April 12, 2024 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board Public Minutes April 1st, 2024 5:00pm PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Select Board Chair Michael McManus opened the meeting at 5:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Walter Baker, Select Board Chair; Michael McManus, Selectman; Glenn Pogust, Selectman; Julia Jones, Town Administrator; Tom Schamberg, NH State Representative; Bob Wright, Sutton Budget Committee (SBC) Member; Lorri Himes, Executive Assistant & Bookkeeper; Jonathan Korbet, Chief of Police; Kevin Faria, Corporal; Adam Hurst, Road Agent; Alison Jones, Welfare Administrator & Overseer of the Checklist; Beth-Holly LaDuke, Town Clerk/Tax Collector; and Lee Booker. APPOINTMENTS: At 5:00pm the Board met with Road Agent Adam Hurst. The Road Agent asked the Board to consider a seasonal change to the Department’s standard hours. If approved, the Department’s regular hours would be Monday through Thursday, 6am-4:30pm effective April 15th to October 11th. The Road Agent shared that Six local highway departments operate on a four-day work week during the spring and summer, including Hopkinton, Henniker, Hillsboro, Warner, Springfield, and Sunapee. Selectman Baker reflected on the public perception of a 4-day work week. Chair McManus asked how a seasonal change to the Department’s standard hours would impact overtime expenses. The Road Agent shared that the Highway Department logged 180 hours of overtime between April 1st and October 14th 2023, excluding Saturdays and Sundays. Had the Department adopted a four-day workweek during this period, less than 40 hours would have been logged as overtime – a savings of more than $6,000 in overtime. The Board discussed whether to update the personnel manual to reflect a seasonal change to the Department’s standard hours. Selectman Pogust suggested the personnel manual be amended to reflect that Department hours would be set by the Select Board. The Board discussed how a 4-day work week would impact holiday pay. After consulting with Executive Assistant and Bookkeeper Lorri Himes, the Board established that the Highway Department would receive 10 hours of holiday pay for Town holidays that fall on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday when seasonal hours are in effect. The Board established that the Highway Department would not receive holiday pay for holidays that fall on Friday when seasonal hours are in effect. Standard hours were discussed. Himes shared the Police Department’s holiday pay policy. Selectman Baker proposed adopting the new seasonal schedule on a trial basis beginning in June. After further discussion on start date, Selectman Pogust made a motion to authorize the following seasonal change to the Highway Department’s Hours effective May 6th through October 3rd: Monday through Thursday, 6am-4:30pm. Selectman Baker seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The Board directed the Town Administrator to schedule a check-in with the Road Agent in June on these changes. MINUTES: The Board reviewed public minutes from March 25th, 18th (amended), and 20th, as well as non-public minutes from March 11th. Selectman Pogust recommended corrections to the March 25th minutes. Chair McManus made a motion to approve public minutes from March 25th (as amended), 18th (as amended), and 20th, as well as non-public minutes from March 11th. Selectman Pogust seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. MANIFESTS: The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests: Payroll: $ 19,466.71 Vendor: $ 67,513.34 INTENTS: BUILDING PERMITS: NEW BUSINESS: OLD BUSINESS: The Town Administrator provided an update on Select Board directives from the March 25th meeting of the Board. The Board discussed the 2023 ratio study. Selectman Pogust shared his opinion that several homes sold for more than their assessed value. The Board reviewed and signed the Municipal Assessment Data Certificate and directed the Town Administrator to contact the town’s assessor, Commerford Nieder Perkins, LLC to address Selectman Pogust’s concern that several homes sold for more than their assessed value. Chair McManus referred to ongoing mechanical issues and service related to the Police Department’s Dodge Durango. At the March 18th meeting of the Board, Chief Korbet informed the Board that municipalities are not covered by the state’s “Lemon Law.” Chair McManus shared that he would like to draft a letter to the Town’s congressional representatives on this matter. The Board discussed recommendations provided by the Lawson Group for dehumidification at Pillsbury Memorial Hall. The Lawson Group recommended a dehumidifier that would keep the basement below 60% relative humidity to prevent mold growth, particularly during non-winter months when relative humidity is likely to be high. The Lawson Group recommended a 50-pint self-draining unit with an outlet hose running into the sink in the basement to use existing plumbing and to avoid the potential water intrusion issues that may arise by draining the unit through a window. The Board discussed these recommendations and directed the Town Administrator to purchase a $280, 50-pint dehumidifier recommended by the Lawson Group. The Board directed the Town Administrator to enlist the help of the Highway Department to install the unit. The Board recognized Chief Jonathan Korbet for more than 20 years of leadership, professionalism, and distinguished service to the Town of Sutton. The Board celebrated Chief Korbet’s contribution to the Town in their 2023 Round Room Report: Chief of Police Jon Korbet celebrated 20 years of service to the Town this year. Following a career with Merrimack County Telephone, Jon joined the Sutton Police Department in June of 2003 as a full-time police officer. He completed the full-time police academy in November that year and was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 2007. In 2009 he was promoted to the rank of Chief. During his tenure, Chief Korbet has strengthened the Department’s working relationship with the School District and championed the use of body cameras, which were adopted by the Department in 2014. Chair McManus thanked Chief Korbet and presented a plaque in recognition of this important milestone. The Board also recognized Executive Assistant and Bookkeeper, Lorri Himes, for her hard work, dedication, and outstanding service to the community during an extended period of transition for the Town. The Board celebrated Himes’ contribution to the Town in their 2023 Round Room Report: Since joining the Town in 2009, Lorri has served as Deputy Town Clerk, Treasurer, and Secretary/Bookkeeper. She is an invaluable resource to the community and remains a pillar of support to the Board of Selectmen and our new Town Administrator. The Board reviewed an illustrative quote issued by MetLife for the New Hampshire Paid Family Medical Leave (NH PFML) Employer Plan, a voluntary insurance plan that provides NH workers with 60% wage replacement (up to the Social Security wage cap) for up to 6 or 12 weeks per year for absences from work for covered common life events. The Board directed the Town Administrator to sign the quote to confirm rates for the 12-week Employer Plan, with the Town paying 100% of the premium. The Board agreed to table discussion of a response to Greg Gill regarding his letter on the “Role of Elected Officials in the Town of Sutton, NH.” The Board agreed to table discussion of a response to Charles P. Forsberg regarding boundaries and valuation of property owned by Crystal Allen & Kurt Baluk, located at 1710 Rte. 114 Lot 09-833-066. REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: PUBLIC INPUT: Chair McManus invited NH State Representative Tom Shamburg to provide a legislative update. Representative Shamburg shared that the NH House of Representatives voted to pass HB 1279, which would restore a portion (7.5 percent) of the state contribution toward the retirement costs of teachers, police, and firefighters. HB 1279 is headed to the Senate. The Board discussed how HB 1279 might impact the Town. The Town Administrator shared that the Town contributes to the state retirement program for its police officers. Chair McManus asked Representative Shamburg if the Town should anticipate any additional revenues this year, specifically American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) allocations. Representative Shamburg did not anticipate additional ARPA allocations. Welfare Administrator and Supervisor of the Checklist Alison Jones shared recommendations for document preservation and digitization based on her experience as a Town Clerk/Tax Collector at the Town of Wilmot. Jones recommended engaging the Sutton Historical Society to help prioritize documents for preservation. She also recommended exploring grant funding. The Town Clerk/Tax Collector provided an update on document management activities at Pillsbury Memorial Hall. She shared that Town has historical documents from the late 1800’s stored in the Town Hall that are not preserved. The Board discussed the possibility of hiring an intern to help digitize documents. SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS: The Board renewed appointments and signed oaths of office for the following Town officials with terms expiring March 31, 2024: Planning Board 3-Year Term Roger Wells Planning Board 3-Year Term Christine Fletcher Zoning Board 3-Year Term Betsy Forsham Zoning Board 3-Year Term Samantha Gordon Conservation Commission 3-Year Term Donald Davis, Jr Conservation Commission 3-Year Term Deborah Lang Deputy Treasurer 1-Year Term Joanne Lord Selectman Baker agreed to gather additional appointment recommendations from the Conservation Commission at their next meeting on April 10th. Selectman Pogust highlighted that the Town needs to recruit an Emergency Management Director. Selectman Pogust reached out to Cory Cochran to gauge interest in this position. The Board discussed the Strategic Planning Session scheduled for Monday, April 8th at 5pm at Pillsbury Memorial Hall, 93 Main St. Sutton Mills, NH 03221. The purpose of this meeting is to gather input from the public on 2024 Select Board priorities and projects, and to encourage the public to take an active role in championing priorities and projects they are interested in moving forward. Selectman Pogust presented a working draft titled “Sutton Select Board Strategic Planning Projects” dated April 1st, 2024. In this draft, Selectman Pogust proposed the following projects for discussion at the April 8th Strategic Planning Session: Library Lift, including suitably protected entrance structure. Grist Mill Bridge Replacement including bank stabilization. Mastin Cemetery Creation of park at Grist Mill Property Fire Station/Public Safety Building Funding for Keyser Street Culvert Office renovation at Town Hall Exterior repairs at Town Hall Old Store Repairs and renovation (possible addition for Town Hearse) Solar Opportunities (Town only, Town and KRSD, Community, etc.) Replacement and Relocation of Town Hall Notification Kiosk Bonding for all projects involving use of heavy trucks and equipment on dirt roads: Logging Building Construction Gravel extraction(?) Website upgrade Accounting software Upgrade Sale of Tax Deeded Properties not suitable for Town use. Coordination with the Planning Board on developing a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) After further consideration, Selectman Pogust recommended excluding the following projects from discussion at the April 8th Strategic Planning Session: Funding for Keyser Street Culvert Bonding for all projects involving use of heavy trucks and equipment on dirt roads: Logging Building Construction Gravel extraction(?) Accounting software Upgrade Sale of Tax Deeded Properties not suitable for Town use. Selectman Pogust recommended adding “Digitizing Town Records” to the list of projects for discussion at the April 8th Strategic Planning Session. Welfare Administrator and Supervisor of the Checklist Alison Jones asked why the “Sale of Tax Deeded Properties not suitable for Town use” would be excluded from discussion at the April 8th Strategic Planning Session. Selectman Pogust shared his reasoning. Jones emphasized the importance of this topic. At 6:30pm Chair McManus made a motion to enter into a nonpublic session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c) matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of the Board. The motion was seconded by Selectman Pogust and passed unanimously. At 6:39pm a motion was made by Chair McManus to leave the nonpublic session. The motion was seconded by Selectman Pogust and passed unanimously. Once back in public session a motion was made by Chair McManus to seal the nonpublic minutes. The motion was seconded by Selectman Pogust. The motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:39pm. Respectfully submitted, Julia Jones Town Administrator