Date of Meeting: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 @ 7:00 pm 

Board Members Present Nancy Heckel (Chair); Jen Call; Diane Lander; Marcy Vierzen, Yvonne Howard, Betsy Anderson (Alternate), Elizabeth Geraghty (Library Director) 

Note: This meeting was conducted on ZOOM for all present. 

Public Present: Tom Schamberg, State Representative (D) for NH, District 4, and Wilmot, NH resident, joined the meeting by audio at 7:40pm.  

In light of COVID-19 Concerns and applicable executive and emergency orders, this evening’s Sutton Free  Library (SFL) Board of Trustees meeting is being held per the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-04 Section 8, Emergency Order #12 Section 3.  


Roll Call, Introduction of Guests 

The Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees (SFL BOT) meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm by Board  Chair Nancy Heckel and roll taken. No members of any households of Trustees or other members of the  public were present within listening of this meeting at the beginning of the meeting. Tom Schamberg, State Representative (D) for NH, District 4, and Wilmot, NH resident, joined the Zoom meeting by audio at 7:40pm.  

Review of October Meeting Draft Minutes 

Minutes from the October 6, 2020 meeting were reviewed and corrections made.  

Heckel invited a motion to approve as amended the minutes from the October 6th meeting. Board Member Diane Lander made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Board Member Jen Call. The motion  carried unanimously in the affirmative. 


Library Director Elizabeth Geraghty said that she continues to receive correspondence from children and families who have benefited from the library take-home crafts program, and who have continued to borrow books in this COVID time. As well, Geraghty received a letter from a family who had moved to Sutton in August 2020, thanking her for her service and dedication, and noting how much they value Sutton Free Library.  


Financial/Treasurer’s Report 

Heckel noted that there has been no activity on the Trustees account since the last Trustee meeting on October 6, 2020, and the balance remains at $10,010.59. 

In response to donations received from both the New London Rotary Club grant in February 2020, and a patron donation, totaling $320, and both which stipulated that those funds be used for book purchases for the library, Geraghty submitted a book order in the amount of $320.00. Because of the timing of how  book shipments work with previous orders submitted, the total book order invoice was $369.50.  

Heckel invited a motion to approve the expenditure of these funds from the Trustee account. Call made a motion to expend the funds of $320 for books as budgeted from the Trustee account, as well as the $49.50 required to pay for the additional books received with this order. Board Member Yvonne Howard  seconded this motion. The motion carried unanimously in the affirmative.  

Library Director Report 


Geraghty noted that progress continues to be made in regard to library automation. Approximately 40  books per week are being lent out to patrons.  

Buildings & Grounds 

Snow Removal 

Geraghty noted that Lorri Himes, Town Bookkeeper, has not yet heard back from Jim Lord regarding snow removal for the library, and will make an effort to contact him again.  

Board Member Marcy Vierzen has contacted Awl & Awl to do a tune up of the library snow blower, which will include pick-up and delivery.  


Both Geraghty and Call have made efforts to get a second quote on a building dehumidifier system. They will continue to do so, though both cited how busy everyone is in these unique times, as plumbers have  not returned phone calls or followed up with visits.  

Alarm System 

Call had communicated with Capitol Alarm, who provided an informal quote of $500 for installation of an  all-in-one keypad/combo unit and 3 wireless panic buttons; $288 for an annual monitoring fee, and $75 for a one-time connection fee. No additional phone lines would be needed, as the library has fiberoptics. 

The cost per security camera is approximately $500-$600 per camera and a DVR is about $800 installed. Geraghty advised that we get a total of four cameras to be placed on the inside and outside of each of the  two entrance/exit doors of the library.  

Moreover, a fire alarm that taps into the Town of Sutton emergency services would be approximately $1,000 for installation, $420 for an annual monitoring fee, and $75 for a one-time connection fee. A fire alarm would require two additional phone lines. Those present at the Trustee meeting agreed that there is no benefit to this particular alarm system, as any fire would almost definitely ruin the library books prior to  emergency services arriving, and water used to put out a fire would also ruin the library books. 

Call will contact Northmark Security and/or Simply Safe for additional quotes on library cameras. 

Library Ramp 

According to Heckel, the Select Board had discussed moving forward with a ten-year bond for the library ramp at the October 26th meeting, which may be introduced as a warrant article at the March 2021  meeting. 

Warrant Articles for Dehumidifier and Security System 

Geraghty suggested in regard to moving forward with the dehumidifier and the security system, we discuss with the Select Board the best way to proceed in regard to a warrant article, as these are one  time installations, and not a yearly part of the library budget, aside from yearly maintenance fees and  subscriptions. Meanwhile, we work on ascertaining second quotes for each.  

Old Business 

Review of MOU 

Heckel went through the updated MOU draft with those present at the meeting, and changes and  corrections were made based on questions and further discussion. Additional research on several budget lines, including bookkeeping and accounting fees, is necessary before completion of the 2021 SFL budget. The Trustees and Geraghty agreed to reconvene for a Trustee meeting on Tuesday, November 10 to review final draft of MOU and the budget, prior to the budget being presented to the Budget Committee on Monday, November 16.  


Book Sale on Election Day 

Heckel invited discussion about having a book sale featuring library books out of circulation and currently being stored in both the basement of the library, and in Call’s barn. Trustees and Geraghty discussed how  to make this sale happen, in terms of set up, oversight, needs for the day, and dismantling at the end of  the day. Proceeds for book sales will be by donations, and these funds will be directed to the future purchase of books for the SFL.  

Upcoming meetings 

Wed Nov 4 @ 4pm: Select Board Meeting (Betsy Anderson will attend) 

Mon, Nov 9 @ 4pm: Select Board Meeting (Marcy Vierzen will attend) 

Tues, Nov 10 @ 7pm: SFL Trustees Meeting 

Mon, Nov 16 @ 4pm: Select Board Meeting (Geraghty and Anderson present SFL budget)

Mon, Nov 23 @ 6:15pm: Budget Committee Meeting (Geraghty and Trustee) 

Mon, Nov 30 @ 4pm: Select Board Meeting (Marcy Vierzen will attend) 


Vierzen made a motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Call. The motion carried unanimously in the  affirmative. The meeting was adjourned at 9:41pm.