Corrected and Approved Minutes

Date of Meeting:  Thursday, December 21, 2023 @ 7:00 pm


Members Present: Nancy Glynn (Chair); Catherine Paden; Emily Cooper; Lauren Avery; Tracy Mingarelli; Elizabeth Geraghty (Library Director)

Members Absent: Betsy Anderson (Alternate)

Note: This meeting was conducted on ZOOM for all present. The Board met in person at the Sutton Free Library for their Board of Trustees Meeting. The public, per the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-04, Section 8, Emergency Order #12 Section 3, had the option to Zoom in to this meeting.

Public Present: No members of the public were present 



Roll Call, Introduction of Guests:

The Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Board Chair Nancy Glynn, and roll taken. There were no members of the public present. Further, no members of any households of Trustees were present within listening of this meeting. 

Public Comments: none

Review of Minutes:

Board Member Lauren Avery made a motion to approve the November 14, 2023 sealed non-public session minutes. Board Member Caterine Paden seconded. The motion was carried unanimously in the affirmative.

Minutes from the November 14, 2023 public session meeting were reviewed with corrections made. Board Member Avery made a motion to approve, with revisions, the minutes to the November meeting, seconded by Board Member Paden. The motion was carried unanimously in the affirmative.


A patron gave a donation of $150 for museum passes. Shannon Storm from the Friends of the Library emailed regarding the transition plan for the Friends. The Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees is in agreement with this transition plan as discussed at the November meeting. The library was notified that Susan Coulter, family member of former Sutton Free Library trustee Beth Cernek has passed. 


Financial/Treasurer’s Report:

Board Member Paden noted the beginning balance on the Operating Account in November was $16,221.49, with an ending balance of $13,857.65. Interest earned on the Operating Account for the month of November was $5.80.  

The beginning balance of the Trustee Account at Sugar River Savings Bank in November was $6,060.25 with $2.35 interest earned for an ending balance of $7,287.60. There were two new funds to accept in the amount of $1,225 that were donations.

Buildings & Grounds:

Board Member Avery noted that she contacted a local contractor to confirm insurance. The trustees will follow up with the contractor in the future if work needs to be completed. Director Geraghty shared that the refrigerator in the downstairs of the library has malfunctioned. Board Member Avery will have an appliance repair company look at it. 

Director’s Report:

Director Geraghty reported that storytime participation has been low this fall, as it has been every few years. Board Chair Glynn shared that the write up for the annual report is due to the town by January 8th. Director Geraghty will include numbers from the state in the report once they are available. 

Friends of Sutton Free Library Liaison/ NHLTA Liaison:

Board Member Cooper shared that the Friends of the Library are looking for a meeting place that is handicap accessible. Board Member Cooper has been promoting membership for the Friends of the Library. Board Members Avery and Cooper will contact The Shopper and Intertown Record to place ads for Friends of the Library recruitment. 



Board Chair Glynn submitted another formal request for the wage and benefits analysis from the town in order to form a benefits package for the library. Director Geraghty reported that the basement remained dry during the last substantial rainfall. Director Geraghty shared the year-to-date 2023 SFL Operating Budget. Board Chair Glynn will look into paid time off and sick time benefits currently offered to part time employees in the town. The Board of Trustees will continue to work on employee benefits in the new year that will be included in the personnel policy currently being developed for the library.

The next Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting is Wednesday, January 24th  at 7pm.

Board Member Paden made a motion to adjourn. Board Member Avery seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously in the affirmative and the meeting was adjourned at 7:51 pm.

Respectfully submitted, 

Tracy Mingarelli, Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees Secretary