Town of Sutton

Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Board of Selectman

June 24, 2019 @ 4:00 p.m.


The meeting was called to order at 4:03 p.m. by Dane Headley, Chair.  Present at the meeting were Dane Headley, Chair; Robert Wright, Jr., Selectman; William I. Curless, Selectman; Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair; Adam Hurst, Road Agent and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.



Robert DeFelice, KRSD MBC School Representative, reported on  the Kearsarge Regional School District meeting, Budgeting 101, that was conducted June 19, 2019 regarding School Funding.  Selectman Headley and Selectman Wright were in attendance.  Mr. DeFelice provided the Board with handouts from the meeting as well as a pie chart Mr. DeFelice compiled which showed School District Revenue sources on a statewide basis.  The chart demonstrated that in NH, education is predominately funded through  local property taxes at (62%). Additional revenue streams are the statewide property tax (11%), federal aid 5%, other state aid (such as the lottery) (2%) and tuition, food and other (1%).


Mr. DeFelice observed that school costs are going up and attendance was going down.   The Board also discussed various issues coming before the KRSD School Board.  Selectman Headley indicated that the Board should discuss district funding with Representative Schamberg.  Mr. DeFelice opined that the school is not overfunded.  However, student population is down.  Mr. DeFelice discussed property valuation versus tax rate, noting that New London has a lower tax rate, but base property values are higher.  Therefore, the cost contribution to the district evens out.  The benefit of having a commercial tax base was also discussed along with the use of surplus and district budget concerns including accountability.  It was noted that increased citizen participation at district meetings would be beneficial


The Board met with Adam Hurst, Road Agent, for a monthly update and to review major issues facing the highway department.    Mr. Hurst said that he is familiarizing himself with  funding, administration  and organizational structure.  Work on the roads is going well and morale is good at the Highway Department due to good communication between the crew members.


Selectman Wright asked Mr. Hurst for an update on Rowell Hill Road.   Mr. Hurst reported that the highway department will be shooting grades on Rowell Hill Road and may be able to alleviate some of the drainage issues through grading.  Selectman Wright also requested an update on Old Blaisdell Road.  Mr. Hurst did not feel there were any major issues on Old Blaisdell Road.  Selectman Curless stated that he did not observe any major issues on Old Blaisdell Road.  Selectman Hurst said that water is draining appropriately along the sides of Old Blaisdell Road.  There was one driveway at the bottom of the hill where it was wet on both sides of the road.  There wasn’t anything you could do about that.   Mr. Hurst is not clear what Mr. Kozikowski’s concerns were regarding the camp and Old Blaisdell Road.  Mr. Kozikowski did not present for the meeting, although he was invited to discuss his concerns with the Board and the Road Agent.


Selectman Wright asked whether there were any emerging problems that may go before the Budget Committee.  Mr. Hurst had concerns regarding the Cotton Road Bridge.  He also discussed the large culverts on Shaker Street (right before the golf course) which are degrading and might require a box culvert.  The condition of Kearsarge Valley Road was  also discussed.  Weather conditions will determine the timing of calcium chloride application.  Allstate has provided the Town with equipment for the chloride application.


Mr. Hurst reported that the sand shed is holding up well.  Tar is applied every other year to prolong the life of the building.  The 2001 550 needs to be inspected for maintenance issues.  Due to the age of the truck, further maintenance may not be cost effective.   The one-ton trucks get a great deal of use.


The importance of crack sealing was discussed as it prolongs the life of the road.  A capital reserve fund for a crack seller will be looked into during the budget process.  The Highway Department will likely need to acquire a new sweeper as parts are no longer available.  Mr. Hurst was able to have a part fabricated so that the sweeper can be used this year.  Mr. DeFelice reviewed the budget planning process with Mr. Hurst.   The Grist Mill Committee would like Mr. Hurst to attend a future meeting to discuss maintenance concerns for the property.


The minutes from June 17, 2019 were approved as corrected.  The non-public sealed minutes were approved as written.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

PAYROLL MANIFEST:  $  10,847.28

VENDOR MANIFEST:    $823,460.83



Action was deferred on a building permit for Trinity Bible Church, 04-306-120, Rte. 114, for an office, classroom, and lobby addition, pending an approved variance for setback from wetlands pursuant to Article X, Table D.1 which requires a setback of 75’ for non-agricultural use.



The Board issued a Yield Tax, for Nathan Byfield, 06-191-244, in the amount of $6,292.02



The Board noted that Representative Schamberg forwarded their correspondence regarding Solid Waste concerns to  appropriate parties at the DES and state legislature.


The Board issued a Civil Forfeiture Warrant for Unlicensed Dogs.


The Board reviewed Draft Rules of Procedure.  Selectman Wright asked that rule 5.4 be edited to read.  A motion to reconsider should only be made by a member who voted with the prevailing side.  Suggestions for revision to item 6.3, 9.3, 9.4, 10.4, and 10.7.   The Board will be referred to as Select Board within the document.    The draft will be redlined to incorporate the suggestions and the Board will review the revised draft at their next meeting.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Elly Phillips, Town Administrator