Town of Sutton Selectmen Meeting Minutes

Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street
Sutton Mills, NH  03221

Board of Selectman
Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2017



The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Robert Wright, Jr., Chair.  Present at the meeting was Robert Wright, Jr., Chair; William I. Curless, Selectman; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Jon Korbet, Police Chief; Valerie Crone, Police Sergeant; Duncan Domey, Police Corporal;  Ed Canane, Land Use Coordinator; Roger Wells, Planning Board Chair; Robert DeFelice, Budget Committee Chair; and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.


Selectman Wright administered the Oath of Office to Duncan Domey who was promoted to the rank of Corporal.  Chief Korbet and Sergeant Crone were also present for the occasion.  Corporal Domey thanked the Board for their continued confidence and trust in him.

Jon Korbet, Police Chief, met with the Board for a preliminary budget review.  Chief Korbet reviewed the budget on a line item basis.  The police department is not budgeting for a resource officer in 2018.  The overtime line item has been increased due to the difficulty in recruiting part-time coverage.  The computer services line item may be subject to changes depending on the type of software/hardware support arrangement town-wide for 2018.  An increased amount will be requested for building maintenance and repair because old-fashioned-fluorescent lights need to be replaced.  An increased appropriation of $6,750 will be required for a lighting upgrade and acquisition of a security system with video monitoring for the police department.  Capital Reserveds and cruiser replacement schedule was also reviewed.

The minutes from September 18, 2017 public and nonpublic were approved as written.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:


PAYROLL MANIFEST:      $  12,431.40

VENDOR MANIFEST:       $433,805.77



The Board issued a building permit for the Jeffrey Family Trust, Map 02-478-356, Lovett Lane for a home.



The Board received a copy of the Town of Warner’s Wage Study.  The Town of Sutton was a participant in the wage survey.  As the survey was not Town specific, the Board requested salary information for the Town of Sutton for the positions.


Ed Canane, Land Use Coordinator, presented to formally submit his resignation.  He thanked the Board for the opportunity and stated that he was leaving to spend more time with family.  Mr. Canane was thanked for his efforts on behalf of the Town and particularly for developing the Town’s new website.  Mr. Canane will work with staff regarding ongoing website maintenance.


The Board discussed processing building permit applications for  steep slope review as well as referral to planning board for consideration of a conditional use permit.  Selectman Curless suggested acquiring a tool to determine slope.  Mr. Canane and Selectman Baker recommended using the mapping overlay as a first measure.   If there is a question regarding a parcel, the matter should be referred to a qualified surveyor.   The building permit should be amended to state that if any portion of the lot is contiguous with the Town’s overlay district it shall be certified that it is within the 20% grade.  The Board agreed to review this matter in further detail at a future meeting.


The Board approved a Purchase Order for Staples for supplies for Linda Ford, Certified Town Clerk/Tax Collector.


The Board issued correspondence to NH Public Golf Courses advising of the yield tax appeal process.


Action was deferred on a letter to Peter Graf regarding roadside maintenance along Rowell Hill Road.  On behalf of the Board, Selectman Curless will perform a site visit along with Stephen Bagley, Road Agent and Sergeant Crone to verify the right-of-way along Rowell Hill Road and report back to the Board.



The Board approved the Main Street Cemetery Proposal and authorized initial disbursement of $6,600 to Campbell Fence.


Action was deferred on executing a Memorandum Of Understanding with Mid State RCC.  The Board felt that candidates to serve as representatives should be sought prior to making a decision regarding the matter.


Stephen Bagley, Road Agent, reported that the Highway Department is in the process of trimming overgrowth obstructing street signs.



The Board reviewed correspondence from Health Trust – Regarding HealthTrust Benefit Advantage program for non-covered benefits – Selectman Wright will follow up.



At 6:07 p.m. Selectman Baker made a motion to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3,II (c)  matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this Board.  Selectman Curless seconded the motion.  The Board was polled with Selectman Wright, Selectman Curless and Selectman Baker voting in the affirmative.  Public session resumed at 6:22 p.m.  Selectman Baker made a motion to seal the minutes as it was determined that divulgence of this information might affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of this Board.  Selectman Curless seconded the motion which passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.



Selectman Curless reported that he was meeting with an electrician regarding the Old Store Museum.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator