The chair, Robert DeFelice, opened the meeting @ 6:03 PM.  Present were Pete Thompson, John Mock, Gail Guertin, Mark Peterson and via phone Samantha Gordon.  As required and allowed by the governor’s proclamation it was moved by Guertin and 2nd by Peterson to allow full voice and vote to Ms. Gordon.  The motion passed w/o dissent.  It was then moved by Guertin and2nd by Thompson to accept the meeting minutes of 11-22-21.  This too, was accepted without change.  The scribe was humbly gratified.


The chair reviewed the following:

  1. The chair and vice chair attended the earlier BOS meeting which reviewed the budget of the police and did raise a few questions regarding that budget. Chief Korbet will present his budget at the budget committee’s next meeting.
  2. The chair passed out the 2022 requested library budget, along with the 2021 request for comparison and a four year history of actual expenditures. The library trustees are asking for increased hours and a budget increase of 31.5%.  In addition a 2nd assistant has been hired. (This may fall outside their purview in that new hires, not replacements, can only be approved at town meeting)  See budget item 102 and 102A.  The total requested library budget is $95,130 up from 2021 budget of $72,239.
  3. The chair and vice chair have access to the town attorney, Walter Mitchell in Laconia, NH and request any necessary information to assist the budget committee in its proscribed tasks. Also available is information is available from the Municipal Association of which Sutton is a member.  This information is primarily generic and verbal, hence it is a limited guide.  NH Revised Statutes Annotated (RSA), if on point, are a more substantial guide and stay.
  4. On Tuesday, 11-30 will be MBC meeting and public hearing at KRSD, Cougar Court in New London regarding the 2022 budget of the regional school district.


Upon completion of this review, the following people arrived:  Selectmen, Dane Headley and Walter Baker  and for the Sutton Free Library, Librarian Elizabeth Geraghty and trustees Betsy Anderson, Nancy Heckel, and Nancy Glenn.  There was a brief discussion of the prior year accomplishments (1) Story Walk ‘pages from a children’s book are installed along a path’ a ‘way to invite…residents “into” the library.’  This a another method of connecting the library to the people of Sutton.  In addition a website had been created @ $108 and computer soft ware (Quick Books) had also been installed @ $75.  This is under 556 Computer Software.


There was further discussion on ‘open to the public hours’  (22 hours per week in 2022, from 18 hours in 2021) and administrative time.  (additional 10 hours per week as the Librarian is working 32 hours a week.)  In addition to the 80% increase in income to assistant #1, there is $7,800 requested for assistant #2.  The chair observed that there was a substantial increase in administrative hours for a specific purpose and a finite amount of time..  If that purpose has been completed, or largely completed, why would there be further administrative time for that purpose?  Changes in administrative hours should be

explained with a time outline.  It was also pointed out, that 32 hours makes one eligible for benefits (both retirement and health) – while an individual may refuse such benefits, the position is eligible and the budget committee can only deal with the position.


Source of funds is also another consideration that is required analysis and the budget committee members need to know the amount generated from outside sources.  Individual donations are deemed private as that information is in the audit, but grants and other income sources need to be included.  This information was included in the presentation and the chair thanked the trustees for this.

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The trustees did point out that the amount of donations in 2021 was ‘modest.’


Below is a breakdown from the library requested amount and the actual expenses passed out by the chair:

  1. 101 Director Actual 2020 $29,889 2021 $27,529   Budget 2021 $32,396   2022  $35,369
  2. 102 Assistant Actual 2020  $8,762   2021  $8,479  Budget 2021  $10,007  2022  $18,720
  3. 102-A Assistant #2   (New position)                                                               2022  $7,800
  4. 103 Substitutes Actual 2020  $476    2021  $602    Budget 2021  $1,471  2022  $1,500
  5. 104 Custodial      Actual 2020  $1,689  2021 $1,949  Budget 2021 2,432  2022  $2,432
  6. 109 Bldg/Grounds Actual 2020 $3,408 2021 $2,835 Budget 2021 $5,000 2022 $5,000
  7. 340 Alarms Actual 2020  $220   2021  $0           Budget 2021  $958  2022 $958
  8. 341 Telephone Actual 2020 $1,233  2021 $1,153      Budget 2021  $1,500 2022 $1,300
  9. 410 Electricity Actual 2020 $1,331  2021  $1,331    Budget  2021 $1,600  2022  $1,600
  10. 411 Heating Fuel Actual 2020$1,227  2021 $1,132   Budget   2021 $2,200  2022 $2,640
  11. 430 Repairs/Maint. Actual 2020 $792  2021 $739  Budget  2021 $1,200   2022  $1,200
  12. 555 Advertising Actual 2020  $0  2021  $200    Budget  2021 $200   2022  $1,000
  13. 556 Computer Software Actual 2021  $183     Budget 2021 $1,175  2022  $1,500
  14. 560 Dues/Conf/Publ. Actual  2020 $982   2021  $1,063  Budget 2021 $900  2022 $1,500
  15. 561 Training Actual  $0 in both 2020 and 2021   Budget 2021 and 2022  $600
  16. 600 Supplies Actual 2020 $1,530  2021 $1,727  Budget 2021 1,700   2022  $2,000
  17. 620 Admin. Actual 2020 and 2021 and Budget 2021 and 2022      $0
  18. 670 Books/Media Actual 2020 $8,180  2021 $11,767  Budget 2021 $8,000  2022  $10,000

Regarding the above, 25% increase in response to actual expense incurred in 2021; a questionnaire was sent out with 40 individual response.  Over 500 families have utilized the library resources in 2021.

  1. 902 Programs Actual 2020 $992  2021  $360    Budget 2021  $1,000    2022 $1,000


Total Budget Request  $95,130


The report also included the following source of funds:

  1. Income generating equipment $10
  2. NHSL IMLS ARPA sub-grant 1,208
  3. Friends of Sutton Free Library donations*                       1,208
  4. Trustees 1,208
  5. SHARP Grant 5,691.71  TOTAL   $9,325.71


Care for building and grounds (109) is limited to snow removal and lawn maintenance.  There was a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Library Trustees and the BOS, which states that everything outside the building, including the building is the responsibility of the town as it is a town owned building.  It is much like a landlord tenant agreement. All needs inside, other than structural, is under the purview of the Library Trustees.  The discussion with Library Trustees ended at 8:00 PM.


The chair reminded the elected budget committee members that the Budget Committee’s goal and  responsibility is the preparation of the proposed budget for the ensuing year.  The chair then passed out the 11-26-21  ‘Actual & Budgeted Expenses and Encumbrance,’ and asked that the members review the figures particularly in the area of the police department which will be the department to meet next Monday.

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At this time, Selectman Baker, offered an overview of BOS actions:

  1. The BOS met with the police department and the question of sick time accruing, but any decision will be deferred until the BOS is a full strength.
  2. The police department I looking for a professional review of all SOP’s relating to the department. The cost of this service by a competent professional and a report is $1,500.
  3. There hall be information regarding all dispatch calls and to where.
  4. The BOS is changing all $0 line items to $1 and this will keep those line items open and active.
  5. Brief comment on police cruiser as a CR. Cruisers last for six years and a new car is purchased every other year – there are three police cruisers.  $21,000 is place each year into that designated CR.


There was further discussion regarding the administrative and public service time of the director (librarian)  32 hours a week makes an employee of the town eligible for benefits; to retain an employee at 30 hours may not.  That said, a minimum of a 1,000 a year can make an employee eligible for retirement benefits.


It was moved by Gordon and 2nd by Thompson to adjourn the meeting @ 8:23 PM.  The next meeting of the Sutton Budget Committee will be @ 6:00 PM on Monday, December 6th @ the Sutton Volunteer Fire Department Building.


Respectfully submitted,



Robert W Wright Jr.
