ORFS at Webb/Crowell March 8, 2022 New London’s Council on Aging group called the ‘Outdoor Recreation for Seniors’ (ORFS) enjoyed a beautiful end of winter hike and picnic lunch here at South Sutton’s Webb/Crowell Forest Preserve. Whose tracks are those? Wondering about those tracks you’re seeing in the snow? Click the tracks to see a guide for identification: Click Here for a link to a detailed map showing all of the conservation lands in Sutton with developed trail systems. Webb/Crowell Geologist Chuck Bolduc of the Sutton Conservation Commission led a hike for ASLPT on July 13th to explore some of the interesting geological features of the Webb/Crowell Town Forest. Webb/Crowell hikers marveling at geology. An afternoon view across the Lane River wetlands toward South Sutton from the Webb/Crowell Forest “Loop Trail”, February 2021 Looking towards South Sutton from Webb/Crowell viewpoint HELP OUR ‘CITIZEN SCIENCE’ PROJECT The Sutton Conservation Commission (SCC) is collecting information of the flora, fauna, geology & history on Sutton’s conservation lands. If you find an interesting natural or historic feature, submit it to us (with a picture if possible) for posting on our website. Email us at concom@sutton-nh.org.