Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street

Sutton Mills, NH 03221


Draft Meeting Minutes 

  Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.


Call to Order:  Chair Lick called the meeting to order at 7:00pm and noted that there was a quorum. He then took roll.

Roll Call: Derek Lick (Chair), Sam Gordon, Marc Beauchemin, Zachary Brock, Betsy Forsham. Also present were Peter Stanley, Planning and Zoning Administrator, Kristy Heath, Recording Secretary.


Public Hearings:

  1. Case ZBA 2023-07: Kyle Knight, 133 Route 103, Sutton NH, Map/Lot 01-406-086 to grant a variance to the terms of Article 10, section 10 and Table D, 1 of the Sutton Zoning and Building Ordinance to allow a structure (small barn) within the 75’ Wetland Buffer.

Kyle said that a couple months ago they go the “go ahead” from the ZBA to do what they requested. After thinking further, there is a building site on the property they would like to use and would like to replace a burned building with a new building. Peter showed on the map where the wetland areas on the property were. He also showed where the 75’ setback was. Initially, they were planning on using the old farm stand structure for the brewery. The location where the barn was is more hidden from the road,and it is where they’d like to base their operation.

Jason said the barn burned, and they’d like to put a new structure where the barn was. It would also be a bit larger than the original footprint. Jason thought the old barn was 30×40 and the new barn would be 40×60. Kyle said they do not plan to pave the road. The only improvement would be the new building.

Chair Lick said the part that most encroaches the wetlands is the pre-existing portion that they are rebuilding. The rest of the building is behind the setback. Peter said that the property has had a lot of uses in the past and has been manipulated quite a bit. Jason said that the orientation of the new building is different than the original building to keep from adding to the encroachment of the wetlands setback.

The Zoning Board members did not have any questions and understood the proposal.

Peter Stanley said the abutter to the direct north called him to see what the plan entailed. After explaining, they had no issues.

Betsy assumed that the road would need to be improved a bit since they will have delivery trucks using the road. Jason agreed but said that they are a small operation and get a delivery about once a month and a pick-up once or twice a month.

Chair Lick closed the public portion of the meeting and asked for deliberations by the Board.

Betsy said it was good that the new building is further from the wetlands than the previous one. She had seen the site and has no objections .

Sam said the space would be unusable otherwise.

It was moved by Sam Gordon and seconded by Betsy Forsham to approve the variance application for the reasons stated by the applicant. The motion was approved unanimously.

Chair Lick cautioned the Knights that there were 30 days where an appeal to this decision could be made. Any work done within the next 30 days could be subject to reversal, although he did not believe the decision would be contested.

Chair Lick asked Peter Stanley to look at the approval for a cell tower on the property that he believed had been approved by a conditional special exception a few years ago. He thought there was a certain amount of time before the approval was to expire if no installations were made on the tower.

  1. Review of Minutes

It was moved by Sam Gordon and seconded by Zachary Brock to approve the minutes of April 19, 2023, as circulated. The motion was approved unanimously.

It was moved by Sam Gordon and seconded by Marc Beauchemin to approve the minutes of April 20, 2023, as circulated. The motion was approved unanimously.

It was moved by Sam Gordon and seconded by Betsy Forsham to adjourn the meeting.
The motion was approved unanimously.


The meeting adjourned at 7:25pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Kristy Heath, Recording Secretary
Town of Sutton