February 7, 2024 | Librarian BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES Corrected and Approved Minutes Date of Meeting: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 @ 7:00 pm Members Present: Nancy Glynn (Chair); Catherine Paden; Lauren Avery; Emily Cooper; Tracy Mingarelli Members Absent: Betsy Anderson (Alternate); Elizabeth Geraghty (Library Director) Note: This meeting was not conducted on ZOOM due to technical difficulties. The Board met in person at the Sutton Free Library for their Board of Trustees Meeting. The public, per the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-04, Section 8, Emergency Order #12 Section 3, had the option to Zoom in to this meeting. Public Present: No members of the public were present CALL TO ORDER: Roll Call, Introduction of Guests: The Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 7:01pm by Board Chair Nancy Glynn, and roll taken. There were no members of the public present. Further, no members of any households of Trustees were present within listening of this meeting. Public Comments: none Review of Minutes: Minutes from the October meeting were reviewed with corrections made. Board Member Catherine Paden made a motion to approve, with revisions, the minutes to the October meeting, seconded by Board Member Lauren Avery. The motion was carried unanimously in the affirmative. Correspondence: Board Chair Glynn received an email from the town clerk requesting a review of library trustee names and term dates for the town report. REPORTS: Financial/Treasurer’s Report: Board Member Paden noted the beginning balance on the Operating Account in October was $22,982.74, with an ending balance of $16,221.49. Interest earned on the Operating Account for the month of October was $7.19. The beginning balance of the Trustee Account at Sugar River Savings Bank in October was $6,414.91 with $2.33 interest earned and a debit of $356.99 for a SEE Science Museum Pass and supplies for an ending balance of $6,060.25. Buildings & Grounds: Board Member Avery noted that she spoke with a local contractor about some upcoming repairs to the library. Avery provided an update about opening the downstairs of the library. Once items are removed that are safety issues, the downstairs area of the library will be open to patrons again by December 1st. Director’s Report: Director Elizabeth Geraghty is currently on a leave of absence. Friends of Sutton Free Library Liaison/ NHLTA Liaison: Board Chair Glynn shared correspondence from the Friends of the Library regarding the need to recruit new members in order for the Friends to continue and keep their 501(c)3 charity status. Shannon Storm, president of the Friends of the Sutton Free Library, emailed a transition proposal for a new group of Friends members to take over the Friends of the Library. The Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees is in agreement with this transition plan. Board Members Avery and Paden will work to create a recruitment document to encourage new membership in the Friends. OLD BUSINESS: none NEW BUSINESS: The 2024 budget was discussed. An appointment for a meeting with the Sutton Budget Committee is scheduled for December 4th at 5:15pm at the Sutton Fire House. Motion to enter Non-public Session made by Board Member Paden, seconded by Board Member Avery. Entered non-public session at 7:41pm and roll taken. The board entered into a non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, II (a) the dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee. Motion to leave non-public session and return to public session by Board Member Paden, seconded by Board Member Cooper. Motion: PASSED Non-public session ended at 8:23pm. Minutes to the non-public session were sealed. The next Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting is Thursday, December 7th at 7pm. Board Chair Glynn made a motion to adjourn. Board Member Paden seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously in the affirmative and the meeting was adjourned at 8:33pm. Respectfully submitted, Tracy Mingarelli, Secretary