November 15, 2016 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Planning Board Meeting Minutes of November 15, 2016 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:04 PM, BY Chair, Carrie Thomas. Present PB Members: Carrie Thomas, Jim Lowe, Deb Lang, Bill Curless and Roger Wells. Other: Land Use Coordinator (LUC): Ed Canane. Members Absent: Bob DeFelice, David Angeli. Roger Wells motioned to approve 10/11/2016 minutes as written. 2nd by Deb Lang. 10/11/2016 minutes approved by unanimous vote. No abstentions. Discussion on Site Plan Subdivision Regulations. Roger suggested members take the modified document home, read it, comment, etc. Chair Thomas asked about Soils Survey, should it be included? Concerned the Wetlands map is not accurate as recorded. Discussion ensued on roads and standards. It was determined standards have not been finalized. “Country Roads” are those the public wants. Small roads keep the rural integrity but larger roads may be needed. Requested that Ed get engineering standard from DOT for roads. Road sub-base. Jim Lowe brought up a comparison of Nashua, Merrimack and Mt.Vernon for their growth and how Mt Vernon. Roger suggested each member take a community and report back to the board. Wording for “Natural Subdivision” should be re-written for clarity. ZBA working on ADU language and will get it to the PB when completed. Meeting schedule: Next Meeting scheduled for 11/29/2016. Meet 12/13/2016 (2nd Tuesday) to perhaps get everything done but streets and soils. Jim Lowe Motioned to adjourn. Roger Seconded Motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Ed Canane Town of Sutton Land Use Coordinator