Town of Sutton Selectmen Meeting Minutes

Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street
Sutton Mills, NH  03221

Board of Selectman
Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Robert Wright, Jr., Chair.  Present at the meeting were Robert Wright, Jr., Chair; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Ed Canane, Land Use Coordinator; and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.


The minutes from the meeting of April 17, 2017 were approved as written.   The following manifests were previously approved and are herewith resubmitted for the record:

PAYROLL MANIFEST:   $  9,949.41 4/21/2017

VENDOR MANIFEST:   $246,147.99 4/21/2017


The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

PAYROLL MANIFEST:   $  9,328.28

VENDOR MANIFEST:   $  55,228.55



Action was deferred on a building permit for Fred Sladen, 09-240-260, Morgan Lane, for a home pending further information regarding access pursuant to RSA 674:41.

A one year extension was granted for Verizon, 01-338-510, Eaton Grange Cell Tower for a antenna swap.


The following building permits were previously approved and are hereby resubmitted for the record:

Martin Jones, 06-255-172, Route 114, remove and replace chimney.

Alan and Priscilla West, 06-416-245, repair and replace porch, no change to existing footprint.

Sol Solomon, 06-421-234, interior renovations.



The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

Gene & Kelly Kendall, Chalk Pond Road, 06-603-411 for 20 acres out of 22.58

Nancy Parshley and Marie Angelone, Map 06-648-426, 14 acres out of 15.88

Stephen Bobella, 08-574-166, 25 acres out of 35.6



The Board approved a veteran’s exemption for Warren Jones, 08-843-068, Baker Hill Road, All Veterans’ Exemption

The Board approved the following solar exemptions:

Leland & Patricia Thurber, 08-897-529, Baker Hill Road

McCarthy Trust, 07-678-472, Shaker Road

Paul Hodgdon, Map 07-200-550, Baker Road


The Board discussed exemption applications that were not filed timely (by April 15). The Board agreed that the Town must be in compliance within all state requirements.  Applications not filed timely will be accepted for the 2018 tax year as the new assessing/billing system tracks the approval date and posts to the correct year.


The Board discussed reduction in valuation as a result of the exemptions. A report will be reviewed at the next regularly scheduled meeting.



The Board issued the following appointments to the Building Code Board of Appeals:

Joe Eisenberg, Alternate Building Code Board of Appeals Member for a term until March 2020

Dane Headley, Building Code Board of Appeals Member for a term until March 2020

Doug Sweet, Building Code Board of Appeals Member for a term until March 2020

Betsy Forsham, Building Code Board of Appeals Member for a term until March 2019

Derek Lick, Building Code Board of Appeals Member for a term until March 2019

William Hallahan, Alternate Building Code Board of Appeals Member for a term until March 2019

Tod Ritacco, Building Code Board of Appeals for a term until March 2018

The Board appointed Dennis O’Connor was as Planning Board Member for a term until March 2019. Mr. O’Connor was appointed to fulfill the vacancy resulting from Robert DeFelice’s resignation.



The Board issued a Yield Tax for the McCarthy Family Rev. Trust, 07-678-472 and 07-682-533, $772.08

A previously approved Purchase Order for Linda Ford, Certified Town Clerk/Tax Collector was resubmitted for the record.


The Board discussed complaints regarding the lack of availability of the Town Clerk/Tax Collector during regularly scheduled office hours.  The Board wanted to emphasize that specific functions of the Office, such as vehicle registrations, pet licensing, tax payments etc. can only be performed by the Town Clerk/Tax Collector or her Deputy.   Selectman Wright stated for the minutes that it had come to the attention of the Board of Selectmen that there has been an anomaly in the open hours of the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s office.  This area is entirely under the purview of the Town Clerk and not the Board of Selectmen.  Selectman Baker added that any absences or disruption of function of that office are the strictly under the auspices of the Clerk’s office.


Phillips reported that she had been advised by Fritz Pratt that the pulleys have rusted on the Meeting House monument flagpole. Mr. Pratt stated that he had spoken with a volunteer who agreed to provide a lift  in order to reach and repair the pulleys.  Phillips was instructed to check on whether this type of activity would be covered by the Town’s liability insurance.



The Board was advised that Robert DeFelice has formally resigned his position from the Planning Board.


The Board discussed the disposition of tax deeded properties and the process for conveying these properties by sealed bid and noted that the Town could offer interested abutters who are participated in the bid process the right of first refusal.   The Board agreed to explore the matter further.



Selectman Wright read the Kearsarge Regional School District payment schedule for the town for the July 2017 through June 2018 fiscal year as follows:

July 17    $785,000.00

Aug 17    $400,000.00

Sept 17   $425,283.00

Oct 17    $375,000.00

Nov 17   $350,000.00

Dec 17    $350,000.00

Jan 18     $350,000.00

Feb 18    $325,000.00

Mar 18    $325,000.00

Apr 18    $199,299.67

May 18   $199,299.67

June 18   $199,299.67

For a total of $4,283,182.00.


Selectman Baker requested that materials currently being stored on the stage get put away. Phillips was instructed to follow up.


Selectman Wright reported on research that he has done regarding solar energy. Selectman Wright also reported on the Historical Society’s recent Spring-cleaning effort advising that he was responsible for cleaning behind the Old Store Museum.  While sprucing up this area, Selectman Wright observed that the rear of the building was badly in need of a paint job.  Selectman Baker recollected that painting of the museum had been deferred until other necessary repairs were completed.  Selectman Wright felt that the Historical Society might want to participate in a volunteer project to assist with scraping the building provided that the Town’s liability insurance would cover  this type of volunteer effort.


Selectman Baker reported that he had received several complaints regarding a piece of equipment that was being stored on the old fire house property. Fire Chief Cochran had been informed of the matter and indicated that the equipment will likely be relocated soon.  The Board agreed to follow up on if the situation is not resolved within a month


Selectman Wright reported on accumulation of debris etc. on property located on Route 103. Matt Grimes, Code Enforcement Officer, will be asked to perform a drive-by inspection to determine whether or not further action is required.


Selectman Wright requested that Ed Canane, Land Use, Coordinator report on the efficacy of considering commercial zoning and asked whether Mr. Canane could make a presentation before the Board. Mr. Canane said he would be pleased to, but he would seek the Planning Board’s approval first.    Mr. Canane advised that he had explored grant opportunities but had hit a road block due to the fact that the Master Plan is out-of-date.  Mr. Canane added that the Planning Board is currently preparing to publish the updated subdivision regulations, and after that they will focus their attention on the Master Plan.   Selectman Wright recommended that Dan Sundquist be consulted as a resource for the Master Plan.  Capital Planning was also discussed.  Mr. Canane observed that most towns hire a consultant to drive the Master Plan Process with the planning board managing the steering committee.


Mr. Canane reported that he recently attended a useful Planning training and will see if the Kearsarge Regional District towns would be interested in participating in a local training. The cost for the speaker is $500.00 and the cost could be split between the seven towns.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:01 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Elly Phillips

Town Administrator