Town of Sutton Selectmen Meeting Minutes

Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street
Sutton Mills, NH  03221

Board of Selectman
Meeting Minutes of July 31, 2017



The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Robert Wright, Jr., Chair. Present at the meeting was Robert Wright, Jr., Chair; William I. Curless, Selectman; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Michael McManus, Diego Solimine, Solid Waste/Transfer Station Supervisor; Daniel Sundquist, Conservation Commission Chair and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.


The public and nonpublic minutes of July 24, 2017 were approved as written. The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:


VENDOR MANIFEST: $ 409,857.46



At 5:01 p.m. Selectman Baker made a motion to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3,II(a) setting the compensation of any public employee. Selectman Curless seconded the motion.  The Board was polled with Selectmen Wright, Curless and Baker voting in the affirmative.  Public session resumed at 5:14 p.m.  The minutes were not sealed.   The nonpublic session was about the employment probationary period and compensation.  No action was taken.


Diego Solimine, Solid Waste/Transfer Station Supervisor discussed operations at the Facility. Staff have been attending training sessions, and things are going very well.  Mr. Solimine has received many compliments regarding how neat the facility is.    Mr. Solimine is working with the public to educate them on what goes in the construction dumpster.  Mr. Solimine emphasized the importance of recycling metal in the metal dumpster.


The Board reviewed DES requirements for disposal of kitty litter with Mr. Solimine. Kitty litter must be disposed of in the compactor.  Composting of kitty litter on private property is permissible.  Mr. Solimine advised that Sutton is using a new vendor for electronics recycling.   Towers and laptops should be separated on pallets as they are revenue producing recycled items.  Mr. Solimine is striving to reduce the number of times electronics need to be shipped as another cost savings measure.  Mr. Solimine is in the process of scheduling septic lagoon maintenance.  Mr. Solimine also reported that KRSD art students are planning to paint a mural at the facility.


At 5:30 p.m. Michael McManus met with the Board as a follow up to his meeting of November 21, 2016, to discuss tree removal and upgrade on a Class VI portion of Eaton Grange Road West. Mr. McManus has requested written permission from the three affected abutting property owners to remove trees in the right-of-way in order to facilitate improvement of a Class VI portion of Eaton Grange Road West.   Mr. McManus requested verification that the removal of trees within the right-of-way is tax exempt pursuant to RSA 79,I,2(b).


Mr. McManus advised that the proposed improvements would correct where the road is washed out and impassable. Dirt will be taken from the sides, brought to the center (crowned) with a swale for water flow. The road base will be upgraded and drainage will be improved as a result of the road maintenance.   The road will be maintained at its present width.   Mr. McManus observed that major improvement will be required on the hill right past his driveway as a result of damage from the Mother’s Day storm.  The work will begin at the corner of the Conservation land to Birch Hill Road, 2,000 +/-.   The Board will issue a letter of permission at their next regularly scheduled Selectmen’s meeting.


At 5:45 p.m., Dan Sundquist, Conservation Chair, met with the Board regarding the Kezar Lake Natural Area. A question has been brought forward regarding ownership of the lake frontage.  Mr. Sundquist provided the Board with a report prepared by Bristol Sweet in 2001.  The purpose of the 2001 report was to research a lakefront property line.  The report contains information about the area around Horse Beach/Smiley Grove/North Sutton Improvement Society land.   The Town bought the property with the understanding that the 200 foot strip of beach between the road’s edge to the water went with the lot across the street.  The surveyors report recommended that the area be reviewed by an attorney for chain of ownership deeds and wills.  The Conservation Commission requested that the matter be researched by Town Counsel for review and response prior to the September 13 Conservation Commission Meeting in order for the Commission to follow up on the management plan.



The Board Reviewed and approved the following building permits:

Jason Pitts, Map 10-528-179, to reroof after removal of PV system

Eric Schultz, Map 03-304-474 for a garage carport subject to wetlands approval



The Board issued a Yield Tax Warrant in the amount of $866.60 for Map 06-191 -244, Byfield.


The Selectmen acknowledged receipt of $95,299.14 from the State of New Hampshire which is special funding for Highway construction, reconstruction or maintenance purposes as specified in SB 38. The Town will conduct a public hearing pursuant to RSA 31-95-b II (a) on August 21, 2017.



Phillips reported on a meeting with the Warner and Bradford Town Administrators which was conducted on Tuesday, July 25 regarding consolidation of services Warner/Bradford/Sutton. Sutton is participating in a consolidated bid for #2 heating oil with Warner and Bradford.  For propane heat, the Board agreed to continue using Ayer and Goss as the Town’s vendor.


It was noted that a correction will be made on the tax map for property owned by William Merullo designated as Sutton Tax Map/Lot 05-504-304 based on a survey provided by the property owner.


Selectman Wright requested that Linda Ford, Town Clerk/Tax Collector, report on the tax lien abatements for Tenants In Common who were not delinquent on their taxes.



Selectman Wright reported on three articles from the July/August Town and City.

  1. 3-D Mapping for Municipalities
  2. Alternate Service Delivery
  3. State and local Regulation of Drones

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:26 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Elly Phillips, To wn Administrator