Sutton Conservation Commission (SCC) Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Present: Betsy Forsham, Chair, Don Davis, Dan Sundquist, Jean LaChance, Henry Howell and Jane Williamson.  Absent:  Chris Ashton, Wally Baker, Ben Dobrowski and Bonnie Hill, secretary.  (Jane to sit in for Ben.)  Betsy agreed to take the minutes.


Call to order: Betsy Forsham called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.


Previous Meeting’s Minutes: A motion was made by Jean and seconded by Dan to approve the minutes of May 11, 2016. There being no discussion, the minutes were accepted as written.


Financial Report:

There is $2294.17 in the town account, which is 70.98% of the budget. $305 was expended in May – $205 for dues and $100 to Bristol, Sweet.  As of April 30, the Conservation Account contained $105,474.88 and the King Hill Reservation account contained $6575.10, for a total of $112,049.98 in the Conservation Fund. A debit of $1550.75 for an abatement of a LUCT was reflected in the Conservation Account.



Thank you email to Bristol, Sweet for discount on work performed at Maple Leaf

– Various emails between BF and Andy Deegan re Stockwell project

-Thank you from the Forest Society for 2016 dues



Review of Wetland Applications and Issues

-Wetland Permit #2016-00904, dated 5/12/16, issued to Town of Sutton for bank work along Lane River, on Corp. Hill Rd. and Grist Mill St.


Review of Intents to Cut and Logging Issues

  • Chinberg, T/L#8-591,235, King Hill Rd. & Haynes Rd (Newbury), 50 of 463 acres, Swift Corwin, forester.
  • McCarthy Trust, T/L#7-678,472 & 682,533, Shaker , 16 of 19.4 acres, Eric Oxman, forester.
  • Complete Forestry  Notification,  File#  2016-01473,  dated  5/24/16,  received  for   Evelyn        cut (the Pinnacle), Baker Hill Rd., T/L #6-750,420, good for 1 year.

Hosmer, T/L#4-244,418, Meetinghouse Hill Rd., 18 of 27.8 acres.   Brooks Weathers, forester.  Betsy said a Forestry Notification application is under review at DES.

-Parshley/Angelone, T/L#6-648,426, Chalk Pond Rd., 14 of 15.88 acres, Eric Oxman, forester.

Kendall, T/L#6-603,411, Chalk Pond Rd., 20 of 22.58 acres, Eric Oxman, forester.


Old Business

Update on possible invasive plant in Smiley Grove stream- Betsy was copied an email from Amy Smagula saying the long term management plan is in the work.  No further field work has been done on the stream due to other projects needing staffing at this busy time of year.


Update on Stevens lot purchase –Dan noted that the deed was signed and checks distributed on May 16th without a hitch.


ASLPT/Stockwell project – Roby Road

Betsy said she and Andy Deegan had been in touch about the project. It seems that grant applications won’t be submitted until this fall, so we have time to get more specifics before doing our criteria review and commitment to funding.


Brook Trout presentation date All is set for the program on the 16th. Betsy will double check with Ben Nugent about equipment needs. Betsy noted poster are up and that this week’s InterTown Record had both an ad and a notation in the calendar of events, with a blurb to appear next week in Judy Lowe’s Sutton column. Jean will take care of refreshments and Betsy offered to make some brownies.


Memorial Bench for Charlie Whittemore – Don informed us that he told Betty Whittemore the SCC would be more than happy to have a memorial bench placed at Russell Pond for Charlie. Don said he will be talking specifics with her soon.


Miscellaneous Jane noted that there will be a presentation on Loons at the North Sutton Baptist Church on Tuesday, July 7th @ 7:00 p.m.


SCC Properties & S-R-K Greenway Reports


Bean Quarry – Don has visited the site again and had some more ideas about trailhead placement. It was decided that some of the rest of us need to view the site as well. We will meet on Wed., June 29 @ 5:00 p.m., at the Maple Leaf parking area, and car pool up.


Maple Leaf – It was decided that Don, Jane and Betsy (and anyone else who wants to come) will meet on Wed., July 6 @ 10:00 a.m., to walk and flag the proposed trail. We will then schedule a work day later in the month to cut it out.


King Hill Reservation


Report on ribbon-cutting ceremony at the new walking bridge at KHR

The ceremony on June 2nd went very well, and the kids seemed very pleased. Kudus to Henry for having seen this project through – he should be very proud as well! The bridge looks great and the kids even made a bench with the extra lumber! Henry was pleased that both the superintendent and the assistant superintendent were in attendance and hopes for future collaborations.


Adjournment: There being no further business, a Motion was made by Dan and seconded by Jean to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. The Motion was unanimously approved.



Respectfully submitted,


Betsy Forsham, Acting Secretary