Town of Sutton
Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Board of Selectman
April 15, 2019 @ 4:30 p.m.


The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m.  Present at the meeting were:  Dane Headley, Chair; Robert Wright, Jr. Selectman and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.


The minutes from April 8, 2019 were approved as amended.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

PAYROLL MANIFEST:  $  10,512.41

VENDOR MANIFEST:    $  25,263.68

VENDOR MANIFEST:    $        500.00



The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

Paul and Barbara Scarpino, 01-136-098, East Sutton Road, for an addition (master, bath, closet, laundry_

Amy Highstrom/Vicky Anderson, 08-884-433, Baker Hill Road, for a roof

Stephen and Samantha Finkelstein, 08-057-374, Keyser Street, for a bathroom addition

William Hayes, 09-097-335, Shaker Heights, for a garage/carport



The Board approved an exemption for Peter and Deborah Revocable Trust, 10-396-222 in the amount of $500.


INTENT TO CUT:                          

The Board approved an intent to cut for Stephen Bobella, Map 08-574-166, Poor Farm Road, 25 acres out of 35.6



The Board issued a Yield Tax for Thomas Friel, Map 05-548-577, $18,522.77

The Board issued an Excavation Tax for  Christopher Rowe, et al, 08-270-222, $12.00

The Board approved a Current Use Application for the  Equity Group, 08-760-394 for 1 acre out of 76.2114

The Board reviewed correspondence to the DES regarding Post Closure Landfill Requirements for DES-SW-PP-96-038 and DES-SW-PP-96-039.

The Board requested that abatement forms are prepared for the following properties for good cause shown:

Kevin Currie, 02-239-312, request for abate of interest on first issue 2018 taxes (administrative).

Jane Williamson, Tax Bills 82811 and 82783 and 82809 second issue 2018 (administrative).



The Board reviewed correspondence to Bruce Kozikowski requesting additional information in conjunction with consideration of an abatement request.

The Board issued correspondence to Eagle Scout Candidate – Matthew Churchwell regarding guidance on community service activities.

The Board issued correspondence to the Historical Society regarding 26 Grist Mill Street.

The Board considered a request for a Select Board’s representative to serve on a joint committee regarding “Horse Beach.”  The Selectmen felt it would be best if the Committee would report to the Select Board so that a full Board is present to consider items recommended for action.



Selectman Wright reported on the hearing that was conducted before the Superior Court regarding the Stotler property, located at Map/Lot 01-407-067.  Mr. Stotler was ordered to make significant progress in cleaning up his property within the next 30 days.  Failure to comply with the order will result in the imposition of fines.  The Court has set a hearing for June 10, 2019 to monitor progress and address further injunctive or other relief.


Selectman Wright reported on the 4/19/2019 meeting of the Hazard Mitigation Committee.  Present at the meeting were:  Stephanie Alexander, CNHRPC Senior Planner; Kala Henderson, Homeland Security; Wendy Grimes, Rescue Chief; Matthew Grimes, Emergency Management Director; Jonathan Korbet, Police Chief; Aaron Flewelling, Deputy Fire Chief; Robert Wright, Select Board; Bonnie Hill, Conservation Commission; Glenn Pogust, Planning Board; Mary Lou Steblai, Neighborhood Representative; and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.    Selectman Wright commented on the wide range of areas covered and commended the participants for their efforts on the Committee.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips