Town of Sutton

Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221

Select Board Minutes

Monday, November 18th, 2024 – 6:00pm

Pledge of Allegiance:

Select Board Chair Glenn Pogust opened the meeting at 6:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Glenn Pogust, Select Board Chair; Michael McManus, Select Board Member; Nancy Glynn, Select Board Member; and Julia Jones, Town Administrator.

Also present at the meeting were: NH State Representative Tom Schamberg, Mark Rosenthal, Deputy Treasurer and Supervisor of the Checklist Judy Parkinson, Lee Booker, Ana Reynoso, Jill Rosenthal, Mary Michetti, Greg Gill, Town Forester Anita Blakeman, and Cemetery Commissioner Jennifer Call.


At 6:00pm the Board met with NH State Representative Tom Schamberg. Schamberg relayed concerns shared by his constituents regarding the condition of trees on Wadleigh Hill Road & Corporation Hill Road.

At 6:15pm the Board met with Town Forester Anita Blakeman to discuss concerns raised by Mary Michetti regarding the condition of trees on Wadleigh Hill Road & Corporation Hill Road. The Forester:

  • Reviewed Eversource’s responsibilities for tree removal and maintenance around power lines, and the Towns’ responsibility for tree removal and maintenance within rights-of-way where power lines are not located.
  • Shared the impact of the Emerald Ash Borer on the condition of ash trees in Sutton.
  • Emphasized the need for a hazard tree program to manage dead and dying trees.
  • Reviewed the legal aspects of tree removal and maintenance along roadways, including property rights, abutter notifications, and public hearing requirements to remove trees along scenic roads.

The Forester and the Board discussed the need for tree removal, tree maintenance, and annual mowing along Sutton’s roadways, particularly on scenic roads. McManus noted that the Town has a limited operating budget for tree maintenance, and a modest capital reserve fund established for tree maintenance. McManus and Pogust emphasized the need for additional funding to address extensive tree work along all of Sutton’s roads. The Forester and the Board discussed a process for identifying hazardous trees, notifying abutters, and coordinating with Eversource for tree removal.

The Board directed the Town Administrator to contact Eversource regarding the condition of trees along Wadleigh Hill Road & Corporation Hill Road and research available tree removal companies.

The Board asked the Forester to flag trees that should be removed within the right-of-way along Wadleigh Hill and Corporation Hill Roads. In coordination with the Road Agent, the Board asked the Forester to identify trees the Highway Department is comfortable removing or pruning without engaging an arborist or tree removal company.

The Board and the Forester discussed plans for hazard tree removal on Town property adjacent to the Millswood Cemetery. The Forester recommended the Board engage a logger to harvest these and other trees on the property in the hopes of doing so at no cost to the Town. The Board directed the Forester to flag trees for removal and to request bids from loggers for this project.


Glynn made a motion to accept the non-public minutes from November 12th and 14th. Pogust seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Glynn made a motion to seal the non-public minutes from November 12th pursuant to:

  • NH RSA 91-A:3 II. (a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a meeting and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted. Pogust seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.; and
  • NH RSA 91-A:3 II. (b) the hiring of any person as a public employee.

Pogust seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Glynn made a motion to seal the non-public minutes from November 14th pursuant to:

  • NH RSA 91-A:3 II. (b) the hiring of any person as a public employee.
  • NH RSA 91-A:3 II. (c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of the public body itself, unless such person requests an open meeting. This exemption shall extend to any application for assistance or tax abatement or waiver of a fee, fine, or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant. Pogust seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Pogust seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

The Board agreed to postpone review of the public minutes from November 7th, 12th, and 14th.


The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Payroll: $ 18,852.79
Vendor: $ 45,375.74
Vendor: $ 151.94


Building Permits:

The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

  • $40,161 building permit for roof-mounted solar submitted by Zachary Brock for parcel 01-183-064 located at 29 East Sutton Rd.
  • $253,000 building permit for a permanent structure for workshop and storage submitted by the Country Club of New Hampshire for parcel 07-541-036 located at189 Kearsarge Valley Road.

New Business:

The Board reviewed modified plans for Sutton Free Library ADA accessible entry and lift to provide access to all levels of the library.

The Board signed an Application for Reimbursement to Towns and Cities in which Federal and State Forest Land is Situated.

Greg Gill, Glynn, and the Town Administrator provided an update on a meeting with representatives of the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts (GSEMA) which took place November 13th at 12pm at Pillsbury Memorial Hall. In attendance were Nancy Glynn; Greg Gill; the Town Administrator; Barbara Fortier, former GSEMA Chief Executive Officer; and Katherine Le Lacheur, GSEMA Chief Operations Officer.

During this meeting, Fortier reviewed a Letter of Intent sent by the donor’s lawyer. The Town Administrator shared the following takeaways based on the Letter of Intent and information shared by representatives of GSEMA:

  • The Town of Sutton is explicitly excluded as a potential owner of the property.
  • The donor intends to purchase the Camp Wabasso properties and convey them to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
  • GSEMA suggests that the Town consider being the “backup” owner of the property should the grantee nonprofit organization become insolvent.
  • James Bruss, Owner of Relax & Company, LLC, and a publicist engaged by Relax & Company, LLC, have been excluded from the Camp Wabasso sale process.

During this meeting, GSEMA articulated the following as their expectations:

  • that the Town of Sutton no longer provides updates to the public or address the Camp Wabasso sale during Select Board meetings or on the Town website.
  • that all visits to the Camp Wabasso properties cease immediately.
  • that the Town Administrator be the sole point of contact for all future communications between the Town of Sutton and GSEMA.
  • that the Town of Sutton does not contact the donor, or the donor’s legal representative.

At this meeting, the Town Administrator established that Glynn, Gill, and herself could not approve future uses of the property. She recommended that further communications on intended uses or potentially abandoned uses be addressed to Town Counsel.

Gill asked the Town Administrator to clarify why the Town of Sutton is explicitly excluded as a potential owner of the property. The Town Administrator shared her understanding that the donor intends to capture tax incentives by purchasing the Camp Wabasso properties and conveying them to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Gill and the Town Administrator noted that similar tax incentives may be available to the donor should she donate the properties to the Town of Sutton, a government entity.

The Board discussed GSEMA’s expectations and other takeaways from the November 12th meeting. Gill recommended the Board consider writing a letter to the donor’s legal representative to clarify the Town’s position. The Board agreed to prepare a letter clarifying the Town’s position.

At 7:16pm Glynn made a motion to enter into a nonpublic session pursuant to NH RSA 91-A3 II. (b) the hiring of any person as a public employee. Pogust seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

At 7:29pm Glynn made a motion to leave the nonpublic session. Pogust seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Once back in public session, Glynn made a motion to seal the minutes pursuant to NH RSA 91-A3 II. (b) the hiring of any person as a public employee. Pogust seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Old Business:

Review of correspondence:

Public Input:

Mark Rosenthal shared that he discussed the removal of roadside trees with the Road Agent. If a tree service removes the crown of the tree, the Highway Department can remove the remainder of the tree. Rosenthal noted that it may take the Town two to three years to address tree safety issues.

Judy Parkinson remarked that the Town has worked hard on the Wabasso project. She acknowledged that there was significant enthusiasm around the project and suggested that the Town explore other ways to meet community needs identified in this process.

Select Board Comments:

Pogust shared that the Hazard Mitigation Committee is moving forward with plans to update the Town’s Hazard Mitigation Plan, which qualifies the Town for funding through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The Committee will begin meeting in December.

Glynn shared the following updates:

  • The North Sutton Post Office is organizing a gratitude turkey hand activity for children. Parents are encouraged to visit the Post Office to take part.
  • Community members may visit the Sutton Historical Society to shop for Town of Sutton merchandise.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Julia Jones

Town Administrator