June 1, 2020 | Librarian Board of Trustees January 14, 2020 Special Meeting Corrected and Approved Minutes Board Members Present: Dinah O’Neil, Chairperson; Nancy Heckel, Treasurer; Yvonne Howard; Diane Lander; Betsy Anderson, Alternate; and Elizabeth Geraghty, Library Director Board Members Absent: Jen Call Public Present: No members of the public were present. Call to Order Chairperson O’Neil called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm and then called the roll. Chairperson O’Neil then designated Board Member Anderson to sit for Board Member Call. Approval of Minutes The draft minutes of the January 7, 2020 regular meeting were reviewed and approved. Board Member Lander and Alternate Board Member Anderson abstained as they did not attend the January 7th meeting. Correspondence A $500.00 donation was received. The money is unrestricted. The Board Members unanimously voted to accept the donation and to put it toward the purchase of a new laptop for the Library. Reports Treasurer’s Report There was no Treasurer’s report as the bank statement had not yet been received. Library Director’s Report Library Director Geraghty requested that we consider changing the Library website domain/name company from the previous company located in Singapore to the Whois company, which is located in the United States, for ease of payment. This was moved, voted on, and passed unanimously in the affirmative. Discussion of bids for the ADA bathroom and ramp construction ensued. We will be holding a joint meeting with the Selectmen on Monday, January 27th to discuss this further. The Board reviewed the Operating Budget proposal. There will be a meeting with the Budget Committee on Monday, January 20th. Human Resources The Board discussed starting salaries for the positions of Library Substitute, Library Assistant, and Library Director. Adjustments to a starting salary may be made based on experience and length of employment. A discussion regarding salaries of the current library employees followed. It was also noted that Library Director Geraghty’s annual review is due in April. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:45 pm.