October 11, 2016 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Planning Board Meeting Minutes of October 11, 2016 The meeting of the Planning Board was called to order at 7:00 PM, by the Chair, Carrie Thomas. Members Present: Carrie Thomas (Chair) Roger Wells Jim Lowe Deb Lang Bob DeFelice David Angeli Other: Ed Canane (Land Use Coordinator) David Crane (Regional Arborist for Eversource Energy) Jim Lowe motioned to approve the meeting minutes of August 23, 2016. The motion was 2nd by Chair, Carrie Thomas. Vote for Approval: Unanimous affirmative vote. PUBLIC HEARING FOR EVERSOURCE ENERGY TREE WORK ON SCENIC ROADS 7:10 p.m. Chair Thomas opened the hearing concerning a request by Eversource pursuant to RSA 231:158, Effect of Designation of Scenic Roads, to trim and remove trees on Shadow Hill Road and North Road, both Sutton designated scenic roads David Crane, Regional Arborist for Eversource Energy, described the tree trimming, maintenance process and what is to be done. Sutton has Eversource trim for new poles. Some towns do their own trimming. Minor trimming to occur. Bob Defelice asked “How tall will the new poles be”? Mr. Crane replied 40’ on North Road and 45’ on Shadow Hill Road. Roger Wells moved to close the public portion of the hearing. Bob De Felice 2nd the motion. Unanimous vote in favor to close the public portion of the hearing. Brief discussion ensued with no known issues. Roger Wells moved to grant the application. Chair Thomas 2nd the motion. Unanimous vote in favor of granting the application. Hearing ended at 7:35 p.m. OTHER BUSINESS Upcoming ZBA Hearing LUC informed the PB Members of an upcoming hearing in front of the ZBA regarding puppy adoption. Questions asked by Planning Board to be brought forward to the ZBA Hearing were: What is definition of Puppy Is there a limit of the number of puppies arriving at one time? What happens if adopters do not pick them up? Subdivision Regulations Roger Wells and Ed Canane to work together on the revision to the Subdivision regulations. Roger Wells moved to adjourn the meeting. Bob DeFelice 2nd motion. Unanimous affirmative vote to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Ed Canane Town of Sutton Land Use Coordinator