Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street
Sutton Mills, NH  03221

Board of Selectman
Meeting Minutes of  December 19, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Walter Baker, Jr., Chair.  Present at the meeting was Walter Baker, Jr., Chair; Robert Wright, Jr., Selectman; William I. Curless, Selectman, Ed  Canane, Land Use Coordinator, Robert DeFelice, KRSD MBC Member and Sutton Budget Committee Member, and Elly Phillips, Recording Secretary.


The minutes from December 12, 2016 were approved as written.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:  PAYROLL MANIFEST:       $17,426
                  VENDOR MANIFEST:        $27,757         
Ed Canane met with the Board to review Driveway Permits and Regulations in view of the Steep Slope ordinance amendment that was approved March 2016.  Mr. Canane discussed the ordinance which pertains to areas where there is a 20% foot or more elevation change and the slope is over 20%.  The ordinance refers to the slope grade map as a tool to determine slope/grade.  However, this condition can occur anywhere within the town.  If the condition occurs, an applicant would need to go before the Planning Board for Conditional Use Permit.  Mr. Canane reviewed the current driveway permit which is used for access to lots (sight distance etc.) only but does not pertain to the driveway.  Currently there is an application pending that may fall into steep slope regulations.  


Mr. Canane advised that someone from the Town will need to perform an initial assessment as to slope by reviewing the site.  Mr. Canane suggests modifying the current driveway permit as an access permit.  The property owner will need to flag out their driveway.  A visual inspection be performed by the Highway Department.  If steep slopes are suspected, a professional would need to do a further inspection (similar to the process the Town currently has in place for wetlands).    


Selectman Wright indicated that the Road Agent would be the appropriate agent to perform the initial inspection.  Access for emergency response was also discussed.  The general consensus was that was not defined in the adopted ordinance.  However, Selectman Curless pointed out that  large trucks do need to go up for deliveries (such as oil etc.)  and that driveways are generally planned accordingly.   The Board discussed the purpose of the steep slope ordinance and Selectman Wright advised that waterflow and emergency response were influencing factors.  Mr. Canane recommended that the Town develop a formal process for initial driveway review and approval or referral to the Planning Board for a Conditional Use Permit.    He recommended a two-phase process  where there is an intial inspection and if steep slopes are suspected, a professional is called in to make the final determination.  Mr. Canane recommended that a fee be collected at the time of application as is the case for wetlands determination.   


In summary, the driveway permit needs to be changed to include both access and driveway.   The initial inspector will need to be designated.  Selectman Wright moved that the Road Agent is designated as initial observer for curbcut and also provide recommendations as to whether further professional review is required.   Selectman Curless seconded the motion.  


There was further discussion regarding the motion.  Mr. Canane volunteered to assist with the process.  Selectman Baker recommended that the Road Agent and the Selectmen’s designee perform the initial inspection.  The Board felt that the Road Agent and the Land Use Coordinator should do the initial review.   If upon initial review, the designees feel further review is required, they will check off a box on the application for a professional opinion.  If the applicant feels the driveway needs to be located in a slope area, they can go to the Planning Board for a Conditional Use permit.  After the driveway is inspected, the Building Inspector would need to verify that the driveway is located according to the plan, prior to issuance of a building permit.  Selectman Curless noted that the driveway is often designated on the septic design and building permit site plan.    


The motion was reviewed.  Selectman Wright moved that the permit be updated to conform to the driveway regulations.   The Road Agent and Land Use Coordinator perform the initial inspection.  If steep slope is suspected, a box will be checked to require additional review.  If necessary, the applicant will be refered to the Planning Board for a Conditional Use Permit.  The Building Inspector would conduct a final inspection prior to approval of the Building Permit.  Selectman Curless seconded the motion which passed by a unanimous vote of 3-0.  Selectman Wright suggested that Town Counsel review the motion for possible amendment.  


Mr. Canane discussed a proposed Warrant Article which would allow for Veterans tax credit for all veterans.  The current adopted credit covers qualifying periods specified by law.  New legislation allows the credit to be provided to all resident veterans provided it is adopted at Town Meeting.  Mr. Canane discussed  projected tax rate impact which could be an additional 93 veterans (current 55% take the credit).  If 100% of the veterans (based on current population) availed themselves of the exemption, the amount of credit would be $46,500 which would impact the tax rate at .18/000 at the current town-wide property valuation.  Mr. Canane speculated that not all the veterans would take the exemption.  Selectman Baker said it would be about $1.00/wk on a $300,000 house.  Selectman Wright recused himself from the discussion as a party of interest since he is a verteran and so stated for the minutes.    The consensus of the Board was that they supported the Warrant Article and that they would go forward with the amendment for a vote at Town Meeting.  


The Board discussed salary recommendations for 2017 and agreed to recommend a 3% salary increase for regularly scheduled employees (who have not received an increase based on merit or change in duties/title/or negotiated – (departments not included are Land Use and Solid Waste who have recently had salary adjustments and merit increase).  Supervisors who are concerned with wage recommendations should meet with the Board of Selectmen.  The Board discussed and supported a Capital Reserve for decommissioning the septage lagoons as recommended by the Budget Committee.  Selectman Wright made a motion to write a Warrant Article to establish a capital reserve for decommissioning of the septage lagoons.  Selectman Baker made a  motion to get estimates for a fire suppression system based on recommendations of the Budget Committee.  The Board discussed the historic factors of the building and types of fire suppression systems.  Mr. DeFelice advised that the intent of the budget committee was to form a committee to explore the matter.  Selectman Baker suggested addressing  fire suppression for the  furnace room.  The Board requested that they receive budget committee minutes discussed the budget process reviewing past and current procedules.  Selectmen Baker suggested Select Board members attend the budget meetings if they feel they need more information.  The Board will make their final recommendations after the Budget Committee has completed their review with staff on January 9, 2017.    The Budget Public Hearing is scheduled for February 13 and February 20, 2017.  The Select Board will have an opportunity to review the final budget prior to the public hearing.  


The Board agreed to meet on 12/27/2016 and 1/3/2016 at 4:00 p.m.  


Selecman Curless made a motion to encumber funds as follows:


Pillsbury Hall Masonry
$          750.00 
Old Store Museum
$      3,188.00 
Grist Mill Bridge
$      7,088.68 
Fire Truck
$      2,140.53 
$  118,223.06 
Hominy Pot Bridge Project
$    50,000.00 
Gravel Upgrade
$      4,926.00 
Hominy Pot Bridge Project
$    44,698.50 
Blacktop Upgrade
$    50,000.00 
Selectman Wright seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a vote of 3:0


The Board approved Yield Taxes for Lorden 06-798-228 in the amount of $2,645.47 and Blakeman – 08-403-189 in the amount of $683.07.


Selectman Baker discussed the Hominy Pot project.  Work is progressing.  The old culvert has been removed.  The culverts were very badly deteriorated.  De-watering is occurring and they are digging out for the headwalls.  Surveying will be conducted.  The Board reiterated the fact that the substantial completion date for the project is January 30, 2017, weather permitting. 


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:48 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Elly Phillips
Recording Secretary