November 27, 2017 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Board of Selectman November 27, 2017 @ 4:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Robert Wright, Jr., Chair. Present at the meeting was: Robert Wright, Jr., Chair; William I. Curless, Selectman; Dane Headley, Selectman; Robert DeFelice, Chair Sutton Budget Committee and Sutton KRSD Municipal Budget Committee Representative. OATH OF OFFICE: Mr. Dane Headley was sworn in as Selectman by Selectman Wright. Mr. Headley was appointed by the Board until March 2018 to fill the vacancy left due to Walter Baker’s resignation. APPOINTMENT: At 4:33, Robert DeFelice, Sutton Budget Committee Chair and Sutton KRSD Municipal Budget Committee Representative presented to review budget. Mr. DeFelice reported that the budget process was going well. Mr. DeFelice asked for guidance as to the manner that computers should be budgeted for based on the new computer agreement that is being proposed from 2018. Phillips clarified that tax billing software was included in the Executive Financial Administrative line item 4151-391 in the amount of $2,000. Tax assessing software was an additional $1,500 and would continue to be required even if the billing software was changed. All the rest of the fund accounting software is included in executive. The police department currently has a line item and with the new support modality, police department support would be included in the executive line item. The police department also has a separate capital reserve. The proposed support agreement would include police, highway, and town offices. The Fire Department should be consulted and likely could be included as an addendum. There is some leeway in the executive budget for that purpose. Previously, monitoring and expedited response was $10,000 and any additional services were billed at an hourly rate. Mr. DeFelice recommended that the proposed software acquisition for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s Office should be a separate line item. Background on the new tax billing/assessment system was provided. The Selectmen agreed that the item should be a Warrant Article. Selectman Wright advised that the proposed new software recommended by the Town Clerk/Tax Collector would be approximately $16,000 and conversion and training would be an additional $4,000-$5,000. Linda Ford,Town Clerk/Tax Collector, has indicated that the new (currently used) software is not user friendly. Phillips discussed some of the pros and cons of the software that is currently being used. Selectman Wright emphasized that the information from the proposed software must be readily downloaded into the existing software. Selectman Curless felt that more information regarding the proposed software would be helpful. Phillips indicated that she was budgeting the $2,000 for tax billing software in the event that the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s proposed Warrant Article doesn’t pass. The Article will be placed on the Warrant in the amount of $21,000. Mr. DeFelice added that the Budget Committee has not discussed the Warrant Articles yet. Mr. DeFelice discussed the questions that Department Heads were answering as part of the budget list to help identify wishes versus needs. Mr. DeFelice also discussed the level of detail that the Budget Committee was looking at in order to facilitate transparency. Mr. DeFelice discussed the fact that merit increases were arrived at by the Select Board. The Budget Committee looks at salaries and emphasized that the Committee does not look at individuals, they look at titles. The Budget Committee uses Cost of Living Increases as a reference for their recommendations. Mr. DeFelice observed that this year, most towns are giving a 2% COLA, because Social Security is giving a 2% increase in December. Speaking as an individual (not for the Budget Committee), Mr. DeFelice expressed the fact that he was not supporting a 2% increase for employees. Mr. DeFelice recollected that last year employees received a 3% increase and that social security gave a .3% increase. Mr. DeFelice indicated that town employees were paid well and that the Town’s benefit package was attractive. Mr. DeFelice added that the Town does not give a COLA to employees who receive merit increases. Mr. DeFelice also cautioned that employees should not receive a merit increase unless it was indicated on a performance evaluation. Mr. DeFelice also recommended PDP’s (personnel development plan) for employees and agreed to provide a sample for the Board’s review. PDP’s also play a big part in personnel evaluations. Selectman Curless indicated that his goal was to keep the bottom line the same as last year. Mr. DeFelice discussed the implication of salary increases on many different employer costs such as Workers Compensation etc. Mr. DeFelice also reported on the KRSD Municipal Budget Committee (MBC). The KRSD municipal budget will be finalized on December 5, 2017. Mr. DeFelice discussed the new conference center and noted that the MBC visited the center. The area is currently being used for robotics. The District is seeking $120,000 to support the facility. The MBC approved the $120,000 request but will require plans. The KRSD proposed budget is up 1.3% for last year. Mr. DeFelice advised that a new three-year contract for the teachers will be coming up next year. Mr. DeFelice stressed the importance of understanding the incremental impact of the year-year contracts and indicated that educating voters was very important. Mr. DeFelice discussed a workshop he attended where Representative Karen Umberger discussed Department of Education initiatives. Keano will generate revenue of $1,100 for every kindergartener to directly help offset the cost of education. Keano has the potential of up to a $1,800 offset, depending on the amount of revenue raised. The general cost for a kindergartener is $9,500-10,000. The average cost for students other than kindergarteners is $18,000. Mr. DeFelice also spoke about an anticipated increase in lottery sales with the introduction of an “App” for the purchase of lottery tickets. A portion of these sales will be going into an addition fund for gambling addictions. The Board approved the minutes from November 20, 2017, both public and non-public as written. REVIEW OF MANIFESTS: The Board approved the following manifests: 2017 OVERPAYMENT MANIFEST: $ 1,544.00 PAYROLL MANIFEST: $ 12,420.46 VENDOR MANIFEST: $378,787.60 BUILDING PERMITS: The Board approved the following building permits: Leon and Isabel Malan, 02-472-178, Demolition of garage, after-the-fact permit Mark and Liz Peterson, 04-493-097, for a rooftop solar array. INTENT TO CUT: The Board approved an intent to cut for Alan Wagner, 01-752-188 225 acres out of 241.7 NEW BUSINESS: The Board issued an All Veterans Tax Credit for Edward Fowler, 10-048-207 in the amount of $500.00. The Board issued thank you letters to candidates for the Select Board vacancy. The Board received a copy of a proposal to provide conceptual design advice pertaining to the library ramp from Roger Wells which the library has accepted. OLD BUSINESS: At 4:24 p.m. Selectman Curless made a motion to enter into nonpublic session RSA 91-A:3, II(c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this board. Selectman Wright seconded the motion. The Board was polled with Selectman Wright, Selectman Curless and Selectman Headley voting in the affirmative. Public session reconvened at 4:32 p.m. Selectman Curless made a motion to seal the minutes as matters discussed might adversely affect and individual not a member of this Board. Selectman Wright seconded the motion which passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. Phillips was instructed to schedule a meeting with Right Angle Engineering to discuss the library ramp as soon as mutually convenient. The Board will request all back up information, work product and project file to be brought to the meeting. The Board agreed to reschedule the performance evaluations for the Road Agent, Solid Waste Supervisor and Police Department that were originally scheduled for November 21, 2017 to December 5, 2017. Staff evaluations should also be provided at that time if they have not already been provided. The evaluations will be conducted in non-public session. SELECTMAN’S COMMENTS: Selectman Wright shared a handmade card from the Library Afterschool program thanking veterans for their service and contributions to this country. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:41 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elly Phillips Town Administrator