March 14, 2023 | Librarian BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES Corrected and Approved Minutes Date of Meeting: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 @ 7:00 pm (there was NO January 2023 meeting) Members Present: Nancy Glynn (Chair); Catherine Paden; Emily Cooper; Lauren Avery; Tracy Mingarelli; Betsy Anderson on zoom (Alternate) Members Absent: Elizabeth Geraghty (Library Director); Nancy Heckel (Alternate) Note: This meeting was conducted on ZOOM for all present. The Board met in person at the Sutton Free Library for their Board of Trustees Meeting. The public, per the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-04, Section 8, Emergency Order #12 Section 3, had the option to Zoom in to this meeting. Public Present: No members of the public were present There was no January meeting. CALL TO ORDER: Roll Call, Introduction of Guests: The Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees (SFL BOT) meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Board Chair Nancy Glynn, and roll taken. There were no members of the public present. Further, no members of any households of Trustees were present within listening of this meeting. Public Comments: none Review of Minutes: Minutes from the December meeting were reviewed with corrections made. Board Member Catherine Paden made a motion to approve, with revisions, the minutes to the December meeting, seconded by Board Member Lauren Avery. The motion was carried unanimously in the affirmative. Correspondence: none REPORTS: Financial/Treasurer’s Report: Board Member Paden reported that the quarterly and year end reports were due to the Select Board and Bob DeFelice, Chair of the Town Budget Committee. DeFelice created a new template for monthly reports that will synchronize the Operating Account records with the Library Director’s monthly budget reports. This method for accounting will begin in February. The trustees shared their gratitude for DeFelice’s work and collaboration with the board of trustees to create this new system. The board of trustees is committed to following this system moving forward. Board Member Paden noted the beginning balance on the Operating Account in January was $10,100.15, with an ending balance of $9,367.99. Interest earned on the Operating Account for the month of January was $1.71. The beginning balance of the Trustee Account at Sugar River Savings Bank in January was $6,194.56 with $1.27 interest earned and a debit of $352.40 for supplies for an ending balance of $5,843.43. There were no new funds to accept. Buildings & Grounds: Board Member Avery reported that the trustees are working to create an information flier for residents prior to the 2023 Annual Town Meeting. The trustees reviewed the draft of the flier, created by Board Alternate Betsy Anderson, and shared ideas for distributing the flier to patrons and residents. The Sutton Annual Town meeting is Wednesday, March 15 at 7:00 pm at the Kearsarge Regional High School Auditorium. Board Chair Glynn reported that the Select Board will meet with the SFL BOT on Thursday, February 23 at 6:00 pm at the town hall. The Select Board and SFL BOT are meeting to discuss quotes for the wet basement issues and bringing the library up to code in regards to electrical repairs. There will be a warrant article at the Annual Town Meeting for repairs to town buildings, including the library. Selectman Baker is acquiring quotes for the wet basement issues and electrical repairs prior to the February 23 Select Board meeting with the SFL BOT. Board Member Avery reported that she will follow up with contractors about bookshelves for ADA compliance. The trustees will revisit the snowplowing and sanding for next year once the winter season is complete. Board Chair Glynn reported that Selectman Baker will look into the estimated cost for the ADA ramp for the library. Board Chair Glynn will also acquire a quote for the ADA ramp. Director’s Report: none Friends of Sutton Free Library Liaison/ NHLTA Liaison: Board Member Emily Cooper noted that the Friends of the Sutton Free Library inquired about the ADA ramp. The Friends of SFL are looking for new members, especially for treasury work. They need 5 members and those interested can visit the library or contact the Friends through the Sutton Free Library website link. As the Friends of the library are actively trying to recruit new members, the trustees discussed ways to assist with this. The Friends of SFL recently applied for a tax-deferred status. New grants for museum passes and summer programming were received through the Friends as well. The Friends also applied for charity status through Paypal for donations. OLD BUSINESS: none NEW BUSINESS: The trustees discussed the upcoming meeting with the Selectboard on February 23 and the Annual Town Meeting. The next Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting is Thursday, March 9th at 7pm. Board Member Paden made a motion to adjourn. Board Chair Glynn seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously in the affirmative and the meeting was adjourned at 8:06 pm.