Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

June 27, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m.


Dane Headley, Selectman, opened the meeting at 5:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present at the meeting were:  Dane Headley, Chair; Michael McManus, Selectman; Wally Baker, Jr., Selectman; Ben France, Benny’s Auto Hauling, Bruce Androphy, Sonia Androphy, Wade Peters, Jonathan Marshall and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.




The board met with Ben France, Benny’s Auto Hauling met with the board regarding clean up of Map 01-407-067 (formerly the Stotler Property).  Selectman McManus reported that he along with Chief Korbet, Mr. France and two other contractors performed a site visit on Friday, June 24, 2021 to do a preliminary assessment of the project.   There are thirteen vehicles on the property,  a motorcycle, and multiple campers.  8-10 of the vehicles will require abandoned vehicle titles.  The house the back garage, the side garage shed and the bookstore were inspected.  Mr. France provided a draft contract for the Board to review.  Mr. France estimated that it would require fifteen loads of thirty yard dumpsters to remove the rubbish.  Mr. France noted that it was difficult to calculate the amount of rubbish inside the buildings.  Selectman Baker suggested using the area of the building to calculate the contents.  Selectman Headley said the Board would have Town Counsel review the draft contract.   Mr. France estimated that it would take $30,000 to cover the cost of the cleanup.  It was noted that additional funding would be required for special duty, security etc.  The project will take approximately one month to complete.  Selectman Headley suggested focusing on the exterior if resources are short.  Mr. France agreed to provide liability insurance information.


The Board met with Bruce Androphy who had traffic concerns regarding trucking on Gile Pond Road and contractors pumping water out of Gile Pond.    Mr. Androphy spoke favorably about the town, staff, neighbors etc.  Mr. Androphy has observed many trucks on Gile Pond Road.  Mr. Androphy reminded the Board that the road is posted prohibiting trucks over twelve tons.  Mr. Androphy advised an empty 16-wheeler is 17.5 tons and a full one is forty tons.  Currently there are tractor trailers, log trucks, construction equipment carries etc. using Gile Pond Road.


Mr. Androphy stated reasons that trucks should be limited on Gile Pond Road as follows:


  1. Gile Pond is unique as an undeveloped water body. Trucks over twelve tons are inconsistent with the tranquility of Gile Pond.
  2. Approaching the middle school from the interstate, there is a steep downhill heading to the middle school, from 114 there is a blind spot, Mr. Androphy felt that trucks and school buses posed a safety concern.
  3. Wear and tear on the road from trucking.

Mr. Androphy said that North Road is an alternate access to both highways that only takes a few more minutes.  Mr. Androphy suggested additional signage to direct trucks to North Road.


Mr. Androphy said that quite a few trucks have been pumping water out of Gile Pond.  Mr. Androphy asked that the Board do what they can to limit trucks over twelve tons using Gile Pond Road.


Mr. Androphy was advised that the Town was unable to determine specifically the genesis of when Gile Pond Road was posted with a weight limit.   The Board may take under consideration whether or not to draft an ordinance specifying no thru trucking/weight limit on Gile Pond Road.   The Road Agent and the Police Chief should be consulted.    The Board will do some research and agreed to get back to Mr. Androphy.


Selectman McManus moved to accept the June 27, 2022, public and non-public minutes as written.  Selectman Baker seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.




The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Vendor Manifest:             $781,334.68

Payroll Manifest:              $  17,213.65



The Board approved a building permit for Michael Stickney, 07-600-593, Cotton Road, for a roof mounted solar array.



The Board approved an intent to cut for Woodlot & Grange, 01-338-510, 03-406-095, Eaton Grange Road for 75 acres out of 238.1.



Selectman Headley made a motion to adopt the resolutions to enter into Primex Property & Liability and Workers Compensation Contribution Assurance Program for the next three year.  Selectman Baker seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.


Phillips reported that Matt Grimes, Building Inspector and Mark Peterson completed the Building Assessment.  Mr. Grimes will set up a maintenance spreadsheet.  The building that is in the most concerning condition is the Pillsbury Memorial Hall.


Grist Mill Bid Documents – will be advertised next week.  Pre bid conference will be held on 7/6 at 9:00 a.m. Pillsbury Memorial Hall.  The bid opening will be on 7/18 at 5:00 p.m.



The Board issued an Abatement for Deborah Lang – 02-478-221 in the amount of  $514.00.  Cause of Abatement: This property was voluntarily merged with an abutting property and should not have been issued a tax bill.


The Board issued an Application for Reimbursement to towns and cities in which federal and state forest land is situated.  The Board issued verification to the Department of Revenue Administration that the Town of Sutton does not require form PA-28.


The Board was advised that the Town has received LEMP Grant Approved for Police and Fire, 50,000 90/10 grant.  The Fire Department is acquiring a remote access utility vehicle equipped with a water tank, pump and hose for remote access rescue and firefighting.  The Police Department is acquiring a traffic control sign and three portable defibrillator units for use in the patrol cars.



Mr. Jonathan Marshall introduced himself to the Board.  He is a new resident in Sutton and just wanted to learn more about the community.  Selectman Baker encouraged Mr. Marshall to stay involved and attend public hearings.






Selectman McManus discussed security measures at the Stotler property.  Selectman McManus asked about availability of funding to cover the costs of the project.   Phillips will review the operating budget to see if there are funds available in contingency or by shifting priorities.


Selectman McManus asked about a timetable to dispose of tax deeded properties.  The Board will review properties that the Town has held for 3 years or more.


Selectman Baker discussed  the policy that some towns have adopted to offer a stipend for employees who can obtain insurance through their spouses.   Selectman Baker also made suggestions regarding the 2022 Annual Report Cover.  Selectman Baker discussed the North Sutton Improvement Society parking area.  The Board is looking forward to meeting with interested parties to develop a permanent solution to the parking area.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:31 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator