September 9, 2020 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 ZONING BOARD of ADJUSTMENT Meeting Agenda for Wednesday September 16, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Roll Call Public Hearing: Case #2020-01, to hear a request from the Melissa Laverack 2013 Trust, 49 Off Foothills Road, Map/Lot 02-872-358, to grant a Variance from the dimensional requirements of Article XV, Definition of a Dwelling Unit, Accessory (Detached) of the Sutton Zoning and Building Ordinance, to permit a detached accessory dwelling unit to be larger than the primary dwelling unit, and over 750 square feet in size. If the Variance is approved, the applicant then requests approval of a Special Exception to permit a Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit, as provided by Article IV, B, 3 and Article V, B, 1 of the Sutton Zoning and Building Ordinance. Public Hearing: Case #2020-02, to hear a request by Barbara Turner, 118 Newbury Road, Map/Lot 06-522-048, for a variance to the terms of Article IV, C, 4 of the Sutton Zoning and Building Ordinance to permit the placement of an 8’X12’ shed 51’ from the centerline of Newbury Road, instead of the required 55’ setback. Meeting Minutes: Wednesday December 18, 2019 Regular Meeting New Business: None scheduled Old Business: None Scheduled Administrative: Next Meeting: as directed by the Chair. Adjournment: