May 12, 2021 | Librarian BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING MINUTES ~ Approved Date of Meeting Tuesday, April 7, 2021 @ 7:00 pm Board Members Present Nancy Heckel (Chair); Marcy Vierzen; Jen Call; Emily Cooper, Nancy Glynn, Betsy Anderson (Alternate Board Member); Elizabeth Geraghty (Library Director) Board Members Absent Note This meeting was conducted on ZOOM for all present. Public Present: No members of the public were present for this meeting; No guests were present. In light of COVID-19 Concerns and applicable executive and emergency orders, this evening’s Sutton Free Library (SFL) Board of Trustees meeting is being held per the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-04 Section 8, Emergency Order #12 Section 3. CALL TO ORDER Roll Call, Welcome New Board Members The Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees (SFL BOT) meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Board Chair Nancy Heckel, and roll taken. No members of any households of Trustees or other members of the public were present within listening of this meeting at the beginning of the meeting. Heckel welcomed new Board Members Emily Cooper and Nancy Glynn and each board member/participant of the evening’s meeting took a few moments to introduce themselves. Review of Draft Minutes Minutes from the March SFL BOT meeting were reviewed. No corrections or revisions were made. Heckel made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 2, 2021 BOT meeting, seconded by Board Member Marcy Vierzen. The motion carried in the affirmative. Correspondence Geraghty noted that no new written correspondence arrived. REPORTS Financial/Treasurer’s Report The beginning balance for March on the Trustee account was 10,385.01. With $0.11 of earned interest for the month of March 2021, bringing the ending balance for March to $ 10,385.12. There are presently two accounts which the SFL BOT manages… The Trustee account, which receives funds from book sales, donations and other programs supported by the Trustees, and the Town account, which receives funds from the Town of Sutton for operations. Payroll is paid by the town of Sutton and is not paid for or managed by the Town account. Heckel opened the Budget/Operations account at Sugar River Savings Bank in New London, NH on March 24, 2021, and deposited $22,625.81 from the Town of Sutton following the Town Meeting. The person in the role of Treasurer will be responsible for both of these bank accounts. Library Director Report Library Director Elizabeth Geraghty noted that the process for library automation is on its final stretch. The goal for bringing this live to patrons is by June/July. Geraghty noted that Assistant Librarian Kristin Show will be attending a two-day conference, “Reimagining School Readiness” which is geared toward designing learning experiences and environments. Geraghty also signed SFL up for “Page Turner Adventures”, a summer library program which provides the option for a 4-, 6- or 8- week virtual program. With the current risks due to COVID of groups attending programs within the library, this program offers a safe alternative to transitioning back into the Summer Reading program. SFL made the decision to do the 6-week program. Though the initial cost of this program was $575, with discounts and contribution from the state, the fee will only be $200. Call suggested that the Friends of the Library grant from 2020 be used to pay for this program. This program operates Monday through Friday and is about 30 minutes to 1 hour in length. Patrons may participate in the program live, and also access the recorded programs at a later time. Each day of the week will offer a different progr; for example, Mondays may be storytime, Tuesdays may be crafts. Geraghty also noted that SFL has bought fewer museum and activity passes for patrons to access than in the past. Part of this is due to continuing concerns of COVID, and another is due to lack of use by Sutton patrons. Passes planning to be offered by SFL at this time include entry to the following: State Parks, The Fells, and VINS. Vierzen noted that lack of prior use, in addition to the constraints of COVID, may be due to Sutton patrons not realizing that such passes have been available, and reiterated the value of these “free passes” as well as suggested ways to “market” such information more. Trustees discussed how to find out which passes may be available and of most value to Sutton residents. Geraghty will compile a list of the passes that SFL has offered in the past and welcomes suggestions for further ideas. Pass suggestions from Board Members included: St. Gaudens, Fairbanks, Montshire Museum (Montshire does NOT offer a pass option for libraries), Mt. Washington Observatory (currently closed). Library Director Geraghty noted that she had researched other museums in the past for information about passes… in terms of availability, utilization and how to ascertain. Board Member Nancy Glynn noted that she will contact a friend who works at Exeter Library to find out what they offer in the way of passes. In defining the re-opening plan for SFL as we move into the summer months, Geraghty noted that she would like to add this conversation into the agenda for the May SFL BOT meeting. The Board can discuss facts, the impact of vaccinations, and how to take small steps toward making the resources of Sutton Free Library more accessible to patrons, while continuing to be mindful of safety and comfort for all. Building and Grounds Report Regarding the slate roof, Alternate Board Member Betsy Anderson contacted GDC Roofing several weeks ago. They plan to send a drone out to get a closer look at the roof, and will provide a plan and cost for fixing the roof. Anderson will follow up with GDC Roofing if she does not hear back from them soon. Board Member Jen Call will contact an electrician to look at the overhead fixture that had “sparked”. Anderson noted that she had contacted Sutton Budget Committee Chair Bob DeFelice about the security cameras and panic alarms some time ago via email. Call noted that a warrant article was approved for the cameras and Geraghty noted that SFL is waiting for word from Bob DeFelice regarding the panic alarms. The installation of both cameras and panic alarm can be performed at one time, with two separate bills provided, as funds for these are coming from two separate places. Geraghty noted that Becky Harrington had purchased paint and painted the wall that had been discussed at a previous Trustee meeting. The other matter of concern for the future is the fact that, in the past, the basement had gotten somewhat damp due to the location of the library adjacent to the river and waterfall. The floor of the basements sometimes “sweats.” This was not a concern this year, though Call noted there is a drain in the basement though its location is unknown, and it may be helpful to ascertain where that is, as well as if it is functioning properly. OLD BUSINESS It was noted that Karin Heffernan suggested if SFL ever needs to get rid of books in the future, that rather than dispose of them, the State Prison is more than willing to accept them. Revised SFL BOT Bylaws Anderson will send out a PDF copy of the updated bylaws for Trustees to review and vote on at our May 2021 SFL BOT meeting. Evaluation Review/Website The survey program available through the WIX website does not accommodate the survey questions, so this will need to be done in another format which Vierzen will work on. Vierzen, Geraghty and Glynn agreed to meet on Thursday, April 8 at 12 noon to discuss and make progress on the SFL website on the WIX platform. Budgets Geraghty is learning Quickbooks and is working to establish a worksheet for budgets; Vierzen offered to help with this. NEW BUSINESS Board of Trustee Positions Heckel introduced roles and responsibilities within the SFL BOT. The positions available are as follows: Board Chair Treasurer Recording Secretary Building and Grounds Liaison to Friends of the Library Liaison to NHLTA (New Hampshire Library Trustee Association) After further discussion of these roles and responsibilities, Board Chair Nancy Heckel made a motion to nominate the following Trustees for the following positions: Chair: Nancy Heckel; Treasurer: Marcy Vierzen; Recording Secretary: Nancy Glynn, Building & Grounds: Emily Cooper; Liaison to Friends of the Library: Jen Call; Liaison to NHLTA: Jen Call. Board Member Marcy Vierzen seconded the motion and the motion was unanimous. Further, Call offered to be the liaison for anything which happens with the ramp process for SFL in the future. Heckel asked members to send contact information to her to disseminate to other board members. Contact information can include: Name, Contact phone number/cell phone number, email address, mailing address, birthday. Attendance to Selectmen Meetings: Board Members volunteered to attend the upcoming Select Board meetings on Mondays at 4pm: April 12: Betsy Anderson April 19: Nancy Heckel April 26: Nancy Glynn May 3: Emily Cooper Adjournment With no further matters to discuss, Vierzen made a motion to adjourn the SFL BOT meeting. Call seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:56pm. The next SFL BOT meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 7pm. Submitted Respectfully, Marcy Vierzen, Recording Secretary