Town of Sutton
Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Board of Selectman
March 4, 2019 @ 4:00 p.m.



The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by William I. Curless, Chair.  Present at the meeting were:  William I. Curless, Chair; Dane Headley, Selectman; Robert Wright, Jr., Selectman; Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair; Gail Guertin, Budget Committee Member; Walter Baker, Jr., Conservation Co-Chair; Don Davis, Conservation Commission Member, Derek Lick, Moderator and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.


4:30  p.m. Walter Baker, Jr., Conservation Co-Chair and Don Davis, Conservation Commission Member regarding the capital reserves/budget for the Commission.  Walter Baker, Jr. stated that he was one of the Co-Chairs for the Commission.  The Commission is currently delegating duties to members so that it is not all on the Chair.  Last year’s budget had an overage on special projects, but this is not going to happen again.  Mr. Baker opined that $6,000 for special projects was unnecessary.


What they would like to do is restore the Land Capital Reserve back to $7,000 (which is what it has been in past years.  This year’s appropriation is $1,000).    The Board would further like to make a motion to pass over creating a reserve for special projects in the amount of $6,000.  There would be no change to the amounts being put into capital reserve.   Mr. Baker read the proposed motion to the Board.  Whatever projects are planned could be funded from the Commission’s Operating Budget or from the Conservation Fund.  The Conservation Fund is more flexible in what can be done with it.  The Conservation Fund gets funded through the Change In Use Tax.


A discussion ensued regarding the procedure for amending the Conservation Capital Reserve.  Mr. Baker and Mr. Davis reviewed the Commission’s proposed amendment and motion to pass over Article 13 with Derek Lick, Moderator.  Mr. Lick discussed the Rules of Procedure for the meeting.  The Board assigned motions for Town Meeting.


At 5:00 p.m. Derek Lick, Moderator, met with the Board in preparation for Town Meeting.  The 2019 The individual warrant articles were reviewed. and Board members were assigned to move the articles on to the floor.     Town elections were discussed.  Selectman Wright will be there all day and Selectman Headley will be in for the afternoon.  Selectman Curless is on the ballot.  Mr. Lick discussed the possibility of obtaining automated ballot machines.  The ballot machines must be approved by the Secretary of State’s office.  Four types of ballot machines are being reviewed by the Secretary of State’s office.  The ballot machines scan and tabulate the paper ballots.  Mr. Lick described the technology in great detail.   The software and ballot processing costs about $1,000 per year.  Acquisition of the ballot machine will cost about $6,000.  Only one machine would be needed for a town the size of Sutton.  Mr. Derek is interested in obtaining a machine for the 2020 election should there be sufficient support from the public.


The Public and Non-Public Minutes from February 25, 2019 were approved as written.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

PAYROLL MANIFEST:           $ 10,223.93

VENDOR MANIFEST:             $ 36,012.31



The Board approved an elderly exemption for Jeanette, Couch, Map 06-408-205.



The Board approved an All Veteran’s Tax Credit in the amount of $500.00 for Charles Trowbridge, Map 01-787-199



The Board approved solar exemptions for:

Eileen Fair and Rebecca Thomas, 07-908-549, $10,400

Raymond Jameson/Erin Foley, 06-310-058, $7,920

Kyle Orde, 08-764-304, $8,400

Neil Shifrin and Laura Hanson, 10-410-215, $25,000

The Board accepted applications as timely for the following solar exemption requests as timely, and will grant the the exemptions subject to 2019 assessment.

Eric Kilens, 07-797-309, subject to assessment at 100% solar value

Lee and Karen Booker, subject to assessment at 100% solar value



The Board decided that architect-stamped plans for the fire department are not necessary as the town is not going forward with the project.

The Board issued correspondence to Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair/Trustee of the Trust Funds, thanking him for his contributions on the Budget Committee, Capital Improvement Plan and trust fund/capital reserve research.


The Board issued correspondence to Marc and Cheryl Hebert regarding RSA 236:39 matters advising them of consequences for obstructing or damaging the roads.



The Board noted the following items of correspondence:

Knollwood Environmental Associates – Monitoring Report

Legislative Bulletin



Selectman Curless advised that he had been asked to attend a meeting of the Library Trustees and verified that he was still the liaison for that Board.    Selectman Wright made a motion that Selectman Curless should continue as the library liaison.  Selectman Headley seconded the motion which passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator