Town of Sutton



5 Corporation Hill Road

Sutton Mills, NH 03221

Board of Trustees July 2, 2019 Regular Meeting

Corrected and Approved Minutes

Board Members Present: Diane O’Neil, Chairperson; Nancy Heckel, Treasurer; Jennifer Call; Yvonne Howard; Diane Lander; and Elizabeth Geraghty, Library Director

Board Member Absent: Betsy Anderson, Alternate Trustee

Public Present: Tom Schamberg, Wilmot Resident and State Representative

Call to Order

Chairperson O’Neil called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and then called the roll.

Approval of Minutes

The Board discussed suggested corrections to the draft minutes of the June 4, 2019 regular meeting.

Motion: Board Member Heckel moved to approve the minutes of the June 4,, 2019 regular meeting as amended.  Board Member Call seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously in the affirmative.

There were no suggested corrections to the draft minutes of the June 19, 2019 special meeting.

Motion: Chairperson O’Neil moved to approve the minutes of the June 19,, 2019 special meeting as presented.  Board Member Call seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously in the affirmative.


Library Director Geraghty explained that there is some confusion as to which accounts should be used to pay the Henniker Septic invoices, including the remaining outstanding balance.  Board Member Heckel volunteered to discuss this with Lorri Himes, Town Bookkeeper.

The NH State Lab water test results showed the iron and stagnant lead levels exceed the drinking water standards.  There are no filters on the existing water system and the Library does not have bottled water. One temporary option may be to keep a container of water in the refrigerator.  Board Member Call will contact the Sutton Health Officer, David Burnham, and inform him of the results. Library Director Geraghty asked for clarification of what to do by July 17th as that is when the Summer Program starts.

Public Comments

Representative Schamberg recently presented on the floor of the House two bills that constituents wanted to see action on.  As he wants to be available to meet with Sutton residents in order to address any of their concerns, either through Bills or contacting the appropriate agency to resolve issues, he will be available to residents one hour per month in the library.  These sessions will be advertised in the InterTown Record.


Treasurer’s Report

Balance as of last meeting (June 4, 2019): $11,350.66

Checks: Book acquisition for $552.52 and Fairbanks Museum passes for $75.00

Balance as of this meeting (July 2, 2019): $10,723.14

The review of the general ledger accounts has been moved to September.

The Board discussed and then decided against establishing a Discretionary Fund for the Library Director.  These funds are usually of only very small amounts, Library Director Geraghty is fine with asking the Trustees to allocate funds for specific purposes, and a special meeting can be called if the funds are needed before the next scheduled regular meeting.

Library Director’s Report

The current Library policy manual is 60 pages.  Library Director Geraghty is preparing an organized, edited, and corrected manual.  She asked that the Trustees review, revise, and maybe enhance the Library’s Mission Statement.

The summer residents are coming back to the library and are excited about the new books, people are excited about the Summer Program Activities Days, and there now is a schedule for “Story Time with your Neighbors!”  Library Director Geraghty noted that, as the seasons change, the number of children who participate in Library activities changes and that the number of participating children has picked up a lot this summer. Because of this, the advertising of these activities is limited due to the inability to accommodate large numbers.  These activities are advertised in the InterTown Record (calendar, Sutton section) and the Friends of the Library Facebook page.

Library Director Geraghty has started updating the Library web page with information about the new museum passes.

The Library has 51% of the operating budget left as of June 28th.  Everything is on track except books and administrative expenses, which is somewhat of a catch all account.

Brian Thompson trimmed the bushes.  Library Director Geraghty talked with him and reminded him that, in the future, to trim and cover the bushes in the Fall.  This needs to be added to the maintenance list.

The Friends received a $500 donation from Mascoma Savings Bank.  The funds will be used for museum passes and the Summer Reading Program.

The garden volunteers worked on weeding the front beds.  Library Director Geraghty asked them to now work on the circle garden.

Ernie Brake has previously donated mulch.  Chairperson O’Neil will contact him to see if he is willing to again donate mulch.

Building/Grounds Committee Report

There is no update on the ramp.  Board Member Heckel will ask Elly Phillips, Town Administrator, for an update.  Library Director Geraghty reported that there is about $42,000 in the ramp fund.

The estimate from L & B Roofing is for the work to be done on both the Library and the Town Hall.  Robert DeFelice said the repairs will be covered under the municipal grounds fund. Board Members discussed that this project is an example of the need for an updated summary list of equipment purchases and repairs/updates; a “Wish List,” as requested by the Selectmen; and a MOU with the Town.

Irish Electric has provided an estimate for the needed electrical repairs.  Installing a receptacle for the door opener and adding a receptacle beside the door require the ramp to have already been installed.  Board Member Call will contact Irish Electric and ask if the estimate includes panic buttons (i.e., would they use the same phone line) and if 2 additional dedicated phone lines are needed or if just 2 total dedicated phone lines are needed.

The fire alarm system is not the same as, or part of, the security system.  It is strictly for fire and smoke. Board Member Call will ask Northmark if it is willing to provide an estimate for the needed electrical repairs as well.

Board Member Call will also contact a second electrical company for an estimate.

Friends of Sutton Free Library Report

The Friends will provide snacks at the end of the Summer Reading Program.

Board Member Howard is researching if Little Free Libraries can be placed at state parks.

Old Business

Library Director Geraghty will ask Elly Phillips, Town Administrator, if the Board of Trustees Recording Secretary may have access to the Town web site that is restricted to posting Board minutes, agendas, and notices.

Board Member Lander has volunteered to review and prepare a draft revision of the Library Bylaws, to include listing the process for posting meeting notices, public hearings, etc.  She said it may be best to wait on this project until Library Director Geraghty finishes preparing a revised Library policy manual.

Chairperson O’Neil volunteered to help Board Member Heckel draft a MOU with the Town.

New Business

No new business was brought before the Board.

Announcements and Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for August 6, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.

Board Member Lander will not be able to attend the August and September meetings.


Motion: There being no further business, Chairperson O’Neil moved to adjourn the meeting.  Board Member Call seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously in the affirmative.  The meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Lander, Recording Secretary