Corrected and Approved

Date of Meeting:  Wednesday, August 17, 2022 @ 7:00 pm

Members Present: Nancy Glynn (Chair); Catherine Paden; Emily Cooper; Tracy Mingarelli; Elizabeth Geraghty (Library Director)

Members Absent: Lauren Avery

Note: This meeting was conducted on ZOOM for all present. The Board met in person at the Sutton Free Library for their Board of Trustees Meeting. The public, per the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-04, Section 8, Emergency Order #12 Section 3, had the option to Zoom in to this meeting.

Public Present: 0 members of the public were present 



Roll Call, Introduction of Guests:

The Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 7:03pm by Board Chair Nancy Glynn, and roll taken. There were no members of the public present. Further, no members of any households of Trustees were present within listening of this meeting. 

Public Comments: none

Review of Minutes:

Minutes from the July meeting were reviewed with corrections made. Board Member Catherine Paden made a motion to approve the minutes to the July meeting, seconded by Board Member Emily Cooper. The motion was carried unanimously in the affirmative.

Correspondence: none



Financial/Treasurer’s Report:

Board Member Paden noted the beginning balance of the Trustee Account at Sugar River Savings Bank in July       was $6,753.22 with $1.28 interest earned. There was a debit of $1,035.54 for fraudulent charges that Board Member Paden was alerted to when reviewing the account.  Board Member Paden noted that the three fraudulent charges to the trustee account debit card were for purchases made in California.  Sugar River Savings Bank is submitting the information to dispute and reverse the charges.  In the future, Board Member Paden will receive notifications for each charge on the debit card.  The trustee account had an ending balance of $5,718.96. There are no new funds to accept.  

The beginning balance on the Operating account in July was $22,695.86, with an ending balance of $21,517.25. Interest earned on the Operating account for the month of July was $4.66.


Buildings & Grounds:

Director Elizabeth Geraghty noted that DigSafe came and approved the location for the outside bulletin board.  Ben Prime will dig the holes and Board Member Cooper will request a cement donation from Belletetes.  Director Geraghty reported that BPL Heating & Air Conditioning sent an invoice for their initial visit and quote.  Director Geraghty hasn’t received the requested quote.  Director Geraghty will follow up with BPL about receiving a quote and clarifying whether the invoice amount will go toward the repair.  Board Member Cooper will ask Nancy Heckel what garden maintenance is remaining for the year and what the new gardening contract might entail.  Following this, the SFLBOT will request an estimate from Lori Avery for the remainder of this season and an estimate for next year’s SFL garden maintenance.  


Director’s Report:

Director Geraghty noted patrons have been observing the new monarch caterpillars from the SFL flower bed that are currently in the library and will be transferred back to the milkweed once they are butterflies.  

Director Geraghty noted that 15 Summer Reading Bingo boards have been turned in, twice as many as last year.  Free books and ice cream coupons for the completed bingo boards have been well received.  

72 canvases have been added to the SFL Collaborative Community Art Project.  

Director Geraghty noted that the next StorywalkⓇ will feature a book by Matt Esenwine, a local author.  The display will be swapped out from Poetry after the Open House on Sept 10th.

Director Geraghty also reports that the storytime with Kathy Lowe, featuring her new book Tommer’s Earthly Friends was well attended.    


Friends of Sutton Library Liaison/ NHLTA Liaison:

Director Geraghty noted the Library Open House is set for Saturday, September 10th with a rain date of Saturday, September 17th.  It will include lawn games provided by the Friends, refreshments, and a book sale run by SFLBOT.  



The selectboard has approved Tracy Mingarelli as a replacement for Marcy Veirzen’s SFL BOT term, as well as Betsy Anderson and Nancy Heckel as alternates. 

The MOU meeting with the selectboard is scheduled for August 22nd at 5:30pm.  There was a discussion about the meeting regarding the MOU between the Town of Sutton and the Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees.    



Board Chair Glynn reported that there will now be a Sutton Free Library bulletin board at the North Sutton Post Office.  Board Chair Glynn shared an idea for a children’s “Birthday Club” at the library, that could include a book donation to the library, a prize for the birthday child, and a potential fundraiser for the library.  


The next Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting is Tuesday, September 13th at 7pm.

Board Chair Glynn made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and this was seconded by Board Member Cooper. The motion was carried unanimously in the affirmative. The Board of Trustees meeting ended at 8:18pm.