OCTOBER 30, 2017


The meeting opened at 6:00 p.m.  Present were Chairperson DeFelice, Gail Guertin, Steve Hamilton, Julia Jones, Andy Palmer, and Bob Wright (Ex-Officio).  The Minutes of the 10/16/17 meeting were approved, as presented.

Sutton Rescue:

Wendy Grimes – apart from the Fire Department, but work closely together.

Wish List:

  1. Rescue office with safe files and conference area
  2. Update of radios, papers, and iPads
  3. 16 people on the squad, all with expertise, do rely on New London ambulance service and involved in KRSD functions.  This is the largest item in the budget, 4-215-003, New London Ambulance, $60,518/year, which is a contract between the New London Hospital and the Town of Sutton.

Sutton Fire Department:

Cory Cochran reviewed line items with emphasis on 341 Telephone, 410 Electricity, and 640 Training (Six Level 1, one at Level 2 with mutual aid discount).

Reviewed Want List:

  1. CIP – fire truck 4-914-985 – $30,000 going annually into the CIP
  2. CIP Building Addition 4-914-992 – $25,000 annually into the CIP.  Approximately $318,000 in CIP requiring a $400,000 to $500,000 bond issued.  (Currently obtaining exact figures for the above amounts with a 10-  to 15-year amortization.)  It is believed that the annual bond payment will be approximately $35,000 per year.  Included in the addition is a sprinkler system with cistern, showers, and uniform cleaning facility.  The Chief reviewed the use and increased need for the building.

Also reviewing needs:

  1. Scott air packs $8,000 (possible CIP needs)
  2. Thermal imaging camera – measure heat in a fire or an accident
  3. Turnout gear for fireman protection – $5,000/each

Half of the Department are certified (have attained 215 hours of training).  Each required both a computer iPad and a telephone.  Currently, the Department is asking for the same budget as in 2017, $56,325.

The meeting concluded at 7:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Robert W. Wright Jr.

Alternate Scribe