn made a motion to accept the public and nonpublic minutes from July 22nd as revised by Pogust and corrected by Glynn. McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

At 6:06pm Glynn made a motion to accept the nonpublic minutes from July 1st. McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Payroll: $ 17,551.60
Vendor: $ 590.525.99

McManus discussed an invoice for road building materials and directed the Town Administrator to review shipping costs with the Road Agent.


Building Permits:

The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

  • $80,000 building permit for a garage submitted by Richard and Susan Webb for parcel 09-840-109 located at 1726 Rt. 114.
  • $44,423 building permit for a chimney submitted by Maureen Johnson for parcel 09-651-362 located at 15 Shaker Heights.

New Business:

The Board reviewed and approved a $17,327.61 invoice from Rugged One.

The Board reviewed and approved a $1,049 quote prepared by CCI Managed Services for computer hardware, accompanied by a request to expend funds from Administrative Computers the Administrative Computers Capital Reserve Fund. The hardware is to be located at the Transfer Station office.

McManus made a motion to approve an $1,990 estimate prepared by Lance Carter to sand and paint the Town Administrator’s second floor office floors, and to retract the Board’s July 8th approval of a $2,540 estimate for carpeting. Glynn seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Glynn made a motion to approve a $1,480 estimate prepared by Lance Carter to retrofit the existing internal door to fit in the new cased opening, install lockset and hinges, and remove a swinging door at Pillsbury Memorial Hall.

McManus made a motion to approve a $974 estimate prepared by Lance Carter to repair stairs leading to the Town Administrator’s second floor office, including two treads and a threshold. Glynn seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

The Board reviewed and approved a draft Notice of Zoning Violation for stockpiling large quantities of loose earth on parcel 01-178-130 on East Sutton Road.

The Board reviewed and approved a draft Notice of Zoning Violation for failure to submit a building permit for parcel 04-072-018 on Roby Road.

The Board discussed a meeting held by the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts at Pillsbury Memorial Hall on Wednesday, July 24th regarding their intention to sell property located in South Sutton. The Board discussed the high turnout at the meeting, and the potential conservation of part of the property. The Town Administrator shared that members of the public have asked if the Town would consider purchasing the property currently owned by the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts located in South Sutton. Pogust shared that local land trusts are interested in conserving part of the property, including Ausbon Sargent. Pogust discussed Ausbon Sargent’s conservation of Messer Farm. Based on the assessed value of the Girl Scout property, Pogust shared that it was not the Board’s intention for the Town to purchase the property. Pogust noted that a member of the public could submit a petitioned warrant article to see if the Town will raise a bond or raise and appropriate funds through general taxation to purchase the property.

The Town Administrator shared that the Town’s primary electrician is on the path to retirement. McManus recommended engaging Irish Electric for future work.

Old Business:

The Board discussed draft revisions to Personnel Policies Manual with respect to NH Paid Family Medical Leave, (NH PFML) and directed the Town Administrator to get a quote to offer NH PFML to all employees.

Review of correspondence:

The Board agreed to postpone discussion of the following correspondence:

  • NH Municipal Association Legal Services Counsel – procedure for assigning 25mph speed limit to unposted roads.
  • NH Municipal Association Legal Services Counsel – ground marking requirements for accessible parking spots.
  • Town Counsel – Adoption of RSA 32

The Board reviewed correspondence from the NH Department of Environmental Services regarding Septage Management Rule Revisions. The Board directed the town Administrator to share the Board’s interest in  the meeting and asked that the Transfer Station would let  the Town Administrator know when a meeting  is scheduled so that a Select Board member could attend if available.

The Board reviewed correspondence from an unidentified Concerned Citizen regarding the Department of Justice’s Final Rule on Americans with Disabilities Act Website Accessibility for State and Local Governments. The Board directed the Town Administrator to share the correspondence with the Ad Hoc Website Committee.

The Board reviewed correspondence from Mark Alan Hewitt regarding the relocation of the summer hearse. The Board directed the Town Administrator to invite Hewitt to meet with the Board to encourage Hewitt to  consult with the Sutton Historical Society to prepare a proposal.

Public Input:

Judy Parkinson commended the Town Administrator for reinforcing safety guidelines around building use at a meeting held by the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts at Pillsbury Memorial Hall on Wednesday, July 24th. Parkinson remarked on the Town Administrator’s professionalism with attendees like herself who were turned away after the building’s maximum occupancy was met.

Parkinson also asked about the plan for repairing the Grist Mill Parking Lot opposite Pillsbury Memorial Hall. Pogust shared that Michael Vignale, the engineer who designed the parking lot, agreed to incur the cost of repairing the parking lot due to design flaws. Pogust shared that Vignale was waiting for things to dry out before performing repairs. Pogust directed the Town Administrator to schedule a meeting with Vignale to discuss planned repairs, including excavating the retention pond, which is impervious to drainage, and to improve drainage for the lot to prevent pooling.

Kim Ortakales congratulated Glynn on her interim appointment to the Select Board.

Robert  Wright thanked the Board for paving and seeding new grass around the South Sutton Common, Civil War Memorial, and the South Sutton Meetinghouse. Wright remarked that these efforts have enhanced the area.

Wright also asked about the Town’s plan to recover expenses and fines related to the Stotler Property. Pogust confirmed that these expenses are being tracked and would be recovered in the sale of the property.

Select Board Comments:


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:10pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Julia Jones

Town Administrator