January 9, 2017 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Budget Committee Meeting Minutes of January 9, 2017 6:00 p.m. Committee Members Present: John Silverberg, Chairperson; Andrew Palmer; Steven Hamilton; Robert DeFelice; Richard Benson Ex-Officio Present: Robert Wright, Jr. Others Present: Elly Phillips, Town Administrator; Walter Baker, Selectman; William Curless, Board Member, Board of Selectman 1. Call to Order Regular Meeting Chairman Silverberg called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 19th, 2016 The Minutes were discussed. The only correction to be made was on page 7, paragraph 4, replace “borrow” with rent”. MOTION: Committee Member DeFelice moved to approve the December 19th, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes, as amended. It was seconded by Committee Member Benson. The motion carried. (6-0) 3. Meeting A. Selectman/Administration/Revenue – 6:15 m. Chairman Silverberg distributed the New Hampshire Public Deposit Investment Pool Monthly Summary, summary of Dec. 2016, to the Committee Members. Two changes had to be made to reflect the actual budget, in accordance with the spending that occurred during 2016: 1038800001 – FBO TTF, 1959 BRIDGES CRF – From $208,513.80 to $108,513.80 ($100,000 was spent on the Hominy Pot Bridge)103880012 – FBO TTF, 1998 HWY/GRG/ADD CRF – From $100,721.12 to $721.12 ($100,000 was spent on the Sand Shed) MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to approve the change to Line Item 1038800001 – FBO TTF, 1959 Bridges CRF, from $208,513.80 to $108,513.80. It was seconded by Committee Member DeFelice. The motion carried. (6-0) MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to approve the change to Line Item 103880012 – FBO TTF, 1998 HWY/GRG/ADD CRF, from $100,721.12 to $721.12. It was seconded by Committee Member DeFelice. The motion carried. (6-0) Chairman Silverberg mentioned that Ms. Elly Phillips requested the Committee Members to create the 2016 Annual Report, and that he has started to work on it, but hasn’t gotten very far. He inquired the Committee Members for any suggestions they may have, in terms of important things to write about and to mention. Committee Member DeFelice stated that the Committee will be thanking all of the Departments for their continuous effort. Ex-Officio Wright suggested also thanking Committee Members who were departing the Committee this year. Ms. Phillips offered to include that in the letter from the Board of Selectman. Chairman Silverberg reminded that 3 Members of the Committee need to be replaced, and that the elections were coming up. The first day to file for a position is Wednesday, January 25th, 2017, with the closing date being Friday, February 3rd, 2017. Ms. Phillips presented information regarding the budget. The following line items were discussed: Executive Office Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-01-4130-101 Ex Selectman Salary $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 1-01-4130-102 Ex Town Administrator Salary $52,017 $52,016 $1 $51,038 1-01-4130-103 Ex Secretary & Clerk Wages $24,500 $22,900 $2,401 $24,500 1-01-4130-104 Ex Accrued Vacation Time $982 $982 1-01-4130-110 Ex Financial Manager 1-01-4130-210 Ex Health Insurance $31,284 $28,946 $2,338 $47,912 1-01-4130-341 Ex Telephone $3,400 $3,198 $202 $2,500 1-01-4130-390 Ex Other Professional Services $3,500 $5,629 ($2,129) $4,500 1-01-4130-391 Ex Computer $14,000 $14,775 ($775) $16,000 1-01-4130-505 Ex Equipment Maintenance $1,000 $501 $499 $1,000 1-01-4130-550 Ex Printing Costs $6,750 $6,416 $334 $6,750 1-01-4130-555 Ex Advertising $500 $138 $362 $500 1-01-4130-560 Ex Dues/Conf/ Publications $2,200 $1,902 $298 $2,200 1-01-4130-620 Ex Office Supplies $1,250 $1,077 $173 $1,250 1-01-4130-625 Ex Postage & Envelopes $800 $798 $2 $800 1-01-4130-631 Ex Mileage Reimbursement $500 $23 $477 $500 1-01-4130-740 Ex Office Equipment $250 $111 $139 $250 1-01-4130-800 Ex Historical Records TOTAL $150,433 $145,129 $5,304 $167,200 Chairman Silverberg inquired whether the 3% cost-of-living increase was reflected in the salaries. Ex-Officio Wright reminded the Committee that their purview was an across-the-board raise, rather than individual merit increases. It was pointed out that factors to be taken into consideration are that the figures discussed this evening will not include the 3% increase, as well as the 53/52 week difference. Ms. Phillips discussed the difference in health insurance, and that both the plans and those covered by insurance had been changed. Ex-Officio Wright educated the Committee regarding the new insurance plans available for the Town. Ms. Phillips pointed out that the reason for the overage in Line Item 1-01-4130-390, Ex Other Professional Services, was due to both timber services needed, as well as the mapping of Town Tax Maps, which were both unanticipated expenses. She did admit that she would feel comfortable with the Committee adjusting the figure from $4,500 to $3,500, which was budgeted in 2016. Ms. Phillips went on to explain that on Line Item 1-01-4130-391, Ex Computer, there are new plans in the works to cut costs. Therefore, she would have no problem bringing the $16,000 request back down to $14,000, as previously budgeted. MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to approve the proposed budget for Executive Office with the changes to Line Item 1-01-4130-390, Ex Other Professional Services, from $4,500 to $3,500, as well as the change to Line Item 1-01-4130-391, Ex Computer, from $16,000 to $14,000. It was seconded by Committee Member DeFelice. The motion carried. (6-0) The following line items were then discussed: Financial Administration Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-01-4150-101 Town Clerk Wages $34,002 $34,002 $34,002 1-01-4150-102 FA Dpty Tx Coll/Tn Clerk Wages $6,000 $5,190 $810 $11,060 1-01-4150-103 Tax Collector Wages 1-01-4150-313 FA Recording Fees $800 $331 $469 $800 1-01-4150-341 FA Telephone $1,500 $970 $530 $1,957 1-01-4150-390 FA Legal Fees $500 $500 $500 1-01-4150-391 FA Mortgage Research $900 $557 $343 $900 1-01-4150-505 FA Equipment Maintenance $3,500 $1,669 $1,831 $3,500 1-01-4150-550 FA Printing $2,000 $1,676 $324 $1,750 1-01-4150-560 FA Dues/Conf/ Publications $2,750 $1,777 $973 $2,750 1-01-4150-620 FA Office Supplies $2,500 $4,088 ($1,588) $2,500 Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-01-4150-625 FA Postage & Envelopes $7,500 $7,498 $2 $5,000 1-01-4150-630 FA Professional Services $300 $64 $236 $100 1-01-4150-631 FA Mileage Reimbursement $800 $709 $91 $800 TOTAL $63,052 $58,531 $4,521 $65,619 Ms. Phillips discussed Line Item 1-01-4150-101, Town Clerk Wages, and the fact that the Town Clerk had requested a pay increase. She brought up the fact that the Selectman had agreed to increase her wages to $35,500. Chairman Silverberg reminded the Committee that the Town Clerk’s wages can be voted on at the public hearing, so that will be handled then. The following line items were then discussed: Financial/Executive Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-01-4151-103 FA Deputy Treasurer Salary $100 $100 $100 1-01-4151-104 FA Treasurer Salary $5,000 $5,198 $198 $5,100 1-01-4151-105 FA Budget Comm Sec Wages $750 $362 $388 $750 1-01-4151-190 FA Budget Committee $200 $94 $107 $200 1-01-4151-301 FA Auditing Services $10,500 $9,700 $800 $12,000 1-01-4151-341 FA Telephone DSL/Fax $750 $642 $108 $900 1-01-4151-931 FA Computer $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 1-01-4151-625 FA Postage & Envelopes $1,000 $984 $16 $1,000 1-01-4151-630 FA Bank Service Charges $400 $400 $400 1-01-4151-631 FA Mileage Reimbursement $1,000 $738 $262 $1,000 TOTAL $21,700 $19,817 $1,883 $23,450 Ms. Phillips discussed Line Item 1-01-4151-104, FA Treasurer Salary, stating that a new Treasurer has been hired with the agreed amount of $5,000. So that can be adjusted on the budget from $5,100 to $5,000. MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to approve the proposed budget for both Financial Administration and Financial/Executive, with the change to Line Item 1-01-4151-104, FA Treasurer Salary, from $5,100 to $5,000. It was seconded by Committee Member DeFelice. The motion carried. (6-0) The following line item was then discussed: Revaluation of Property Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-01-4152-100 RP Appraisal Services $10,000 $12,441 ($2,441) $12,000 TOTAL $10,000 $12,441 ($2,441 $12,000 Judicial & Legal Expenses Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-01-4153-200 JL Expenses & Services $18,500 $17,926 $574 $15,000 1-01-4153-300 JL Claims / Deductions $5,000 $719 $4,281 $2,500 TOTAL $23,500 $18,646 $4,854 $17,500 MOTION: Committee Member DeFelice moved to approve the budgets for Revaluation of Property and Judicial & Legal Expenses, as presented. It was seconded by Committee Member Hamilton. The motion carried. (6-0). The following line items were then discussed: Personnel Administration Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-01-4155-214 PA Contingency Insurance $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 1-01-4155-215 PA Group Ins – Life/D/S-L $7,000 $5,684 $1,316 $7,000 1-01-4155-216 PA Group Ins – Dental $7,578 $6,264 $1,314 $7,397 1-01-4155-220 PA FICA $37,163 $34,560 $2,603 $36,619 1-01-4155-225 PA Medicare $11,964 $10,564 $1,400 $12,304 1-01-4155-226 PA Salary Contingency Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-01-4155-230 PA Police Retirement Contrib $59,539 $47,677 $11,862 $38,618 1-01-4155-231 PA Highway Retirement Contrib $12,236 $11,926 $310 $12,236 1-01-4155-232 PA Executive Retirement Contrib $2,651 $2,601 $50 $2,651 1-01-4155-233 PA Financial Retirement Contrib $1,700 $1,700 $1,925 1-01-4155-234 PA Planning / Zoning Retirement $2,985 TOTAL $142,331 $120,976 $21,355 $126,235 Ms. Phillips pointed out that after the public hearing, once the wages are adjusted, these numbers will adjust, as well. She offered that she will provide numbers to the Committee detailing the worst-case scenario. The following line items were then discussed: Planning and Zoning Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-01-4191-101 PB Land Use Coordinator $29,000 $25,614 $3,386 $33,000 1-01-4191-102 PB Professional Services $6,000 $3,116 $2,884 $6,000 1-01-4191-103 P/Z Recording Secretary 1-01-4191-313 PB Recording Fees $500 $176 $324 $750 1-01-4191-341 PB Telephone $1,150 $935 $215 $1,150 1-01-4191-550 PB Printing $550 $120 $430 $550 1-01-4191-555 PB Notices $1,500 $1,265 $235 $1,500 1-01-4191-560 PB Dues/Conf/ Publications $800 $177 $623 $800 1-01-4191-565 PB Computer $1,200 $1,108 $92 $1,200 1-01-4191-620 PB Office Supplies $550 $250 $300 $550 1-01-4191-625 PB Postage $650 $500 $150 $650 Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-01-4191-631 PB Mileage Reimbursement $600 $100 $500 $600 1-01-4192-313 ZB Recording Fees 1-01-4192-555 ZB Advertising 1-01-4192-565 ZB GIS Mapping 1-01-4192-625 ZB Postage 1-01-4192-670 ZB Books & Periodicals TOTAL $42,500 $33,360 $9,140 $46,750 Ms. Phillips indicated that there is a new line item, 1-01-4191-103, P/Z Recording Secretary, on the budget, and requested that the Committee recommend $2,500, which would pay for 4 hours per week, starting in March. She detailed the benefits of bringing on this new position, and said that she desired Victoria O’Connor, the current Recording Secretary for the Budget Committee, to take on the role. MOTION: Committee Member DeFelice moved to approve the proposed budget for both Personnel Administration and Planning and Zoning, with the addition of Line Item 1-01-4191-103, P/Z Recording Secretary, proposing the recommended amount of $2,500. It was seconded by Committee Member Hamilton. The motion carried. (6-0) The following line items were then discussed: General Gov’t Buildings Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-01-4194-101 GG Custodial Wages $4,500 $3,692 $808 $5,000 1-01-4194-410 GG Electricity $2,750 $2,437 $313 $2,500 1-01-4194-411 GG Heating Fuel $10,500 $7,722 $2,778 $10,000 1-01-4194-430 GG Repairs & Maintenance $7,000 $5,327 $1,673 $8,000 1-01-4194-600 GG Supplies $1,000 $910 $90 $1,000 TOTAL $25,750 $20,088 $5,662 $26,500 Ms. Phillips informed the Committee that, in terms of Line Item 1-01-4194-101, GG Custodial Wages, the Town will be utilizing a new snow removal person to take care of Town Hall, the parking lot at the Police Department, and the parking lot across from the bridge. Committee Member DeFelice requested that this service become its own line item on next year’s budget. MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to approve the budget for General Gov’t Buildings, as presented. It was seconded by Committee Member Hamilton. The motion carried. (6-0). The following line items were then discussed: Cemeteries Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-01-4195-100 CM Cemetery Services $14,000 $9,655 $4,345 $14,000 TOTAL $14,000 $9,655 $4,345 $14,000 Insurance Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-01-4196-250 IN Unemployment Insurance $3,200 $692 $2,508 $1,500 1-01-4196-260 IN Workers Compensation $38,000 $32,869 $5,131 $35,000 1-01-4196-300 IN Property / Liability $29,500 $27,609 $1,891 $29,500 1-01-4196-301 IN Insurance Expense – Misc. $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 1-01-4196-302 IN Safety Committee $800 $800 $800 1-01-4196-303 Hazmat Cleanup Dues TOTAL $72,500 $61,170 $11,330 $67,800 Ads & Regional Associations Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-01-4197-100 AR CNH Reg Planning Assoc Dues $2,032 $2,033 ($1) $2,033 TOTAL $2,032 $2,033 ($1) $2,033 Police Department Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-02-4210-101 PD Full Time Wages $143,831 $93,419 $50,412 $99,100 Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-02-4210-102 PD Part Time Wages $18,000 $2,560 $15,440 $18,000 1-02-4210-103 PD Special Duty Wages $8,000 $2,590 $5,410 $1 1-02-4210-104 PD Building & Grounds $2,000 $1,719 $282 $4,570 1-02-4210-106 PD On Call Wages $6,000 $4,936 $1,064 $6,000 1-02-4210-107 PD Overtime Wages $10,000 $14,265 ($4,265) $11,000 1-02-4210-108 PD Police Chief Salary $57,865 $59,404 ($1,539) $61,736 1-02-4210-109 PD Part Time Secretary $25,949 $25,957 ($8) $24,901 1-02-4210-210 PD Health Insurance $137,028 $108,123 $28,905 $96,782 1-02-4210-320 PD Court Representation $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 1-02-4210-321 PD Court Witness Fees $100 $243 ($143) $100 1-02-4210-341 PD Telephone $7,000 $7,043 ($43) $7,000 1-02-4210-390 PD Computer Services $5,500 $4,117 $1,383 $5,500 1-02-4210-391 PD Animal Control Expenses $350 $273 $77 $350 1-02-4210-410 PD Electric $2,000 $1,895 $105 $2,000 1-02-4210-414 PD LP Gas $3,000 $1,899 $1,101 $3,000 1-02-4210-430 PD Bldg Maintenance $2,500 $14,160 ($11,660) $3,000 1-02-4210-560 PD Dues/Conf/ Publications $5,000 $5,775 ($775) $5,500 1-02-4210-561 PD Training $3,500 $771 $2,729 $3,500 1-02-4210-563 PD Calea 1-02-4210-620 PD Office Supplies $4,000 $3,703 $297 $4,000 1-02-4210-621 PD Investigative Supplies $8,000 $2,579 $5,421 $7,000 1-02-4210-625 PD Postage $400 $243 $157 $400 1-02-4210-631 PD Mileage $500 $513 ($13) $500 1-02-4210-632 PD Cruiser Lease/Equip $7,950 $37,854 ($29,904) $7,950 Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-02-4210-635 PD Cruiser Fuel $9,000 $5,899 $3,101 $9,000 1-02-4210-660 PD Crusier Repair/ Maintenance $6,500 $3,579 $2,921 $5,500 1-02-4210-692 PD Uniforms $3,000 $3,060 ($60) $3,000 TOTAL $478,173 $406,579 $71,594 $390,590 Ms. Phillips discussed Line Item 1-02-4210-101, PD Full Time Wages, and stated that the Sergeant received a merit raise. She suggested that the budget proposed reflect $101,155, rather than $99,100 to reflect this raise. Ms. Phillips noted that Line Item 1-02-4210-104, PD Building & Grounds, could be adjusted from $4,570 to $2,500, because the difference is already accounted for in Line Item 1-02-4210-109, PD Part Time Secretary, which should actually reflect $25,300 rather than $24,901. MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to approve the budgets for Cemeteries, Insurance, Ads & Regional Associations, and Police Department, with the adjustments of Line Item , PD Full Time Wages, from $99,100 to $101,155; Line Item 1-02-420-104, PD Building & Grounds, from $4,570 to $2,500; and Line Item 1-02-4210-109, PD Part Time Secretary, from $24,901 to $25,300. It was seconded by Committee Member The motion carried. (6-0). Much discussion was had amongst the Committee Members regarding the cost of living adjustments, and how they affected the budget. The following line items were then discussed: Ambulance Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-02-4215-001 AM Sutton Rescue Squad $6,500 $6,500 $13,000 1-02-4215-002 AM Support Ambulance $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 1-02-4215-003 AM New London Ambulance $57,636 $57,636 $60,518 TOTAL $65,336 $64,136 $1,200 $74,718 Building Inspection Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-02-4240-100 BI Bldg Inspection Services $8,000 $4,994 $3,007 $6,500 1-02-4240-101 Wetlands Inspection $1,000 $1,550 ($550) $1,300 TOTAL $9,000 $6,544 $2,457 $7,800 Emergency Management Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-02-4290-100 EM Emer Manage Services $300 $300 $300 1-02-4290-610 EM Emer Manage Expenses $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 TOTAL $1,300 $300 $1,000 $1,300 Dispatching Services Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-02-4299-100 DS Dispatching Services $24,605 $24,605 $22,842 1-02-4299-101 DS Dispatch Red Phone 1-02-4299-102 DS Reverse E- 911 TOTAL $24,605 $24,605 $22,842 Highway Department Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-03-4312-101 HD Wages $244,725 $249,646 ($4,921) $252,066 1-03-4312-102 HD Part Time Labor $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 1-03-4312-103 HD Part Time Mechanic $500 $500 $500 1-03-4312-104 HD Overtime Wages $25,000 $19,605 $5,395 $33,000 1-03-4312-105 HD Part Time Secretary $1,500 $876 $624 $1,500 Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-03-4312-210 HD Health Insurance $105,390 $108,066 ($2,676) $105,390 1-03-4312-341 HD Telephone $2,200 $2,243 ($43) $2,700 1-03-4312-390 HD Other Professional Services $14,000 $12,234 $1,767 $14,000 1-03-4312-391 HD Radio Repairs/Purch/ Lease $800 $160 $640 $200 1-03-4312-410 HD Electricity $3,500 $3,469 $31 $3,500 1-03-4312-411 HD Heating Oil $14,000 $7,341 $6,659 $14,000 1-03-4312-414 HD LP Gas 1-03-4312-430 HD Bldg Repairs/ Maintenance $3,200 $2,402 $798 $3,300 1-03-4312-560 HD Dues/Conf/ Publications & AD $150 $115 $35 $150 1-03-4312-570 HD Equipment Rental $14,000 $17,075 ($3,075) $14,000 1-03-4312-631 HD Mileage Reimbursement $200 $113 $87 $200 1-03-4312-636 HD Vehicle Fuel $45,000 $25,707 $19,293 $45,000 1-03-4312-660 HD Vehicle Repair/ Maintenance $16,000 $12,228 $3,772 $16,000 1-03-4312-661 HD Oil & Filters $5,000 $3,842 $1,158 $5,000 1-03-4312-662 HD Tires $6,000 $5,843 $157 $6,000 1-03-4312-680 HD Materials & Supplies $4,000 $2,985 $1,015 $4,000 1-03-4312-681 HD Cutting Edges $6,000 $5,245 $755 $6,000 1-03-4312-682 HD Equip Repair/ Maintenance $13,000 $6,896 $6,104 $13,000 1-03-4312-683 HD Chains $5,000 $1,730 $3,270 $5,000 1-03-4312-730 HD Culverts $6,000 $3,680 $2,320 $6,000 1-03-4312-741 HD Hand Tools $1,000 $106 $894 $1,000 1-03-4312-742 HD Shop Equipment $1,000 $40 $960 $1,000 1-03-4312-801 HD Sand & Salt $70,000 $70,387 ($387) $70,000 1-03-4312-802 HD Gravel $20,000 $8,146 $11,854 $20,000 1-03-4312-803 HD Asphalt Products $4,000 $1,709 $2,291 $4,000 1-03-4312-804 HD Signs $1,000 $270 $730 $1,000 Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-03-4312-805 HD Liquid Calcium Chloride $100 $100 $100 TOTAL $633,765 $572,659 $61,106 $641,765 Ms. Phillips indicated that she takes recommendations from the Highway Department regarding proposed budgets. In terms of Line Item 1-03-4312-101, HD Wages, she stated that she wants to recalculate it, since Chairman Silverberg pointed out that there are two new employees and that he’s concerned about going over budget. She recommended that the Committee revisit this line item. MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to approve the budgets for Ambulance, Building Inspection, Emergency Management, Dispatching Services, and Highway Department, as presented. It was seconded by Committee Member Palmer. The motion carried. (6-0). Further discussion was held regarding the cost-of-living increase issue. It was suggested that next year the Board of Selectman meet with the same Departments as the Budget Committee does, on the same nights, so that the numbers can be calculated simultaneously. The following line items were then discussed: Bridges Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-03-4313-610 Bridge Expenses $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 TOTAL $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 Street Lighting Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-03-4316-610 SL Street Lighting Expenses $8,000 $7,477 $523 $7,500 TOTAL $8,000 $7,477 $523 $7,500 MOTION: Committee Member DeFelice moved to approve the budgets for Bridges and Street Lighting, as presented. It was seconded by Committee Member Hamilton. The motion carried. (6-0). The following line items were then discussed: Solid Waste Disposal Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-04-4324-101 SW Wages $65,000 $66,359 ($1,359) $65,000 1-04-4324-210 SW Health Insurance 1-04-4324-341 SW Telephone $600 $412 $188 $600 1-04-4324-390 SW Water Testing $2,500 $2,170 $330 $2,500 1-04-4324-391 SW Ash Storage/ Disposal/Tests 1-04-4324-410 SW Electricity $2,400 $1,809 $591 $2,400 1-04-4324-411 SW Diesel $1,200 $533 $647 $1,200 1-04-4324-560 SW Dues/Conf/ Publications $500 $129 $371 $500 1-04-4324-630 SW Maintenance/ Supplies $2,000 $110 $1,890 $2,000 1-04-4324-640 SW Uniforms $500 $71 $429 $500 1-04-4324-651 SW Safety Equipment $500 $500 $500 1-04-4324-691 SW Operator Certification $300 $137 $163 $300 1-04-4324-705 SW Repairs $5,000 $2,242 $2,758 $5,000 1-04-4324-799 SW Lagoon Maintenance $2,000 $1,878 $122 $2,000 1-04-4324-801 SW Demo Dumpster/ Tipping Fee $18,000 $18,348 ($348) $18,000 1-04-4324-802 SW Electronic Recycling $3,500 $4,100 ($600) $3,500 1-04-4324-803 SW Newspaper Containers 1-04-4324-804 SW Hazardous Waste $1,300 $1,100 $200 $1,300 1-04-4324-805 SW Cardboard/ Plastic $7,000 $9,214 ($2,214) $7,000 1-04-4324-806 SW Aluminum/ Steel Cans $1,000 $911 $89 $1,000 1-04-4324-807 SW Freon Recycling 1-04-4324-808 SW Oil Filter Recycling Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-04-4324-809 SW Tire Removal/ Propane $1,000 $528 $472 $1,000 1-04-4324-810 SW Florescent Bulb Recycling $400 $1,230 ($830) $1,200 1-04-4324-811 SW MSW Tipping $22,000 $22,793 ($793) $22,000 1-04-4324-812 SW MSW Trucking $8,000 $5,348 $2,652 $8,000 1-04-4324-813 SW Gas Heat $1,500 $782 $718 $1,500 1-04-4324-814 SW MSW Well 1-04-4324-815 SW Calcium Chloride $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 1-04-4324-816 SW Glass $2,500 $3,076 ($576) $2,700 TOTAL $149,700 $143,299 $6,401 $150,700 Ms. Phillips suggested adjusting the following Line Items: 1-04-4324-802 – SW Electronic Recycling – from $3,500 to $4,100 1-04-4324-810 – SW Florescent Bulb Recycling – from $1,200 to $1,500 1-04-4324-811 – SW MSW Tipping – from $22,000 to $24,000 MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to approve the budgets for Solid Waste Disposal, with the adjustments of Line Item 1-04-4324-802, SW Electronic Recycling, from $3,500 to $4,100; Line Item 1-04-4324-810, SW Florescent Bulb Recycling, from $1,200 to $1,500; and Line Item 1-04-4324-811, SW MSW Tipping, from $22,000 to $24,000. It was seconded by Committee Member Benson. The motion carried. (6-0). The following line items were then discussed: Health Administration Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-06-4411-602 HA Inoculations & Tests $1,250 $680 $570 $1,250 1-06-4411-610 Misc Expenses $1,000 $500 $500 $1,000 TOTAL $2,250 $1,180 $1,070 $2,250 Ms. Phillips proposed holding a community service event, where the citizens can bring their water in and the Town would facilitate them testing their well, for just the cost of the test, itself. The following line items were then discussed: Health Agencies/Hospitals Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-06-4415-390 HE Lake Sunapee Reg VNA $5,353 $5,353 $5,095 1-06-4415-391 Kearsarge Health Coalition TOTAL $5,353 $5,353 $5,095 MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to approve the budgets for Health Administration and Health Agencies/Hospitals, as presented. It was seconded by Committee Member DeFelice. The motion carried. (6-0). The following line items were then discussed: Culture & Recreation Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-08-4520-650 CU South Sutton Common $300 $300 $300 1-08-4520-801 CU Sutton Historical Society $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 1-08-4520-802 CU Churches $263 $263 $263 1-08-4520-803 CU Old Store Museum $300 $300 $1,000 1-08-4520-804 COA $2,900 $2,900 $2,900 1-08-4520-805 Youth Recreation Programs $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 1-08-4520-806 North Sutton Improvement Soc. $500 $500 $500 TOTAL $12,063 $12,063 $12,763 Ms. Phillips indicated that for Line Item 1-08-4520-805, Youth Recreation Programs, the Sutton Ball Field got approved through a Warrant Article for $1,200. Therefore the amount proposed budget should actually reflect the addition of the $1,200. MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to approve the budget for Culture & Recreation, with the adjustments of Line Item 1-08-4520-805, Youth Recreation Programs, from $1,800 to $3,000. It was seconded by Committee Member DeFelice. The motion carried. (6-0). The following line items were then discussed: Library Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-08-4550-101 LI Salaries $25,471 $18,169 $7,302 $25,471 1-08-4550-102 LI Custodial $864 $300 $564 $1,920 1-08-4550-341 LI Telephone $1,050 $945 $105 $1,050 1-08-4550-410 LI Electricity $2,000 $1,486 $514 $2,000 1-08-4550-411 LI Heating Fuel $3,000 $833 $2,167 $1,944 1-08-4550-430 Repairs and Maintenance $4,250 $5,888 ($1,638) $4,250 1-08-4550-555 Advertising $550 $53 $497 $550 1-08-4550-560 Programs $600 $192 $408 $600 1-08-4550-600 Supplies 1-08-4550-620 Administrative $1,300 $541 $759 $1,300 1-08-4550-670 Books $2,400 $2,389 $11 $2,400 1-08-4550-801 Septic 1-08-4550-902 LI TOTAL $41,485 $30,794 $10,691 $41,485 Patriotic Purposes Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-08-4583-610 PP Pat Purposes Expenses $1,000 $693 $307 $1,000 TOTAL $1,000 $693 $307 $1,000 MOTION: Committee Member DeFelice moved to approve the budgets for Library and Patriotic Purposes, as presented. It was seconded by Committee Member Hamilton. The motion carried. (6-0). Chairman Silverberg inquired as to why Line Item 1-08-4550-101, LI Salaries, did not reflect the 3% cost-of-living increase. Further discussion was had among the Committee Members regarding this topic. Committee Member DeFelice requested of Ms. Phillips that she provide a history of the cost-of-living increases for the past 10 to 12 years, in order to facilitate the Committee’s deliberations. Chairman Silverberg suggested meeting on Monday, January 16, 2017, at 6:00 p.m., on the reserved meeting date. Ms. Phillips agreed to provide the finalized numbers to assist the Committee in making cost-of-living increase recommendations. Committee Member Benson requested that Ms. Phillips also provide a breakdown of just the salary line items that would be considered during the increase recommendations. Chairman Silverberg stressed the point that only account numbers would be needed, as individual merit should not be considered in the decision. The following line items were then discussed: Debt Service Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-12-4711-980 DS Principal LT Bonds/Notes $42,117 $42,118 ($1) $43,364 1-12-4721-981 DS Interest LT Bonds/Notes $21,175 $21,175 $19,928 1-12-4723-981 DS Interest on TAN $2,000 $2,375 ($375) $1,750 1-12-4724-981 DS Interest on Abatements $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 TOTAL $66,792 $65,668 $1,124 $66,542 Capital Reserves Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-14-4914-987 CR Property Revaluation $22,000 $22,000 $22,000 Warrant Articles Account # Account Name 2016 Budget 2016 Actual (as of 1/9) Variance Under (Over) 2017 Budget Com. 1-20-2017-108 RDBG Feasibility Study $30,000 1-20-2017-109 CR Septage Lagoon Decommission $5,000 Ms. Phillips suggested removing Line Item 1-20-2017-108, RDBG Feasibility Study, because the Planning and Zoning Committee is going to be approaching outside sources for grants and matches. SUTTON BUDGET COMMITTEE MOTION: Chairman Silverberg moved to approve the budgets for Debt Services, Capital Reserves, and Warrant Articles, with the removal of Line Item 1-20-2017-108, RDBG Feasibility Study. It was seconded by Committee Member Benson. The motion carried. (6-0). Final Comments A Statement of Receipts and Actual Revenues for the Year Ending December 31, 2016 was passed out to the Committee. Much discussion was had regarding the figures on the handout, including pointing out that the numbers were unaudited. Ms. Phillips ensured the Committee Members that she would provide the audited numbers once she received them. The Committee was okay with the revenue projections. Ms. Phillips explained the Fund Balance, stating that her goal was 8%, with a recommendation of $1 million of revenue. Committee Member Hamilton inquired regarding revenues for Special Duty, including the Police Department going to the school for functions, which is paid for by the school. Ms. Phillips noted that she is waiting on the Accountant to give her final numbers. Chairman Silverberg pointed out that the Town should make a request to the School Board that the school will be responsible for covering dispatch/ambulance fees. Discussion was held regarding the NH Municipal Wage and Salary Survey 2017. It was suggested that the Board of Selectman appoint a committee to assist in creating the wage study, and that this committee be comprised of one Board of Selectman Board Member, one Budget Committee Member, and one Town staff member and/or citizen. MOTION: Chairman Silberberg moved to recommend the Fund Balance adjustment to $100,000. It was seconded by Ex-Officio Wright. The motion carried. (6-0). Adjournment MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 p.m. It was seconded by Committee Member DeFelice. The motion carried. (6-0) Respectfully Submitted, Victoria O’Connor, Recording Secretary