October 5, 2022 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON NEW HAMPSHIRE PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 2021 MASTER PLAN UPDATE Pursuant to the requirements of NH RSA 674:4 and NH RSA 675:7, the Sutton Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday October 25, 2022, to consider the adoption of the 2021 Master Plan Update. You are invited to appear in person or be represented by agent or counsel and provide reasons why the Planning Board should or should not adopt the updated 2021 Master Plan. Please address written responses to Sutton Planning and Zoning, Master Plan, 93 Main Street, North Sutton, NH 03260. All responses will be read into the record. A copy of the updated Master Plan is available at the Town Offices at 93 Main St, Sutton Mills, NH for review.