Town of Sutton Selectmen Meeting Minutes

Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street
Sutton Mills, NH  03221

Board of Selectman
Meeting Minutes of October 16, 2017


The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Robert Wright, Jr., Chair.  Present at the meeting was Robert Wright, Jr., Chair; William I. Curless, Selectman; Diego Solimine, Solid Waste Facility Supervisor; Robert DeFelice, Municipal Budget Committee Chair; Leslie Enroth; Al Donati, Stephen King, Bruce Kozikowski and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.



Leslie Enroth, former Selectman, met with the Board to discuss the current vacancy on the Select Board.  Ms. Enroth observed the current challenge before the Select Board was preparing the 2018 budget.  If needed, Ms. Enroth expressed a willingness to serve on an interim basis but did not wish to run for the remainder of the two-year term.   Ms. Enroth discussed some of her leadership strengths, among them is her ability to be discrete and that she treats everyone the same.  Selectman Wright observed that there would be two candidate slots for the office of Selectmen in 2018.  One would be for a two-year term and the other for a three-year term.


Diego Solimine, Solid Waste Supervisor, Solid Waste/Recycling Budget Review met with the Board to review the proposed budget for the Solid Waste Facility as well as other matters.  Mr. Solimine provided the Board with proposed changes to the fee structure for the solid waste facility and a facility map and informational brochure.  Mr. Solimine said that Linda Ford, Town Clerk/Tax Collector helped design the handout materials and that she did a great job.  The Board reviewed the proposed fee changes and will conduct a public meeting prior to the end of the year to review the proposed rate changes.


The Facility’s 2018 was budget was mostly flat aside from an increase resulting from the recently introduced plastic dumpster rental at an annual rate of $1,500.  The cost to purchase a dumpster is $5,900.  Previously, the dumpster was provided for free in exchange for receiving the revenue from the metal dumpster.  Selectman Curless was designated to communicate with Naughton’s on behalf of the Board regarding the plastic dumpster rental fees.  The wage line item will be reviewed in further detail.  The Town will advertise for a part-time Saturday, seasonal and as-needed staff member to assist at the facility.


David Burnham, Health Officer, met with the Board to discuss funding for a dumpster rental for a health department matter in order to ascertain whether it should come from the Health line item or from worthy causes or be split between the two.  It is not certain as to whether the dumpster rental will be required.   Phillips agreed to follow up with the welfare officer regarding funding and seek additional information regarding dumpster costs.


The minutes of October 9, 2017 were approved as written.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

PAYROLL MANIFEST:      $ 9,419.45

VENDOR MANIFEST:       $29,125.47



The Board approved a building permit for Eric and Daniele Roos, Map 01-850-436, Roby Road, for interior renovations and dormer.



The Board approved an intent to cut for Robert and Marilyn Cloutier, Map 05-698-411, Shadow Hill Road for 10 acres out of 50.



The Board issued a Land Use Change Tax for Martin Carrier, Map 07-847-318 in the amount of $2,700

The Board issued yield taxes for:

Ryan and Tracy Mingarelli, Map 04-658-404 in the amount of $815.55

Joe Jablonski, Map 04-072-018+ in the amount of $807.84

Rick Stockwell, Map 04-115-056 in the amount of $165.01

The board approved a Staples Purchase Order for the Fire Department in the amount of $240.86

The Board received evaluation forms and agreed to the following steps for conducting department head evaluations:

  1. Selectmen to individually complete evaluation forms.
  2. Selectmen to meet in non-public session to discuss and compile their determinations.
  3. Department heads to self-assess their performance by completing the evaluation form.
  4. Board to meet with Department heads in non-public session to conduct individual performance evaluations.


The Board appointed Diane Lander as an alternate member of the Planning Board for a term until March 2019.


The Board issued correspondence to Walter Baker, Jr., accepting his resignation with great regret.



The Board approved the 2017 MS-1 with updated values for Otter Lane Hydro.


The Board issued a file note at the Tax Collector’s request regarding Map/Lot  07-787-052.


The Board discussed their criteria for selecting a candidate to fill the vacancy on the Select Board.  Previous Selectmen and individuals currently serving on an official Town Board or Committee for a period of two years or more were asked if they had an interest in filling the vacancy until March 2018.  The Board addressed questions from the audience regarding the vacancy.


In view of the pressing matters before the Board and the number of interviews/budgetary items and performance evaluations, the Board discussed the time to begin their meeting.  Selectmen Curless made a motion to begin their regular meetings at 4:00 p.m.  Selectman Wright seconded the motion.  The motion passed with no dissent.


The Main Street cemetery fence project was discussed.  Selectman Curless reported on the project.  The granite posts are currently being set and the links are currently on back order.  It is anticipated that the project will be completed within the next two weeks.  The fence that was removed is not in condition to be reused and does not match any existing fencing, therefore, Selectman Curless recommended that the old fence be recycled.



The Board received correspondence from CASA requesting a 2018 appropriation.  The Board will recommend that the request be petitioned.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:23 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator