January 7, 2017 | Thorworx Peter Stanley, Planning and Zoning Administrator Address: 93 Main Street Sutton Mills , NH 03221 Phone: (603) 927-2402 landuse@sutton-nh.org By Appointment ZBA Hearings are held on the third Wednesday of each month. Meetings are posted at the North Sutton Post Office, South Sutton Post Office and the Intertown Record Newspaper. Applications must be received by the Land Use Secretary by the 15th day of the prior month to the hearing date. The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall endeavor to uphold the ordinances put forth in the publication named the The Zoning and Building Ordinance of March 2017, which is available at the Land Use Office at the Sutton Town Hall in Sutton Mills and on the “Regulations and Permits” web page. The Zoning Board of Adjustment is a volunteer board of Sutton residents who decide upon hearings from individuals who need a variance or special exception to the Zoning Ordinance or who are appealing an administrative decision of the Town. The Zoning Board of Adjustment consists of five regular members and three alternate members. Members of the board are appointed for three year terms by the Sutton Board of Selectmen. Three voting members constitute a quorum, which is needed to transact any legal business of the board. Meetings are conducted by the Chairman. Hearing decisions are determined by a majority of the board. The chairman will designate alternate members to vote in place of the regular members when necessary. The Board holds open hearings. During the normal course of business, public input is not generally permitted. Public input is permitted and encouraged at a hearing at the appropriate time and it is the hope of the board that all sides of every issue will be heard. Please feel free to attend hearings. Notices of hearings are posted at the Town Offices, the North and South Sutton Post Offices and in the InterTown Record. Board Members First Name Last Name Position Term Expires Melissa Ballinger Alternate 2026 Sondra Brake Member 2027 Zachary Brock Member 2026 Donna Catanzaro Member 2025 Betsy Forsham Member 2027 Samantha Gordon Member 2027 Derek Lick Chair 2025 Vacant Vacant Alternate Member 2025