August 8, 2022 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board August 8, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m. Dane Headley, Selectman, opened the meeting at 5:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Dane Headley, Chair; Michael McManus, Selectman; Wally Baker, Jr., Selectman; Lynn Wittman; Tom Schamberg, State Representative, John Greene, GDC Slate and Copper; Josh Stevens, KA Stevens and Son; Mike Vignale, P.E., KV Partners, LLC. APPOINTMENTS: At 5:30 p.m. the Board met with John Greene, GDC Slate and Copper, to discuss repairs to the slate roofs on the Pillsbury Memorial Hall and Sutton Free Library. The Board had previously reviewed the reports on the conditions of the roof and recommendations provided by Mr. Greene. Mr. Greene described the slate used on the buildings and the quarries where the slate is produced. Selectman Headley expressed concerns regarding damage that cannot be seen on the roofs. Mr. Greene described the process for detecting structural damages and covers these types of repairs in his estimates. Selectman Headley asked for an estimate of ongoing maintenance costs. Mr. Greene stated that after the major maintenance is done, ongoing maintenance costs are minimal due to the durability of slate. Mr. Greene will need to correct bad repairs and fix them properly. The Board asked about composite material and whether that was a good option for the buildings. Mr. Greene did not recommend composite materials due to roof failures that he has observed. Mr. Greene sited several examples of failed composite slate roofs. Mr. Greene said that composite slate serves a purpose in areas that cannot take the weight as it is a light material. Mr. Greene said in the long run you get more longevity off of natural stone. Mr. Greene stated that annual inspections are performed for municipalities and that he provides estimates of recommended maintenance so that towns can budget for necessary repairs. Mr. Greene estimated that the town might budget $1,000 a year for annual maintenance. Temporary maintenance can be done in the event that a failure of copper valleys or some other unforeseen leak occurs. When asked about the library roof, Mr. Greene said that the library roof was in much better shape than the Hall. Mr. Greene said with minor slate and masonry repairs the library roof would have good longevity. Mr. Greene said that he could schedule the repairs for the Fall or late Fall. Selectman McManus reviewed the combined estimate for repairs in the neighborhood of $78,000. The Board noted that ARPA funds could be used for the deferred maintenance repairs. The Board favored repairing both roofs. Mr. Greene agreed to send contract documents for review and consideration. At 6:00 p.m. Josh Stevens, KA Stevens and Son and Mike Vignale, P.E., KV Partners, LLC met with the Board to discuss the Grist Mill Parking Area project and to review contract information. Mr. Stevens anticipates that the project will start at the beginning of September. Parking lot construction is anticipated to take a couple of weeks. There are delays in acquiring the lighting due to supply chain issues. Mr. Steven estimates that the poles will be set by early November. In response to Selectman Headley’s question regarding parking, Mr. Stevens agreed that the contractors will park either onsite or on Grist Mill Street. Mr. Vignale will perform required inspections and report to the Town Administrator. Selectman McManus made a motion to approve the August 1, 2022, minutes as written. Selectman Baker seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests: Vendor Manifest: $25,694.50 Payroll Manifest: $15,294.65 OLD BUSINESS: The Board discussed the North Sutton Improvement Society Parking Area. It was noted that engineering and permitting would be required for the permit. Pete Blakeman, Blakeman Engineering, has been contacted regarding the project. Ms. Wittman was interested in obtaining an estimate for the engineering/permitting phase of the project. Ms. Wittman stated that the project might be funded through the Conservation Commission, the North Sutton Improvement Society and the Kezar Lake Protective Association. Selectman Baker agreed to follow up on the matter with the Conservation Commission on behalf of the Board. The Board noted that a Type III Modification Permit would be required to install a concrete pad at the facility for the recycling containers. Selectman Baker will follow up on this matter. The Board also discussed a recent decision to forbid the disposal of dog feces at the Facility. It was noted that the DES advised that the town did not have the authority not to accept this type of waste. The Town can associate a fee with this type of disposal or require a method for the waste to be disposed. The Board will consider holding a public hearing regarding this matter if needed. Selectman Headley felt that there should be a fee associated with disposal of large amounts of fecal matter. The Board agreed that they would be happy to meet with residents who have issues regarding the disposal of large amounts of fecal matter once those individuals are identified. Selectman Baker will follow up with Mr. Solimine. NEW BUSINESS: The Board approved recommendations for appointment from the Library Trustees as follows: Tracy Mingarelli, Library Trustee for a one-year term. Nancy Heckel, alternate Library Trustee for a one-year term. Betsy Anderson, alternate Library Trustee for a one-year term. The Board approved an appointment recommendation for Local River Management Advisory Committee for Peter Savickas, for a three-year term. The Board received July Expenditure Reports for review at their next meeting. REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: The Board received correspondence from Jack Noon regarding the condition of the Old Store Museum. Selectman Baker agreed to follow up on the matter on behalf of the Board. SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS: Selectman McManus discussed the NH Highway Block Grant. Mr. McManus observed that new block funding has been approved by legislature. The Board discussed revenue reporting for the block grant which is earmarked for highway expenditures. Selectman McManus reported on the clean up project on 155 Route 103. Benjamin France, Contractor, is making substantial progress with the project. Selectman McManus expressed how pleased he was with the project. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elly Phillips Town Administrator