October 22, 2018 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Board of Selectman October 22, 2018 @ 4:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by William I. Curless, Chair. Present at the meeting was William I. Curless, Chair; Dane Headley, Selectman; Robert Wright, Selectman; Dan Sundquist, Conservation Commission Chair; Robert DeFelice, Budget Committee Chair; Gail Guertin, Budget Committee; Annette and Anthony Abbondanza and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator. APPOINTMENTS: Daniel Sundquist, Conservation Chair, met with the Board to review the Conservation Commission 2019 proposed budget. Mr. Sundquist advised that this year a special projects line was added in the amount of $2,300 that is used for materials such as gates, signs and lumber for kiosks. The operating budget will largely remain the same. However, in 2019 the special projects line is proposed to go up to $6,700. Mr. Sundquist discussed some of the special projects, one of which is the vernal pool, which was a bridge with an interpretive map. Mr. Sundquist acknowledged the efforts of Henry Howell, who has spearheaded special projects for the Commission. Mr. Howell has developed a spreadsheet of how special project funds will be allocated. Next year the Commission will be installing more kiosks and interpretive maps for the conservation properties. The Commission also proposes to install bog bridges over wet spots. A larger project will be removal of the old pumphouse at the foot of King Ridge to be included in next years special projects. Some of the work will need to be contracted. It is possible that the Highway Department may be able to assist with some of the projects, otherwise, equipment will need to be hired. Selectman Wright asked how land use change taxes (LUCT) were being used by the Commission. Mr. Sundquist discussed an ongoing land protection project going on at Russell Pond which will be completed by years end. The Commission has approved $10,000 in funding from LUCT to support with necessary surveys, legal fees, etc. Mr. Sundquist discussed the Commission Capital Reserve Fund as well the King Hill Reservation Fund. The easement for King Hill will need to be reviewed to determine if mowing is legally obligated. Mr. DeFelice asked if the town obtained a mower, could the highway department assist with that effort? Mr. Sundquist advised that Commission anticipates adding $6,700 for special projects to the operating budget on an ongoing basis in order to catch up with needed projects such as mapping. Both printed maps and interactive maps/apps will be available on the website. Mr. DeFelice asked if the Commission would consider establishing a capital reserve fund for special projects with the Selectmen as agents to expend. Mr. Sundquist felt that the Commission would not be opposed to that and the reserve would give a lot more flexibility for projects. Mr. Sundquist will discuss the reserve with the Commission at their next regularly scheduled meeting. At 4:51 p.m. Selectman Wright made a motion to enter into Non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, IIC Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this board, unless such person requests an open meeting. This exemption shall extend to include any application for assistance or tax abatement or waiver of a fee, fine or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant. Selectman Headley seconded the motion. The roll was called. With Selectman Curless, Selectman Headley and Selectman Wright voting yes. Public session reconvened at 5:07 p.m. Selectman Curless made a motion to seal the minutes. Selectman Wright seconded the motion because it is determined that divulgence of this information likely would affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of this board. The motion passed with a unanimous affirmative vote. At 5:10 p.m. Selectman Curless made a motion to enter into Non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, II(c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this board, unless such person requests an open meeting. This exemption shall extend to include any application for assistance or tax abatement or waiver of a fee, fine or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant. Selectman Wright seconded the motion. The Board was polled with Selectman Curless, Selectman Headley and Selectman Wright voting yes. Public Session reconvened at 6:00 p.m. Selectman Wright made a motion to seal the minutes. Selectman Headley seconded the motion because it is determined that divulgence of this information likely would affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of this board. The motion passed with a unanimous affirmative vote. The minutes from October 15, 2018, were approved as written. The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests: PAYROLL MANIFEST: $10,540.91 VENDOR MANIFEST: $30,086.23 BUILDING PERMITS: The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits: Neal Kling, 06-223-188, Route 114, interior renovations, kitchen. Neil Shiffrin and Laura Hanson, 10-410-215, Summit Road for a screened porch. NEW BUSINESS: The Board discussed a shared driveway off of Chalk Pond Road that gave access to three parcels. It was noted that for emergency response purposes the driveway must be named. All of the property owners with access off the driveway provided written agreement to renaming; therefore, a public hearing would not be required. In addition, the property owners provided suggestions for the new name. The Board reviewed the suggestions. Selectman Wright made a motion, for emergency response purposes, to name the shared drive off of Chalk Pond Road “Pinnacle Drive” . Selectman Headley seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. The residents along Pinnacle Road will be notified in writing of the name. The Board emphasized that although the drive is named, it is not a public or private road, it is simply a shared driveway with a name. The Board discussed the 2018 Final Tax Rate and reviewed suggested amounts to be used from Fund Balance/Overlay to offset the tax rate. The Board favored using $148,000 which would leave a Fund Balance Retention of 9.07% and maintain the local tax rate at its current level of $7.48/1000. With a total 2018 tax rate of $28.04. It was observed that it was not likely that expenditures would be under budget this year. Selectman Wright noted that local school, state school and county taxes have all increased this year. Mr. DeFelice reminded the Board that last year the Town received a $100,000 offset from the school tax rate because of Claremont. The offset was for the 2017 tax year only. Mr. DeFelice supported the choice to keep the local tax rate at $7.48/1000. Selectman Wright and Mr. DeFelice observed that the increase in the school rate might encourage citizens to attend the deliberative session. Mr. DeFelice noted that out of seven towns only 125 people showed up for the deliberative session. Mr. DeFelice added that you can make a difference at the deliberative session as you are voting on what goes on the ballot. Selectman Wright made a motion to set the 2018 final tax rate at $28.04. Selectman Headley seconded the motion which passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. The total increase over 2017 is $1.74. The increases are in State Education, Local Education and County Tax Rates. A comparison between the 2017 and 2018 tax rates was provided as follows: 2017 2018 Increase State Education Taxes 2.26 2.38 0.12 Local Education Taxes 13.45 14.91 1.46 Town Appropriation 7.48 7.48 0.00 County Tax Rate 3.11 3.27 0.16 Total Tax Rate 26.30 28.04 1.74 Selectman Curless made a motion to continue the meeting until Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. Selectman Headley seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. The meeting was continued until 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 24, 2018. Continued Meeting 10/24/2018 Selectman Curless opened the meeting at 4:00 p.m. Present at the meeting were: William I. Curless, Chair; Dane Headley, Selectman; Robert Wright, Jr., Selectman; Robert DeFelice, Budget Committee Char; Tom Schamberg, Annette Abondanza and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator. At 4:05 p.m. Selectman Wright made a motion to enter into Non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, IIC Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this board, unless such person requests an open meeting. This exemption shall extend to include any application for assistance or tax abatement or waiver of a fee, fine or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant. Selectman Headley seconded the motion. The roll was called. With Selectman Curless, Selectman Headley and Selectman Wright voting yes. Public session reconvened at 4:20 p.m. Selectman Wright made a motion to seal the minutes Selectman Headley seconded the motion because it is determined that divulgence of this information likely would affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of this board. The motion passed with a unanimous affirmative vote. Robert DeFelice, Budget Committee Chair, met with the Board to discuss the operating budget as well as capital reserve planning for the Highway Department. Mr. DeFelice conducted a budgeting exercise which ranked the operating budgets and capital reserves. The exercise was effective at identifying the highest areas of expense. General Government contained the most expenses for the operating budget, and the highway department contained the most expenditures for capital reserve. Mr. DeFelice also has developed capital plans for Highway Equipment/Trucks based on a 10 year replacement cycle and presented to options for effective capital planning. The sense of the Board was that the supported option A which would achieve level capital funding sooner without requiring additional funds to be raised from general taxation. NEW BUSINESS: The Board reviewed a proposed amendment to the driveway application/permit. The purpose of the amendment was due to the steep slope requirements. The revised permit will be submitted to the planning board for review. In the interim, staff will use the revised permit for new driveways. The Board issued an Appointment for Cory Cochran as Deputy Emergency Management Director. The Board appointed the following members to the 2019 Hazard Mitigation Update Committee: Matthew Grimes, Emergency Management Director and Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer; Cory Cochran, Fire Chief and Deputy Emergency Management Director; Adam Hurst, Highway Foreman; Jonathan Korbet, Fire Chief; Elly Phillips, Town Administrator; Diego Solimine, Solid Waste Facility/Transfer Station Supervisor; Robert Wright, Jr., Select Board; Bonnie Hill, Conservation Commission Member; Glenn Pogust Planning Board Member; Robert DeFelice, Budget Committee Chair/Merchant. OLD BUSINESS: The Board revisited a citizen concern regarding rodents. David Burnham, Health Officer, has made recommendations regarding the matter. The Board accepted a withdrawal of resignation from Jane Williamson, Conservation Commission. REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: The Board noted the following items of correspondence: Police Standards regarding fitness Department of the Army – Permit Number: NAE-2016-02504 for Hominy Pot culvert SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS: Selectman Wright reported on his conversation with Candace Schaefer, Health Trust, regarding costs associated with the town’s insurance plan. He advised that the town was experienced rated in the under 50 employee group. HealthTrust takes a 2% administrative fee. The plan takes a 2.5% fee. The cost for services are discounted for the plan. The assessment is based on discounted services. A component of the increase is due to cost shifting that has recently been allowed for hospital serves. Selectman Curless was designated as the liaison to meeting with the Planning and Zoning Chairs regarding the Land Use Coordinator position on behalf of the Board. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:41 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elly Phillips Town Administrator