May 18, 2020 | Librarian Board of Trustees January 7, 2020 Regular Meeting Agenda: a. Meeting called to order at 7:04 p.m. Members Present: Dinah O’Neil, Chair; Jen Call; Yvonne Howard; Elizabeth Geraghty, Library Director No Public Comments No guests Review and Approval of December, 2019 Minutes: . Invoice for the bathroom design was paid. . Members of the Planning Board will attend meeting next Month . Meeting Minutes from December were approved with one change. Dinah and Jen made motion and second. Correspondence: . From Sugar River Bank, together with an email from Friends requesting information for grant proposals for the Summer Reading Program for the coming year. The name of the program will be “Fantasy, Folklore, and Myths.” . Correspondence was received from Christine Downing, Principal of Sutton Central. She would like to have art work from students of the school on display in the Library. Reports: a. Treasurer’s Report: Previous Balance $10,353. As of 12/26/2019 the balance is $10,445.18. A Motion was made to continue using Whois Digital PTE LTD to provide our domain names for the next year. Motion made by Dinah, seconded and seconded by Nancy. Building Report: Jen Call is expecting new revised proposals for the Ramp and Bathroom from Target New England Historical Restorations. We’re back to thinking $20,000 for handicapped accessible bathroom. Original cost was $123,000 for ramp with slate-like roof. Perhaps this year, we could do internal modifications, and wait for the ramp. And we could evaluate modifications/changes to the ramp to cut costs. Right now we have enough in Capital Reserve to do floors and bathroom. However, $7,964 is left in the Ramp fund. It would be helpful to have joint meeting with Board of Selectmen to hash out ramp necessities. We should probably request a different Capital Reserve for the ramp. e.g. $30,000 for two or even three years. Next year we would request additional funds of less than $100,000 for construction of the ramp – and it will be ADA compliant. The company is aware that the project is dependent on vote at Town Meeting. Jen will email Elly tomorrow to have proposed meeting with Selectmen to hash out how to fund ramp within the next couple of weeks. February 6 Public Budget Hearing. Weather date, February 10. Before that meeting we need to meet with Selectmen to find out what their recommendation for the budget is. Library Director Report: The electrician coming Friday, January 10. Fiber Optics is in place. David Heckel will come over and check out what is happening. Our cleaner informed Elizabeth that she will be on vacation for three months beginning next week. We need a replacement at least temporarily to clean weekly – both upstairs and downstairs. It takes approximately 1 – 2 hours per week. at rate of $30/hour. Our snowblower needs to be serviced. Permission was given to take the snowblower up to All & Awl. Nancy made motion, which was seconded, that we pay Elizabeth cleaning fee of $30/per week for inside cleaning until replacement is found. Elizabeth has not heard from New London Rotary regarding Literacy Grant. It was voted on that all trustees and the president of the Friends of the Library will have keys to the Library. Motion by Jen, seconded by Nancy. Elizabeth will color code keys. Elizabeth asked for new substitute Librarian (in the event Kristen is not available.) Old Business: a. Library Staff designations: Increasing Elizabeth’s salary as director, and Kristin’s salary as assistant director. . Salary updates suggested by Elizabeth for personnel so that there is consistent salary per hour based on experience, number of hours worked, and qualification. We need to add $1,075.64 for Budget to accommodate raises to personnel. This can be achieved by moving amounts around. When we get final budget from Budget Committee, we will decide how funds will be moved around. Next Meeting: February 4th Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.