Julia Jones, Town Administrator

93 Main Street
Sutton Mills, NH 03321

Phone: (603) 927-2403

Public Hours effective March 14th, 2024: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Select Board meetings are held Mondays at 6pm at Pillsbury Memorial Hall, 93 Main St. Sutton Mills, NH 03221. The agenda and meeting dates for upcoming meetings are available at the Town Hall and published on our calendar. Meeting minutes are filed in the Town Clerk’s office and are published on our website.

To correspond with the Select Board, or to schedule an appointment during an upcoming board meeting, please contact the Town Administrator by email at townadmin@sutton-nh.org or by phone at (603) 927-2403. All items for the agenda must be received by the Town Administrator by 12pm on Wednesdays.

To meet with the Town Administrator, members of the public are encouraged to call, email, or stop by the Town Hall. Members of the public are also welcome to schedule a phone call, in-person meeting, or videoconference at their convenience here.