May 19, 2017 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Board of Selectman Meeting Agenda for May 22, 2017 @ 5:00 p.m, CALL TO ORDER: Robert Wright, Jr., Chair MINUTES: May 17, 2017 REVIEW OF MANIFESTS: PAYROLL MANIFEST: $ 10,034.62 VENDOR MANIFEST: $ 7,619.57 APPOINTMENTS: 5:00 Bradford Board of Selectmen consolidation of services between KRSD Towns. BUILDING PERMITS: Edward and Jane Snowden, Map 07-966-468, Keyser for a deck extension. Lynn Wittman/Michele Coleman, 08-237-360, Penacook Road for an alterations/addition. Patrick & Renee Riviezzo, Eaton Grange Road, for a house and barn. Kearsarge Regional School District, 05-505-365, North Road – Remove waste treatment system, replace with septic system INTENT TO CUT: Joe Jablonski, 04-072-018, 04-095-036, 04-104-045 for 11 acres out of 11.3 NEW BUSINESS: 2017 Preliminary Audit, Independent Auditors Communication to Selectboard, Management’s Representation Letter, Audit Engagement Letter. 2017 Management’s Discussion & Analysis Yield Taxes in the amount of $2,911.35 Abatement: Map 10-271-401 in the amount of $35.00 was combined with 08-369-498 and is owned by the Sutton Conservation Commission and is therefore tax exempt. OLD BUSINESS: BOS Volunteer Services Tax Deeded Property Review REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: DOJ – Letter regarding Trustee Workshops SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS: ADJOURNMENT: